Illegals are getting help

Mexico: Set up a North Korea style double razor-wire fence, lights, motion sensors, mines, and a sniper hutch every 200 meters. Kill everyone that approaches within 100 feet. It should stem the tide.

Drugs: Either legalize them, tax the hell out of them, let the weak die off as part of the natural evolutionary process or do the 180 and go full Iran by arrest, trial, and execution within 36 hours for mere posession.
Winky said:
There is absolutely NO way to stop either people or drugs from getting into this country.
Thanks for making my point so succinctly for me.

Luis said:
chcr, I believe that legalizing it would not stop the problem, a border better protected that effectively stops drugs entering your country, if there's no drug available there are no junkies buying it.
I don't think it would solve the problem either, Luis. I just don't think it would exacerbate it. I think that most of the people that would use heroin or cocaine or whatever already are. Use the tax money to pay for education a la tobacco, and see how usage goes down. :shrug:
Gonz said:
Luis-we're doing all kinds of border protection. Your gov't is actually assisting your citizens to enter our country & break our laws.

The don't receive help from the goverment, they just let them know their rights.

We have added more than 1000 border patrol agents along the Mexican border in the last 3 years. It's driven you citizens to cross in the desert instead of San Diego. Your citizens are getting assistance to sue our gov't for not providing drinking fountains in the desert.

A sue of that type would never proceed in Mexico, however, US lawyers are eager to sue their own goverment if they get a share of the pot.

When we send an illegal, crossing into Noglaes (as an example) and return him, via air transportation, to say Oaxaca, there are official complaints.
Shit man, I didn't know that, what are they complaining about? :mad:

Senor Fox needs to increase your jobs & welfare system so your citizens don't want to run away from your country.

Fox is an asshole, instead of improving the education and creating jobs in our country he wants a migration treaty with the US so poor people can go and get a job there.
Luis G said:
The don't receive help from the goverment, they just let them know their rights.

Among the tips offered:

"Try to walk during times when the heat is not as intense";

"Salt water helps you retain your body's liquids. Although you'll feel thirstier, if you drink water with salt the risk of dehydration is much lower";

"Thick clothing increases your weight when wet, and this makes it difficult to swim or float."
It also says if migrants get lost, they should follow train tracks or power lines. It warns of walking for days to reach towns or roads in the desert.

If caught by Border Patrol, the book says, "Don't throw stones or objects at the officer or patrol vehicles because this is considered a provocation. Raise your hands slowly so they see you are unarmed."

It also recommends not running away from agents in pursuit.

"It's better to be detained a few hours and repatriated to Mexico than to get lost in the desert," the guide states.
unclehobart said:
Mexico: Set up a North Korea style double razor-wire fence, lights, motion sensors, mines, and a sniper hutch every 200 meters. Kill everyone that approaches within 100 feet. It should stem the tide.

100 feet inside your country, you can not shoot mexicans walking in their own country.

Ink, it'd work for a while until they get the idea of cutting the wires.

chcr, if the drugs were not available for people that are already addicts, they'd have no other choice but to stop using them.
Luis G said:
100 feet inside your country, you can not shoot mexicans walking in their own country.
It is a DEAL if you will stop the incursions from your side of the border.
How about you do what your country is doing on your southern border on the northern one?
Winky said:
It is a DEAL if you will stop the incursions from your side of the border.
How about you do what your country is doing on your southern border on the northern one?

There's a huge illegal traffic going from Guatemala and Belize to Mexico, there's little going from USA to Mexico.
How about you do what your country is doing on your southern border on the northern one?
Like armed soldiers!
Me probation officer.

Me see lots of illegals.


Only once....

Me got INS on speed dial. Calling tomorrow on one in fact, now that I think about it...
That may work in your neck of the woods but I can tell you, from firsthand experience, in LA or Phoenix, INS tells you they be there with 6 weeks. Maybe.
Oh I have little doubt that they beat the agents back across the border 9 times out of 10. No delusions there. But they get to spend several weeks at INS prison in Louisiana...NOT a pleasant place one would imagine. They get to relocate to another part of the country when they come back. After all, they got paper here that can send 'em to the poke. I call it my Witless Relocation Program.

I hasten to add that I show the tiniest bit of leniency if they are actually gainfully employed when I get them. Just the tiniest. If they are working, they are ahead of some of my citizen deadbeats.

If I were allowed total control of this caseload with moral standards enacted, I'd be out of work in a month...everybody would be in jail.

I will say that INS in this district is pretty good about diligence, though. I give them an address where an illegal with a felony conviction lives, they usually just take the whole household to the pen and let somebody else sort out who gets to stay and who has to go. It's not unheard of for a phone call on one felon illegal to lead to 15 or so being caught at once. We call that one-stop shopping.
My brother's friend was a border patrol agent a few years back. He used to give illegals tips as to how to avoid discovery because he felt bad for them. Even at the time, when I was a full-fledged pinko, I thought that was wrong.
What seems to be forgotten here is this...The Mexico/US border is rather long, and the list of people on our side willing to hire illegal aliens is just as long. The fines for hiring an illegal alien are a joke, and most places aren't even fined. We, as a country, are afraid to admit it, but we need the illegal aliens. Why? Because they'll do the jobs that most of us frown on. They're not stealing our jobs...we're refusing to work. :shrug:

That said, I'll add this. If you truly want the illegal aliens out, work as a migrant agricultural worker, and see how you feel. Work for less than minimum wage, and then complain about how your job has been stolen. Yes...we can effectively close down our borders, simply by repealing the Posse Comitas act, and open another whole can of worms. We can also mine the border, and place robo-sentries every 200 feet. None of it will work until you take care of both sides of the issue. Deport the illegals, and jail, not fine, jail those who hire them. 6 months of hard labor will do wonders for your moral conviction. After a few years of crops dying on the vine, and people whining about the high price of basic commodities, the problem will solve itself...;)
“They're not stealing our jobs...we're refusing to work."

When was the first time (or the last for that matter) that you worked alongside quote unquote illegals?

The whole issue is one that I boiled down for a lawyer that lived across the street from me.
She has made her whole practice based on getting illegals their workers comp benefits.
She admitted to being conflicted about her little deal.
I told her it all comes down to two simple questions:
Do we have a border?
& If you can get your feet on American soil do you not have all the rights of an American citizen?

I say currently the answers are No and Yes.

Oh and yeah I've worked jobs that illegals work.
Don't kid yourself that they are only employed as migrant farm workers.
This massive influx of low quality people is serving to lower the standard
of living for a large portion of lower middle-class and upper lower class Americans.
The illegals do not assimilate into mainstream American culture.

Swear to God they don't speak Engrish worth a shit even after having been here forever!
Why do you think that over 60% of the Hispanics in Arizona voted yes on our Proposition 200?
Winky said:
“They're not stealing our jobs...we're refusing to work." Yadda, yadda, yadda

Point missed entirely. I never said all illegals. I said most illegals. Some may have higher paying jobs, but most are used for unskilled labor. As for working with illegals, no I haven't, but I know people who did. Some of these folks had government contracts, and had to be ratted out, but that's also another story.

The biggest threat to US workers is not illegal's not even outsourcing. It's called automation.
Gato said:
repealing the Posse Comitas act

Creating an even larger problem.

The problem with jailing illegals is, they come equiped to fool the system. Did you know, for instance, that Jose Vaszquez makes $369,246.68 last year? Even though he's dead. The coyotes provide SSI numbers & false IDs. You'll easliy have 6, 10, 20 people-many times from the same house or family, using the same SSI number. They even tell their family & friends to use their medical insurance, which is, of course, denied. However, they got their doctoring didn't they?

The problem starts & stops in & with Mexico. Get them to increase thier economy & decrease thier judical debauchery & the illegals will come here vacation.
Gato_Solo said:
If you truly want the illegal aliens out, work as a migrant agricultural worker, and see how you feel. Work for less than minimum wage, and then complain about how your job has been stolen.

Been there, done that chief. I grew up farming. I've hauled hay all day long in July for two bucks.

I agree that illegals are willing to do many jobs we can't seem to get anyone else to do. That part can be repaired by overhauling a welfare system that has more holes in it than a ton of swiss cheese. What really pisses me off is when these illegals try and claim these benefits. I am very sorry, but you are NOT entitled. If your very presence here is in and of itself illegal, then get your damn fingers out of the cookie jar.

Let's clean up the welfare system, guard our borders, and kick a few hundred thousand deadbeats of our own off welfare and see what happens. If some of these drains on the public system suddenly had to provide for themselves, I bet we could get our own produce orchards picked. Put the ghetto baby factories to work instead of paying them to do dope and get knocked up again, and things might change.

Never happen. :crying4:
Gonz said:
The problem starts & stops in & with Mexico. Get them to increase thier economy & decrease thier judical debauchery & the illegals will come here vacation.

That will never happen. The economy will increase but never to that point.