
Winky said:
Well an immigrant should have the right to speak his native tongue and require his new country to learn his language and adopt his religion affording special rights to him because of his religion and allow his children to burn up 5,000 cars and raid warehouses and superstores at will and make the country he moves into illegally just like the 3rd werld cesspool he left.

Any other position would be narrow-minded, hatemongering tripe, after all.

Oh, and disgusting. I almost forgot disgusting.
Professur said:
Why did we leave? Call it the explorer spirit. We wanted to see new things, new places. So we crossed an ocean, and lived with new people, speaking a strange language. A language we learned. Customs we learned. And we added ourselves to those people. We didn't give up ourselves. We added them to us, and us to them, and we were all the better for it.

Well said
Winky said:
Well an immigrant should have the right to speak his native tongue and require his new country to learn his language and adopt his religion affording special rights to him because of his religion and allow his children to burn up 5,000 cars and raid warehouses and superstores at will and make the country he moves into illegally just like the 3rd werld cesspool he left.

You honestly think that's why those people in France are rioting? Have a word with yourself.
Winky said:
So bish basically what yer sayin' is:

I'm gonna profess mah proud heritage to a bunch of loin-cloth wearin' savages
not to the white man that came and brought this land into the 21st century?
...that came and killed off the natives, forced the rest into ghettos, forced them to learn the invaders language and religion.

You're assuming that if the Europeans had come to share the land and take part in the native culture in a fair exchange of goods/culture/skills etc... that the natives wouldn't have reached the 21st century as technologically advanced as it is today? Y'all didn't exactly give the natives a chance, eh.
MrBishop said:
...that came and killed off the natives, forced the rest into ghettos, forced them to learn the invaders language and religion..

Stop it, please, you're breaking my heart.

The American Indian was not so noble as to not rape, pillage & murder. They did exactly the same thing we did. It's how things were done. Stop using modern morality for pre-modern times. Until we have time machines, it's pointless.
Gonz said:
Stop using modern morality for pre-modern times. Until we have time machines, it's pointless.
Pray tell...why is Roosevelt being quoted and it's all good then? That's 100 years ago...hardly modern.

The traditional American society as described by Roosevelt is no more, but it's still being defended as if the ink on that quote and the constitution were still moist on the paper.

3rd generation Muslims who still practice their religion are considered un-American and un-Canadian, un-French...Why is that? They speak the language, follow the laws, get local jobs, pay taxes, eat at local restaurants etc. etc.
MrBishop said:
Pray tell...why is Roosevelt being quoted and it's all good then? That's 100 years ago...hardly modern.

100 years is about the limit on modern.

MrBishop said:
The traditional American society as described by Roosevelt is no more, but it's still being defended as if the ink on that quote and the constitution were still moist on the paper.

The Constitution is our be all & end all document. It is the limit of our government. If people want to change it, there are legal channels.

MrBishop said:
3rd generation Muslims who still practice their religion are considered un-American and un-Canadian, un-French...Why is that? They speak the language, follow the laws, get local jobs, pay taxes, eat at local restaurants etc. etc.
Well then, laugh at the bigots. As long as the immigrants don't show up with a demand list. Hell, I've done my share of business with "those from there" & have no qualms about doing so again.
Leslie said:
More of a chunky stew than a consomme, with lots of different flavours and textures all somehow working together for one great dish. Odd bit of gristle in there but them's the breaks.
I had a history professor who labeled us as being more of a tossed salad instead of a stew/melting pot. No joke.
Winky said:
Well an immigrant should have the right to speak his native tongue and require his new country to learn his language and adopt his religion affording special rights to him because of his religion and allow his children to burn up 5,000 cars and raid warehouses and superstores at will and make the country he moves into illegally just like the 3rd werld cesspool he left.

yep, that is what the pilgrams thought anyway
Well Bishy-boy I'm sorry alls I know is the biggie Navajo nation
round these parts

80% unemployment (there are truly unemployable)

no they will NERVER join the 21st century

as a matter of fact as I was telling my Kid as we drove through the rez

Son you can return here when you are in your 80's and nothing will have changed, sure the cars the white man has provided will be late model but these people will still be in the stone age.

Yep the Koreans got to LA and after twenty years they had sent all their kids to college and had to defend their stores from the Rodney King looters.
The Algerians got to France and settled into 3rd world cesspools of their own making. Yep you go on identifying with some silly notion of the noble savage.

Hell the Spaniards are still in charge of mess-co and the native Indians are even lower on the food chain than the Mexi-cans.

The truth hurts and if these people don't start a mindin' their Pee's and Q's
alot more than 'feelings' are gonna get hurt I'm a tellin' you boy!