Illegal is good?

Rumor has it you can walkup to a group of Mexicans, yell, "La Migra!" and watch them run like a group of spooked ants.
My sister-in-laws ex-hubby just got their (adult) kid a job. He, the dad, is the maintenace chief boss supervisor guy thingy for a spa & pool place here in town. Right after the illegals got rounded up in Indianapolis, someone started a rumor that La Migra was about to visit this company. The next day, there were 50 job openings.
Well it ain't like that here in Norte Mexico
La Migra ain't no issue no more
there's 500,000 illegals and they
got 100,000 plus to march on the
Capitol building a coupla weeks back.

this will be

"coming to a theatre near you"


Cinco de Mayonnaise
Luis G said:
I'd never cross illegally, I despise those people.
I've noticed most All of the "scholars, and gentlemen" in Mexico, and the ones
that have come here legally seem to feel that way. ;)
catocom said:
I've noticed most All of the "scholars, and gentlemen" in Mexico, and the ones
that have come here legally seem to feel that way. ;)

Pretty much for the same reason as people paying at a grocery get pissed at welfare cases getting food stamps.
So, has anyone over there heard of the May 1st boycott?

The illegals will not work that day, and they advice anyone to do not buy products made in the US, so you guys "learn to respect us".

I'm against such a stupid idea because:
- There are many US companies established in Mexico with mexican employees.
- The US is a commercial partner.
- I don't support the illegals.

So I'm planning a boycott on the boycott, I'll eat at Burger King or McDonald's that day (something I never do), just to express my opposition :D
I don't expect you are. Similarly, there might be a total of 10 racists at any given university ... but you'd never suspect that from the press coverage.
Louie is not alone.

Perfectly good folks here who just happen
to be of Spanish\Hispanic or whatever the fuc you wanna
call brown Americans

they don't like the illegals either

but guess what punky

them illegals are a growing political force

and they ARE giving Spanish\Hispanic or whatever the fuc you wanna
call them folks, a bad name

Gonz is just as American as anyone else
I’ve never heard him whine about being looked down on because
he might look like an illegal

but then to us who are up to our asses in them
they are easy to spot

are they the garbage people of south America?

sure seems so

send us your Louie’s

Not yer Paco’s

How cool would it be if we could empty our slums and ghettos (how about prisons???) out into Mexico, roxxor!
Winky said:
Gonz is just as American as anyone else
I’ve never heard him whine about being looked down on because
he might look like an illegal...

That's because he's a white guy with a brown background. I only burn once per season :D
The backlash is truly beginning around here. There is a mexican restaurant near my office which was very popular. Getting a table between noon and 1 could be tricky.

They shut down the day of the marches in Atlanta. Wanted to give all their employees a chance to march.

Place has been a fucking ghost town since.
Well the day that your automobile is sitting smashed to pieces
and one of your beloved family members is being
loaded into an ambulance
and the Police officer looks into your eyes and with
a straight face tells you:

There is nothing we can do to the person that smashed
into you because they are 'illegal'.

You will react in a completely different manner...
Winky said:
Well the day that your automobile is sitting smashed to pieces
and one of your beloved family members is being
loaded into an ambulance
and the Police officer looks into your eyes and with
a straight face tells you:

There is nothing we can do to the person that smashed
into you because they are 'illegal'.

You will react in a completely different manner...

Um ... if that's the case, there shouldn't be any bother at all if you shoot the fucker, should there?

HL, I'd expect that anywhere that shut down in support of that march would be on the short list of places that never see my custom again. Vote with your wallet.
Professur said:
HL, I'd expect that anywhere that shut down in support of that march would be on the short list of places that never see my custom again. Vote with your wallet.

Precisely. When I asked around about the massive decrease in business and finally got a straight answer, it served as the last time I'll ever darken their door.
Cingular Pulls Offensive Ringtone
BROWNSVILLE, Texas — Cingular Wireless LLC pulled a ringtone from its Web site Tuesday after learning that it carried a message the company called "blatantly offensive."

The cell phone company became aware of the ringtone, which uses mixed English and Spanish and threatens deportation, after an inquiry from a reporter for The Brownsville Herald.

The newspaper reported in its online edition Tuesday that the ringtone started with a siren, followed by a male voice saying in a Southern drawl, "This is la Migra," a slang term for the Border Patrol.

"Por favor, put the oranges down and step away from the cell phone. I repeat-o, put the oranges down and step away from the telephone-o. I'm deporting you back home-o," the voice continued.

Hispanic activists called the product racist.

"It's horribly offensive and a disgusting thing," Brent Wilkes, national executive director of the League of United Latin American Citizens, told the newspaper.

Cingular removed the $2.49 ringtone, among thousands available for downloading from its Web site, Tuesday afternoon, said company spokesman Mark Siegel.

"Needless to say, we deeply regret and apologize for it ever being there in the first place. The ringtone is blatantly offensive," he said.

The ringtone became available between late February or early March and was downloaded eight times, Siegel said. It was developed by Barrio Mobile, Siegel said. Barrio Mobile is a brand owned by Lagardere Active North American, the U.S. division of a French media company.

Cingular officials were reviewing the process used to screen ringtones, which are developed by several other companies, he said.


Too bad. There goes your free speech. You can have illegally downloaded music for a ring tone, but not a perfectly legal, but offensive one.