Illegals are getting help


molṑn labé
Staff member
Time for the Great Wall of the US?

The government of Mexico is raising eyebrows with a new comic book offering advice on how to cross the border into the U.S. illegally.

Called "The Guide for the Mexican Migrant," the 32-page book published by Mexico's Foreign Ministry uses simple language to offer information on safety, legal rights and living unobtrusively in America.

Gonz said:
Time for the Great Wall of the US?

Yeah, time to do your job on your side of the border and stop bitching and blamming us for the drugs that your people are so eager to buy.
It's your folks who are attempting suicide by crossing the Sonoran. These aren't druglords. They people running away from the corruption.

Better be happy we don't legalize drugz
then the foreign trade of Mexico and
Columbia would go the in the crapper!
Winky said:
Better be happy we don't legalize drugz
then the foreign trade of Mexico and
Columbia would go the in the crapper!

Which is exactly why we should!
No the reason "we" CAN NOT is that people will not be held responsible for their actions. Have you ever considered that drunk driving should not be a crime only wrecking while drunk should be? No legalizing drugs would ease prison overcrowding at least until all the people that committed crimes because they were high got slapped in prison. Now be sure and card anyone that looks under twenty-five before you sell them any heroin, cocaine or Meth! And if you come back and say something aboot how you didn’t mean Legal smack then… WTF are you talking about?
Winky said:
No the reason "we" CAN NOT is that people will not be held responsible for their actions. Have you ever considered that drunk driving should not be a crime only wrecking while drunk should be? No legalizing drugs would ease prison overcrowding at least until all the people that committed crimes because they were high got slapped in prison. Now be sure and card anyone that looks under twenty-five before you sell them any heroin, cocaine or Meth! And if you come back and say something aboot how you didn’t mean Legal smack then… WTF are you talking about?

If you take all the money away from the smugglers, you can dry up the drug. The way you get people to stop using drugs is the way you've gotten them to stop using tobacco. It clearly works, but no one will use it. :shrug: If you legalized drugs tomorrow, the only drug whose usage would increase in any significant way is grass. The people who are going to use the harder stuff already are.

Oh, and you're wrong. Drunk driving whether or not you wreck should be illegal. Whether or not you hurt anyone you are endangering everyone around you. Adults should be held accountable for a lack of responsibilty. I personally believe a first offense for drunk driving should be twenty lashes in the town square on Sunday afternoon. Sell tickets and add to the county's revenue stream.
Dood are you serious or is only the 20-year-old Kiwi supposed to make sense?
WTF? I can't believe you'd type such drivel!!! I'm not in the mood to even TRY to respond to such silliness.

Good Lord!!!

Fire up some smack anyone? CH has made it legal!!!
What a brilliant and though provoking response. Sorry to have tried to make you think. :rolleyes:
Winky said:
Think of what?

Sorry Winky, I really didn't know that the only reason you don't abuse heroin is because it's illegal. A little word to the wise in case you decide to start; you don't smoke it. ;)
Gonz said:
It's your folks who are attempting suicide by crossing the Sonoran.

Gonz, your people are the ones complaining about them getting in, why not better protection of the border?, I don't condone people crossing illegaly nor narcotraffic (I've stated that way too many times before), but we always take the blame for everything related to the border when your country should do better watching over there. What goes into your country and the way it goes, is more of your interest than ours.

chcr, I believe that legalizing it would not stop the problem, a border better protected that effectively stops drugs entering your country, if there's no drug available there are no junkies buying it.
There is absolutely NO way to stop either people or drugs from getting into this country.
That is why I've wondered why there haven’t been any attacks since 9-11 There must be another reason?
I believe in legalized drugs. All of them. My reasoning is not so benign as taxation however.

Perhaps those that believe the gov't has no business should look at our drug problem from the 1890's or so until prohibition, when much of these were legal. Heroin was an over the counter pain medicine & actually came with a needle & syringe. Sold by Sears or Walgreens for about $.50 (fifty cents). "Crack" houses were abundant. The Death Rate was astronomical. It thinned the herd then. It can do it again.

Luis-we're doing all kinds of border protection. Your gov't is actually assisting your citizens to enter our country & break our laws. We have added more than 1000 border patrol agents along the Mexican border in the last 3 years. It's driven you citizens to cross in the desert instead of San Diego. Your citizens are getting assistance to sue our gov't for not providing drinking fountains in the desert. When we send an illegal, crossing into Noglaes (as an example) and return him, via air transportation, to say Oaxaca, there are official complaints. Senor Fox needs to increase your jobs & welfare system so your citizens don't want to run away from your country.