Tides Foundation-Leftists. No interest in capitalism & Constitutionally mandated republic.
sourcewatch said:
Founded in 1976, the Tides Foundation has provided more than $300 million in funding for what it calls "positive social change ... We define 'progressive' as creating a positive impact on people's lives in ways that honor and promote human rights, justice, and a healthy, sustainable environment." It awards grants in the following issue areas:
Civic Participation
Economic Development
Economic and Racial Justice
Environmental Justice
LGBTIQ Communities
Native Communities
Progressive Media, Arts and Culture
Violence Prevention
Women's Empowerment and Reproductive Health
Youth Organizing and Development
As a foundation that facilitates funding for a range of non-profit groups, conservative think tanks and groups have criticsed the Tides Foundation as part of their campaign to 'defund the left'.
Funders of the Tides Foundation have included the Pew Charitable Trusts. Recipients of Tides Foundation grants have included Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Environmental Media Services, and the Environmental Working Group, National Public Radio,
The Tides Foundation also sponsors the Tides Center, which provides training and other startup assistance to activist groups.
Point 1 - She is obsessed with her stuff. Obsessed? Sounds like she needs therapy.
annecdote - Ten years tracking our stuff? What must her carbon footprint look like?
Point 2 - Why is everything a crisis? A system in CRISIS?!?!?! Oh, because we're running a linear system on a finite planet. Stuff is gonna run out. RUN FOR YOU R LIFE!!!! It's interacting with the real world. Well, yea, that's where the finite planet comes in. Heaven knows, we're almost out of I-POD material.
Point 3 - People. Wait a minute, unless we return to an agrarian system, we're gonna have to have plants & mills & retailers & construction & other stuff just to allow the people to eat & have a roof over their head.
Point 4 - A tank to symbolize the government? "...increasingly in our own". Yep, the USA isn't known for it's humanitarian aid or for it's freedom or for it's Constitution. We're known for our military empire, especially since "over 50% of our tax money going to our military". Assuming that statement is correct (which I don't), the military is a constitutionally mandated federal expense. Bailouts aren't.
Point 5 - "It's the governments job to watch out for us, to take care of us. That's their job.". No, it's not. We are a nation built on individual liberty, personal sacrifice & limited government. Their job is to stay out of our way. Which leads to the next point....
Point 6 - The corporation is bigger than the government. Is that a problem? Do we need bloated government? I'd hope our freedom would allow individuals to grow their companies as big as possible, even surpassing the government. Companies employ people. They provide goods & services. They help the free market stand & thrive.
None of which can the government provide. Well, maybe jobs, but do you really want to employ about 2.7 million civilian employees? (a 2005 U.S. Census number according to ask yahoo)
So the government kisses the ass of the corporations? That is bad. So, instead of damaging or weakening the companies, let's fix the government, and keep them out of each others pocket.
Natural resource EXPLOITATION/trashing the planet.
We're not ever 3 minutes into the video.
The message
has some points. Unfortunately, it's written & produced in such a anti-capitalist, anti-American way that it does nothing but belittle our system.
Those of you who prefer the old way,
are cordially invited to go live in caves. Everything we've done in the last 150 or so years, has improved the lives of humans in every single way.