I'm Engaged


New Member
my boyfriend Jay just became my Fiance Jay... officially. i've got a ring on my finger.

not traditional, but i love it.

today he went in search of something at the mall but wouldnt tell me what it was (though i had a pretty good idea), but said he couldnt find it.
later on, we were having chill time and i was feeling kind of down because i was hyper and trying to make myself stay still... and suddenly he dropped a silver box on the pillow next to my head.
"i think you know the question that goes with this".
of course i said yes :)

screw trying-not-to-be-hyper, i've got the right!
Gato_Solo said:
I echo the sentiment of

"You're too young!"

Hell, I AM young and I echo that sentiment...minus the old guy yelling cause even if you folks look like that I do NOT :p
PT said:
So it's going to be a 12 year engagement? Ok, that would be fine then.

What he said.

Look we're not picking on you,we just know how much we've changed since we were your age and the choices we may have made then we would not make now.We also know there is alot of living to do in your twenties and just don't want you to miss any of it . :hug:
How long have you known him for? How long is the engagement going to be?

We're trying to prevent you from ending up like me, is all.
I'll be honest, I came into this thread to rain on your parade (too young, don't know your mind, etcetera, etcetera), but since everyone else has got my point across, all I can say is that I wish you the best of luck. I hope you know what you're doing.
I'm not saying I don't wish you the best of luck... I'm just saying that if I can if I can keep one person from befalling my fate then my marriage will not have been in vain.
Congrats Ash r, best of luck.....stay engaged for awhile, no need to rush anything.....I engaged at 19...got married at 22...had my first child at 25, second child at 30.....NOW....Divorced (36).....Time is the issue here...everyone loves ya here and just wants the best for ya... :swing:
BeardofPants said:
I hope you know what you're doing.

What she said. I didn't get married until I was 36 (I was 35 when we got engaged). Dropping the ring on your pillow and saying, "you know what the question is" may not bode well for the romanticism of your future together either. ;)

I asked on the way to a gig. :lol:

Allow me to echo this sentiment:
Starya said:
Marriage: Back away slowly.. No wait: Run child! Run like the wind!
A.B.Normal said:
We also know there is alot of living to do in your twenties and just don't want you to miss any of it . :hug:

Yeah, and you don't even realize it til you wake up one day and you're like "DAMN who am I?!" cause really...I'm 21 and a year and a half ago I thought I knew myself, was ready to settle down, had everything sorted...then I woke up one day and looked at everything I was missing and I just thank the lord I never received a ring cause at one point I would have accepted it (and endured the same grief from everyone here I'm sure) and THEN I woulda been a little more stuck than I was.
BeardofPants said:
I'll be honest, I came into this thread to rain on your parade (too young, don't know your mind, etcetera, etcetera), but since everyone else has got my point across, all I can say is that I wish you the best of luck. I hope you know what you're doing.
Congratz, but I too have to go with the majority here. I was 19 when I was with my ex, got married, were together for 10 years and now we're divorced too. Don't rush into anything. I'm a completely different person now at 30 than I was at 19. I know what hurt is, and wouldn't want you to go through what I did.

Good luck!
A.B.Normal said:
Before Prof beats me to it


Now that's not fair. Acutally, I'm sure that Ash is going to do well (once she grows out of the habit of writing on herself). After all, she's hung around with all of us for years. I'm sure she could have guessed everyone's reaction, individually. And since she's seen the total bollux some people's relationships have turned into, compared to the paradise others have built, I'm certain she's gonna travel right path. After all, she's got the benefit of how many people's experience?

Good luck, Ash
paul_valaru said:
BUT think long and hard.
That might be why she said "Yes" :p :lol:

Just don't rush into it and don't think that just because you got engaged that you have to get married. It's easier to pull out of an engagement than it is out of a marriage.

/me takes off the frownie-face.

Kewl!! Congrats!!!!!!!1111oneone11!