Prof, since you and cato seem to be the only ones in this thread even worth trying to actually discuss ideas with; I put to you, how can you expect people to take personal responsibility for things that at least 7 out of 10 cannot possibly be personally responsible for? If you make a big claim, that's it. private insurance burns you at the stake. At least 7 of 10, more likely 9 of 10 people under the American system are one disease away from complete financial ruin, and if completely disabled they can get Medicare. I hear folks say Medicaid helps in the short term.....BULLSHIT! Even in better financial times in my state, you had to make less than $1000 a month for a family of four to be eligible for medicaid and your deductible was $2000!
Since those days of excess, now there is no temporary disability welfare in my state, so if you get injured off the job, you better hope you can be qualified as 100% disabled in a 2-10 year social security process, living off $339 and $200 of food stamps and Medicaid in the mean time!
You can talk all you want about how we should be in America, but as far as I am concerned, unless you are here and go though these issues or personally know (and care about) folks who do, you are just talking out of your ass! (Nothing personal, but do I need to tell you, Prof this? Mostly I say it for benefit of the philosophically challenged.)
Private business will not take care of humanitarian aid (medical) unless they are so regulated they might as well be government run, or they are government run. No matter the pitfalls of socialized medicine, it seems that 99% of industrialized nations favor it, and only we oppose it. That should tell any reasonable person that there is something TOTALLY FUCKED about our system. You cannot force private business to be humanitarian, and if not who else will be if not government?
I read the term "EuroPeons" somewhere recently, and it just fucking made me go "how typically American!" Only (usually) an American will be so arrogant, and ignorant, or perhaps downright stupid enough to make such a statement without having any real experience with Europe or Europeans. I HATE that about our country! So large of a percentage of our population seems to be egomaniacs with inferiority complexes! They don't even seem to be capable of looking at other ways of doing things, we are superior, even though everything sucks?!?
I have been to Europe, I talk to Europeans on an almost daily basis, they couldn't be paid enough to want to come here for anything but a vacation!
Things we can be personally responsible for we should be, but I do not see any way that is ever going to be possible with modern medicine.
Besides, if you idiots who want to pay cash for your medical want go to a third world country, get references on your doctor, and pay that guy less than you ever would here, that option will be open to you for many years to come.... Just leave us sane rational people to finding an actual solution to the problem!