It bothers me, that folks assume to know all that is right and true. My advice is mind your own fucking business, not everyone else's, be true to god as best you can and raise your children to do so too. Being true to god in my opinion means first loving god, and ourselves so we are fit to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Don't tell me about the splinter in my eye when you have a plank in yours. As a matter of fact, don't tell me anything about how I must believe, just do the best to treat me as you wish me to treat you please! People learn nothing from being preached down at from a soapbox, in fact it hurts them more than anything. people learn by watching others live right and do right by example!
The thing is cato, it is all in how we look at it, and in order to live our lives, if we have to respect for the very concept of Jesus' teachings we have to imagine what he might think and use our best judgment, but mostly as best we can to love god and our neighbor even as we love ourselves. But I am preaching this to the choir here, no?