Indoctrination 101

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The kids had no choice. Their parents did. That's all that matters.

You raise yours anyway you see fit & the rest of us will do the same.
No it's not. It's what you (as a group) say you want but what you really want is for things to be done your way regardless of what the majority of Americans want.

Our way. Our way? hmmm, that would be akin to forcing freedom down your throat wouldn't it? Our way is the way we were government & personal freedom. Damn, the horrors must be phenomenal.

Besides, everything has changed. You can't go backward and I'm quite sure you don't really want to. Subsistence living is pretty grim.

Sarcasm doesn't do as well without silly smilies.

Dream on jackass, IF it happens, (but it wont) it'll be....Praise Jebus, or your choice of G.O.D. for that!

I guaranfuckintee you, if the world went the way you think you want it, you'd realize how astray your philosophy is with a quickness!


This whole thread needs to be's off on many for yours:

the people that founded this country are those like RM...personal liberty with a very limited government role. Your silly notion about religion is baseless since the very first words in the Bill of Rights is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."

Don't make stuff up that makes you look any sillier than you usually do.
Setting money back for the future doesn't work if you get a major illness or injury when you're 20. Medical costs in general are too unpredictable to plan for. Better to have a group system.

That's why you buy property. Whether it's real estate or gold or jewels (or a 401 these days)'s a tangible asset for you to pay for your future.

You pay for yours.

I pay for miine.

Prof pays for his.


Hell, retirement is a modern convenience.
This whole thread needs to be's off on many for yours:

Fuck you, it's just starting to resemble a real OTC thread.

That's why you buy property. Whether it's real estate or gold or jewels (or a 401 these days)'s a tangible asset for you to pay for your future.

You pay for yours.

I pay for miine.

Prof pays for his.


Hell, retirement is a modern convenience.

Silver and gold, actually. And .. retirement was a farce used to drive older, established, and high senority workers out of the market to make way for low paid young workers, hence the mandatory retirement age. Not to mention that it's far easier to change the workplace status quo when the workers average less that 5 years in place.
You go tell all those old people how much more free they would be without their medicare. I'll wait.

Just recently I was among thousands of people over 50 and there was no need to tell them anything. They were speaking their minds against your worship.

Today I was at an event where +100 older Americans, were standing for freedom and honoring two men they never met. What was interesting is that several old people called a few local business and they got together and hired several limo-busses to ferry any old person who wanted to go.

Is was good and it showed great patriotism. People here do not want what you offer, that is very clear. The things than can come out of a little old lady's mouth can be surprisingly blunt.
Just recently I was among thousands of people over 50 and there was no need to tell them anything. They were speaking their minds against your worship.

Today I was at an event where +100 older Americans, were standing for freedom and honoring two men they never met. What was interesting is that several old people called a few local business and they got together and hired several limo-busses to ferry any old person who wanted to go.

Is was good and it showed great patriotism. People here do not want what you offer, that is very clear. The things than can come out of a little old lady's mouth can be surprisingly blunt.

How does this rambling relate to Medicare?
How does this rambling relate to Medicare?

I'm sorry, did you say something?

Indoctrination: How about this video.

I don't see a problem with this video, and I want to show it because it is a real contrast with the Obamanation from New Jersey. While it does celebrate the Obama victory, it doesn't use the kids as mechanized puppets, but shows their genuine exuberance toward an historic event. It's beautiful rather than ugly, because the teacher obviously loves his students. Its a celebration and they are enthusiastic about their future as well the historical roots of the civil rights movement. Notice how it celebrates, rather than dehumanizes, the children.

I'm going to take personal responsibility by getting the public option. That will give me much more freedom not to have to worry about that any more.
I'm going to take personal responsibility by getting the public option. That will give me much more freedom not to have to worry about that any more.

mmmmmmm,personal responsibility of the socialist teet, schlurrrrrrrrrrp

-- Or -- you go to jail because you lost your job and can't pay your public option government premium. .....then you lose your house because your cracker-ass is in jail.

I foresee a booming business of collateral loans and fraud to pay premiums (pennies on Amereo).

If only they had health insurance.
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