I'm sad

Luis G

Staff member
Things are great for me, except they aren't. What used to make me happy now doesn't matter, and lately i've been in a bad mood constantly, I can't stand people, I think everything is stupid and pointless.

I've been on an emotional rollercoaster for a few months, but lately the joys have almost dissappeared. I'm starting to feel empty, again. I miss my ex, sometimes I hate her or I try to, but I always end up feeling sad. It is over and I know it is over and even if it wasn't over I want it to be over, she's not good for me, or perhaps she is but i'm not good for her either, or maybe I am, but our expectations from a long term relationship are way too different. does this have any sense at all?

I'm falling apart quickly now that november just started, on nov 6th it will be 5 years since my dad died, how I wish he was around to talk about life and such, to see his joy of being proud of me and my sisters.

I don't want to be depressed again, been there for years and it seems i'm heading there again :(
Luis...if you know that it wasn't meant to last, that it wasn't what you both wanted...then its better that you break up instead of dragging it out. Breakups are bad...I won't even try to convince you otherwise, but please don't confuse what's happened with failure on your part.

A wise man once told me "This too shall pass" - It's worked in the worst of times and in the best of times. Keeps my mind straight and my head out of the clouds.

You'll find someone else..or maybe she'll find you. Try to smile once in a while.

Don't take this in the wrong way but "We all love you, man!" :manhug:
Ok, so how about getting over it? Ok, if that doesn't work, and you really think there MIGHT be a possibility of it working between you two, TRY!!! For fucks sake, life is too short man.
Bish, thanks for the advice, it made me feel good when i read the don't confuse what's happened with failure on my part. :)

PT, I've been trying to get over it since we broke up, there was a time when I even felt like dating other girls, it seems like i'm back to where I started. I know she's having a hard time with it too. It's been 3-4 months and it seems that it won't go away soon. And give it a try is not on my agenda, we want different expectations, it won't work in the end.

I'm sadened both ways, I lost love and I miss my dad, I think about him constantly, I still cry for him from time to time, I'll never get over it and i'm resigned to have to live with it.
Wish I knew what to say about losing your dad, sounds like he was a big part of your life. I'm sorry.
::::Luis:::: Depression is horrible, but at least you know that it won't be constant. Sure, you're in trough right now, but it won't be long before you're out of there, and into happier times. :hug: With depression, I usually find that a distraction works really well - a new hobby, or forum, or whatever. And as corny as it sounds, reciting positive affirming comments to yourself really does work. Remember, you have a whole group of people here concerned for your well-being and happiness. Don't be afraid to PM some of us, as more than likely, there's a lot of common ground to share. :)
Luis, this too shall pass. Nomatter what you are feeling, nomatter how good or how bad, it will pass. That's what's great about life. Just know that this isn't forever. On another note(and this is seperate from your happiness) if only one in a thousand girls wants you that means that there are 20,000 women in Mexico city alone lusting for you. Again, not that this has anything to do with happiness because happiness should come from within but...well you know the rest. Hang in their Luis. :D

(and yes i know you're probably a long ways from Mexico city but you get the point)
Random sex with shady, drunk, strangers always cheers me up Luis.

Go to the seediest part of Mexico and let loose your trousers. :)
IDLEchild said:
Random sex with shady, drunk, strangers always cheers me up Luis.

Go to the seediest part of Mexico and let loose your trousers. :)

The seediest part of Mexico? Well cutting loose sure but let's not commit suicide here. Lol...
Luis: I can only hope for you the best. Can you not hate her but justforget about her? I hope the depression does not make you suicidal or anything like that. Maybe you can work it out with her. but if not keep looking. Maybe get out of the area youare in and find another nice lady

When it comes to the ex, as time goes on, it will get easier. Some relationships take longer to get over, but remember, mrs. Right is somewhere out there.

As to your father, you have every right to cry every so often. This is after all your father, a big part of you, that is no longer around. It's healthy to shed a few tears from time to time. It just means that you haven't forgotten him. He hasn't forgotten you either. He is watching over you all the time and I'm sure he's very proud of the person you have become. Speak to him in your own way. It might help.

I hope you feel better and we're here for you! :hug:
IDLEchild said:

Which raises the question: Why do we still do it?

Boredom. That and returning to living in caves & chasing our dinner has lost its appeal.
HomeLAN said:
He doesn't have to marry her once he finds her. That's your (mis)interpretation. She might already be married. :D

Never rub another man's rhubarb... :nono:
HomeLAN said:
He doesn't have to marry her once he finds her. That's your (mis)interpretation. She might already be married. :D

Thank you Homelan! I never said anything about marriage. Just because I'm married, I don't assume that everyone wants the same thing.