I'm going to quit today.


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite

You didn't think I could quit this place or anything, did you? Shit this place is worse than crack.

Anyway, after smoking for half of my life, I've decided I have to quit. Wish me luck.

I don't know how long you have been smoking but if I can quit cold turkey after 10 years and my Dad can do it after 30 years, you can too!

Why did you decide to quit now?
PuterTutor said:

You didn't think I could quit this place or anything, did you? Shit this place is worse than crack.

Anyway, after smoking for half of my life, I've decided I have to quit. Wish me luck.

I honestly wish you the best of luck. Your kids will be thanking you one day. ;)
that's very nice PT

I successfully quit smoking, it's been almost 3 years since i last smoked.

leslie is also doing a nice quit, if i'm not mistaken.
Just because I'm going to quit smoking doesn't mean I'm going to turn into an Anti-Smoking Nazi like you, LL. ;)
Anyway, why I chose today, is that it is a gift for my oldest son, it's his 13th birthday today, and he's been telling me for years I should quit, so I decided today was the day. Ok, that and the prices just went up again, figured out I was spending close to 3.50 a day, or almost 1300 a year on cigs. I could use the extra money on a new puter next year. Or at least a decent graphics card.
OK, I had two cigs today, and one cigar. Not too bad for a guy that was smoking two packs a day. The cigar was kind of a reward to myself for how well I did. Just finished it. Tomorrow, no cigs, one cigar.
Thank you all. It's now 1:15pm here, the last tobacco I had was 9:30 pm last night. I'm going bug fucking nutty right now.
Hey Puter, ever since you stopped smoking you have been becoming much more agreeable with me.... lol, keep at it! Don't give up!
Yes Kuu, 2 packs a day. I know, disgusting.

LL, Look you little fuck, I'm agreeing with you because I agree with you, not because I'm not on mind altering drugs anymore, and just because i agree with you now doesn't mean I'll agree with you tomorrow. But thanks for the encouragement. :D