I'm going to quit today.

MitchSchaft said:
Yeah, it's not worth it. Only 25% of people die from smoking related diseases anyway. The odds are in your favor. Do you really need all this stress?

Yeah, maybe 25% DIES because of smoking, but a larger portion gets SICK because of it. Having lungcancer doesn't mean you'll certainly DIE because of it, but I really wouldn't like to have lungcancer, that's for sure.
Been there, seen it.
That Jedi stuff works for me all the time :cool2:

Why do you think no ladies can resist my Lovin', even if they're spoken for? :D

Just kidding. Actually, I wish it was that easy. Nowadays you have to charm ladies all the way to hell and back just to get them to notice you. But thankfully, I have plenty of charm. :cool2:

It's a shame I have this unbreakable habit of having a smoke after sex, and for me, that can get pretty smoky. Dozens of times a day, it's :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:. Pathetic, I know, but hell, it just feels right. :cool2:
people dont die from smoking. they die from DYING!!! dying causes death. any doctor will tell you. its jsut that cigs make it come quicker. but dotn cause it. i cant remeber which comedian said that but it fits.
I'm not quitting because I'm so afraid of dying earlier than I might have if I didn't....I'm trying to quit because it makes me feel better, makes me feel more healthy, and because some people will have to worry less about me.
That's pretty well my reasons too. One week so far, btw.

Doing much better. Chewing the hell out of gum, still pat myslef down a couple times a day, but it's getting better.