Illegal is good?

Actually we will never ever stop the beanners from coming here.

We might staunch the flood to a trickle but even that would require
a fundamental shift in what this country stands for.

As one who has witnessed first hand over the years what this unchecked invasion does to a city I can tell ya the basic result is one of stratification.

There are vast portions of this town that more closely resemble Mess-co than America

The balkanization of Amerika is well under way…
Yessir...sad days indeed. If you stand up for something everyone shoots you down. If you rack yourself on the balance beam but manage to stay afloat, you're a friggin hero
Uhmm if they are illegal, why not deport them?

I just don't get it, they cross the border illegally, ad now they demand all kinds of special rights?

why not arrest them, and put them in processing camps, before deportation....ok, maybe to extreme.
Nah nevah happen.

It is far too late for any of that.

We must acclimate to their whim.

We are the Aliens now.
paul_valaru said:
Uhmm if they are illegal, why not deport them?

I just don't get it, they cross the border illegally, ad now they demand all kinds of special rights?

why not arrest them, and put them in processing camps, before deportation....ok, maybe to extreme.
Then we'd be considered racist.
Winky said:
There are vast portions of this town that more closely resemble Mess-co than America

That's true here, too. Downtown May-retta and vast swaths of Sandy Springs around Roswell Road could easily be mistaken for a Mexican city.
Gonz said:
In some press releases, we, the born & bred, are being referred to as;

get this,

Wouldn't that be the Apache, Arapahoe, Iroquois, etc., etc., etc.
Of course, technically they immigrated via the Bearing Land Bridge.
Gonz said:
Write your Senator IMMEDIATELY
You can count on that from here.... :swing:
Maybe not immediate as in right now, but within the next 24hrs, unless
something happens between now and whenever. :alienhuh:
Winky said:
There are vast portions of this town that more closely resemble Mess-co than America

HomeLAN said:
That's true here, too. Downtown May-retta and vast swaths of Sandy Springs around Roswell Road could easily be mistaken for a Mexican city.

I take it you guys have been to several mexican cities then.

With all the scum that crosses the border, I doubt you guys have similar cities to ours.
I saw a few people cross the border one night down around San Diego/Chula Vista. A helicopter with big spotlight rushed in and circled around looking in the tall grass but they were looking on the wrong side of the highway.
One of the walmarts in a near by city speaks nothing but spanish on the intercom which is a real suprise when your not expecting it.
Commentary: The real Good Samaritans
By Jay Ambrose
March 24, 2006

I live in Colorado, and I read the news here, and what I recently read is that - in just two hours on one day - four vehicles carrying 42 people thought to be illegal aliens turned over in the state on highways slick with snow.

Those accidents came on top of two similar rollovers of vehicles jam-packed with suspected illegal workers the previous day, and those accidents came on top of highway accidents killing something close to 30 illegal workers in this state in recent years.

I have a question. Why do you liberals - in your attitudes about how mean, ugly, intolerant and xenophobic it is to oppose illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States with tough measures - think it is OK to have this mayhem, to have the poverty that ensues from loose borders, and to have the exploitation that results?

If the question sounds angry, fine, because I am angry at all the morally superior nonsense that issues from the left, and yes, also from many libertarians.

I am angry at those people who wring their hands and say, dear, oh dear, we cannot interfere significantly with a system that has landed some 12 million here who have broken the law. I am angry at those who seem to think we need no immigration law, or we need to ignore it or adopt meaningless half-measures, or that those who have broken it should be hugged and kissed and left to their happiness.

Keep it up, and what you thereby create is not happiness, but human degradation. You say it would be horrific to tell law-breakers there are going to be ever tougher penalties for their culpability, and that it is racist to worry about illegal immigration. But no. It is not racism to want to protect the assaulted. It is not a far-right delusion that dishonoring the law is wrong. It is not time for a smiley face when accidents occur like those in Colorado, or when Mexicans die of thirst while crossing the Arizona desert. It is not heartless to seek, over time, to dislodge a rights-deprived, mostly abused underclass constantly fearful of being found out.

Maybe the answer is not to make felons out of the immigrants, along with those who smuggled them across the border and those who employ them, as a bill that passed the House would do. But neither is it a fair or helpful response to that legislation to say what Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York said: "It is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scripture because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself."

The senator is being much too cute here, aiming to make religious conservatives squirm while ignoring explanations by sponsors that the bill is not aimed at church or other groups trying to provide humane services to illegal immigrants. If the language is too broad, find ways to amend it in the Senate, or maybe argue as I would that the criminalizing tactic for the aliens is less likely to achieve the desired ends than letting illegal immigrants know that they could face immediate deportation if they do not agree to identify themselves.

Do that, and you can say - as some proposals do - that those who do identify themselves, have been here for years and have jobs and no criminal records can stay somewhat longer without being yanked from their lives with no chance of adjustment. Once back in their home countries, they could get in line to come back legally as prospective citizens.

You do need felony provisions for those who smuggle the aliens into and across the country and you need to have meaningful penalties for those who hire the aliens. It's a fallacious argument that this country cannot sustain its quality of life without aliens to do the menial jobs - the economy will adjust to get the jobs done. And you don't need what President Bush has called for except on a short-lived basis: an extensive guest workers program.

None of this is enough or easy or sure of success. That's true partly because U.S. policy makers have dithered on immigration policy for decades, letting a bad situation get much worse. There has not been sufficient understanding that the real Good Samaritans will be those who find ways to stop the annual flood of people for whom misery and catastrophe are predictable. case it disappears...
Sadly similar vehicular mayhem occurs here
with such regularity that we've all become accustomed.

It is hard to find someone here that hasn't been smashed into by an illegal with:

no drivers license
no registration
no insurance

no legal status

and therefore

no financial responsibility

I myself have had only one car totaled in 31 years of driving and yep you guess it the guy was illegal!

The cop said: just forget about it...