Just because I know you are incapable of
not looking at my response to your most powerful lashing. You may not respond but you will look.
See this is the problem. What I say means something completely different under your interpretation You assume to know what I am getting at, and you don't, you really don't....
You essentially impose your beliefs as the facts, and seek your own misunderstandings and interpretations of my beliefs, based on your own biases and preconceived notions. This way I am wrong and you are superior in your way.
There is nothing more to say. You are obviously not going to even try to understand what I am saying, so I have better things to do with my time.
Enjoy your religion and your sense of superiority and being "right". Judge others and condemn them to hell and damnation as you see fit, for not meeting up to what you think is the truth.
You can interpret things any way you like, for my part in my heart, I feel I know better than that (in a 99% sense in any case). Personal experience tells me modern Christianity tries to put go into a box that it doesn't fit in. Personal experience shows me Christianity is not the "one true path" although some find the god that is the love and connectedness of all things through it. I have just seen too much real life evidence to the contrary. Modern day Christianity often really has quite little to do with the teachings of Jesus.
I really have just completely lost interest. I am quite comfortable with my spirituality, and quite confident that it is what is right and best for me. You are not going to "show me" or evangelize me, so find something more constructive to do please.
What I don't get is how Gotholic knows, even in the face of countess generations of men, motivated by ambition and political power and gain, what Jesus said and what he meant, when even very great theologians do not always agree.
It bothers me, that folks assume to know all that is right and true. My advice is mind your own fucking business, not everyone else's, be true to god as best you can and raise your children to do so too. Being true to god in my opinion means first loving god, and ourselves so we are fit to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Don't tell me about the splinter in my eye when you have a plank in yours. As a matter of fact, don't tell me anything about how I must believe, just do the best to treat me as you wish me to treat you please! People learn nothing from being preached down at from a soapbox, in fact it hurts them more than anything. people learn by watching others live right and do right by example!
This one can be debated exhaustively but my unchangeable opinion, is that it is far more important to "act as if", and follow the basics of Jesus' teachings, regardless of who you think he actually was.
The golden rule was a rule before it was known. It is simply a universal truth that was tue before mankind existed on this planet. Pure logic, so live long and prosper!
Yeah and you are coming off like an evangelical "born againer" and I have no interest in such folks or their religion. Call me an Episcopal or a Catholic that believes in most Taoist principles as well. Call me a Bahai, who chooses "D. All of the above!" That is about the best I am gonna give you.
You see people with real working faith don't feel the need to explain themselves or try to convert folks or ram it down other's throats. People with real spirituality and a faith that works, are happy to share their experience with those who are interested, but for the most part they let their actions and treatment of others speak for them. I have tried to explain and it didn't satisfy you, so that's it. Why is it so damn important to you?
And you don't know shit about shit because you think you know everything, and that gets in the way of actually learning.
Better yet, get off the couch, go door to door evangelizing people! They might see what good its done, you.... Hell at least it might be more constructive than bitching at people online and pretending superiority. I mean it is fun mental masturbation, but it isn't any kind of life in and of itself....
Or maybe try shutting the fuck up about things you know nothing about, which might mean silence for you?!?
If you have so little interest....
Got ignore?!?
I should amend this. On any other subject, fine, but I really don't need your spiritual guidance,and have no interest people with no more depth than a cult indoctrination................. The rest though stands as my final position, not likely to change without significant evidence to make me reconsider.
Sorry Gonz, but I think it's understandable that when folks make accusations about what is up in my life that I would find that offensive.
Think what you will any of you about my opinions, that is none of my business what you think, but it is an attack to make accusations like that. None of us here needs drugs or mental issues to have our wacky and wildly differing opinions.
I think I'll just put him on ignore. He gets more and more obnoxious to me and less and less funny.
One thing I will say about my dealings with you Gonz. I may have my arguments and issues with not wanting to debate politics anymore, but you do keep pretty good restraint most of the time, and much as maybe I hate to admit it sometimes, you do do a pretty good job around here! It is appreciated even if people don't say so enough I think....
No it's no longer interesting at all. You are no longer interesting either. I am quite bored....
Put a fork in it!
Oh where oh where had RM gone? No matter, his days of having something relevant to say seem long past....
Wow, where to begin.
I see you have it all nailed up. You have the exact answer and your belief system is common sense that makes sense. I see that other peoples beliefs are nonsense, bible thumping sheeple caught up in a cult. That we are stupid and closed minded individuals that should understand your vision and you simply don't have the time for our nonsense? .... Is that the message you project, ....why yes, yes it is.
You make it clear that; although you make the effort, we are simply too stupid to understand the enlightenment you have obtained in all your wise years.
Yes Gonz deserves praise for his efforts to be PC and to not offend, to stick to civil debate and calmly take the crap thrown at him. Although Gonz detest being PC, he likes to maintain the moral upper-ground. Me, not so much. If I offend you, I'm OK with that. I see it as your issue, not mine.
I'm not one who will let you make arrogant innuendos and direct insult and cuddle you for it. See you are a liberal know-it-all, you promote the idea that I need a warm and safe little world, one where I'm protected from any harm. You feel I need to accept the enlightened ideal that limit my freedoms to protect me from myself. I see it differently. I want the freedom to be responsible for myself and my family.
You have this delusion that the world is a place where everything should be safe and happy. I see the world as a dangerous place where bad things happen. I see life where everything is a risk at some level where you have make you own choices and live by them.
I find it funny that you promote hatred, demean others, constantly express your superiority and espouse hypocrisy at every turn...........yet you accuse others of those exact same points. --- I see why you get tired of hearing about the plank in your eye.