Interesting quotes from school

i promise that tomorrow when i am not lazy and depressed, i will post the hundreds of quotes i picked up at school ... which is nearly all of them. i have some crazy friends. :headbang:
Another interesting conversation about periods also occured, but I will not post it
Let's just say for some girls, it's 7 days... ;)

There's also the famed Gangster song my best friend and I made (and sing much to the annoyance of everyone)

I'm a gangster, it starts with a G
I'm a gangster, it's easy to be
I'm a gangster, I got homie Gs
I'm a gangster, can't you see?

And you can't forget the MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA laugh which everyone in my entire school wants to hear :)
this is some from when my school was in session.
Halo is life
dammit eric quit cursing the cards
OH MY GOD CHEWBACCA OVERDOSED ON ROGAINE!!!!!!!!! AND OH oh wait its just Amir. whats new
Sal just whipped me
Amy every time you physically hurt someone they fall for you try it on me. no nothing oh wait amy i love you(this was a joke i did to my friend amy)
i shall call you furry me
i shall call you chibi me
im evil! you are so not evil! your a sweetheart. im an evil Sweetheart then! i dont believe for a second your evil you care about your friends! Pat c'mere. Pat am i evil. Well sort of. See told you i was evil!!!! fine your evil!(an argument as to whether or not im evil wth a friend she didnt believe im evil)
in class: why is middle age hard to define?? class? anyone?
me: BECAUSE ITS OLD!!!!!!!!!
well eric sinec you missed my final ill tell ya what ill do. ill use all your other tests average them out thatll be your final grade(basically final was dropped)
How's the view from inside that locker, dweeb??

I kissed her and she slapped the taste right outta my mouth.

Holy Shit. D'ja see what Ms. Liberman's wearing this morning? I gotta get to class.
Vortex said:
Altron said:
Friends are like german beer
:headbng2: My favourite!

That one was from me.
We were watching one of the stupid movies in Music Class about some composer.
A character said "Friends are like money: hard to get and easy to lose"
Then my best friend said "Friends are like money: mass-produced by the governement for your convience" then I said the german beer thing :)
Altron said:
I like my women like my coffee, with lots of whipped cream

I like my women like I like my coffee, strong and black. :brow:

Some quotes from my high school years.

Nickname given to a classmate by one of our teachers: Charlotte the Harlot

Mr. Ortega: Everyone put away your sheat cheets. There'll be no sheating on the test.

Me to a friend holding a cassette to the side of his head: What are you doing?
Him: I'm listening to a tape. :rolleyes:

Naive friend discussing The Scarlet Letter in class: Why a scarlet 'A'? Why couldn't it have been another letter, like an 'F'?
i will NOW bring you my super big-ass schooly-quotes-post.
i write down everything crazy people say, and people say something strrange nearly every day.
some of you may have been to my Quotes page at my site, . i'm taking a lot of these directly from there, as that's where they all end up.

ok? ready.... set,go!

"what's so expensive about it?? cotton, and not much of it.."
--ian c, on the $7000 cheerleading uniforms

"it's scary! like, 'grr! skull!'"
--jess bess, on kirk's skull necklace

"damn you and your anti-toothfaery-ism!"
--jess bess, on my objection to the fact that the tooth-faery is the most thought-of faery

"drill says, 'hello! how are you today?? im fairly simple!!'"
--mr webster, my math teacher

"it means 'you can't divide by zero, you moron!'"
--mr webster, on...... dividing by 0

if you come here tomorrow with a stick of applesauce on a stick...
--justin m

"my pussy really hurts! there's a sharp pain in it!!"
--an anonymous male friend, quoting some girls on his bus

"im pointing a gun at rich, im gonna shoot him in the heart..."
--shannon, trying to explain an action sequence in Trigun, using rich, the innocent by-stander

"i can see all the sunshine in my ears"
--sarah f's rendition of I Can See Clearly Now.

"i did not get a piece of sleep last night"
--rob d.

"school's cancelled... for lack of interest!!"
--jess bess

"welcome.... now DIE!!!"
--kirk, on finding out the apocalyptic meaning of the brandenburg gate thing, in berlin.

"... so that you look classy when you pass out!"
--jess bess's answer to why people wear traditional german clothing to the oktoberfest

"dr pepper is mountain dew's version of pepsi and coke."
--dan, the former freshman

shannon: i wish i had some rich friends to bum money off of
rich: i'm rich! ©
(rich weasiled my jrnl away and copyrighted his words :-/... and made me pay five cents!!)

"arent you sad you have such minds??"
--frau steinway, after we realised how... wrong.. a picture in our textbook looked... even after it was she who first pointed it out :p

"mr. calculator says, 'i can handle it, it's not a problem, why can't you do it?"
--mr webster, ridiculing his students, again ^_^

"there would be a lot of members... of course, i'd kill them all..."
--justin m, musing a Homicide Club.

"knees are awfully crucial!"
--frau steinway

frau: kirk's writing..
jess: if kirk's doing it, we all should!
*and the kids all laugh*
--frau was trying to get some lazy kid to take notes

"german elephants say 'Ja!'"
--frau steinway, on the response from elephants.

"grüß dich, mate!"
--ryan w, after someone got confused and thought that austria was australia

"i am a nice citizen of the united states of america"
--mrs hilliard (american govt. teacher)

"that's why Ames is going out of business... my girlfriend stole too many microwaves. "
--mrs hilliard

"britain is rolling around in its grave... the whole country just flipped over...."
--shannon, after noting that "bootylicious" made its way into websters dictionary... the downfall of the english language.

"'s not all peaches and sunshine..."

"i'm not the sharpest bright in the crayon"
shannon ^_^

"if a german came to america and saw his bank account, he'd say...(puts face in hands in shock)... 'MEIN GOTT!!'"
ryan w, after learning that in germany their use of commas and decimals in numbers is opposite ours.

"lookit me!! my neck is disgusting!"
--rich, mocking a sunburned shannon

"i go to bed in a holey shirt... i go to church in it, too!"

"i wanna be canadian. anyone have a quarter?"
--shannon at lunch

"two equations here, one original, one extra crispy"
--mr webster

"if everyone shouted at me while i was trying to talk, i would run and hide."

"i can't get any closer, do yyou want me to sit in your lap?"

"'the sky is blue' is logical. 'watermelon' is illogical"

josmalq: you have to ask chelsea to move her bags.
chelsea: i AM chelsea!

i talk about you to your faces, and tell you how worthless you are here.
--mr webster, emotionally abusing his students once again!

dieter(josh): led zepplin paved the way for rock music!
kirk: with asphalt!

girl: are you ill?
mr webster: no, just sick of all of you!!

"kung fu is too tiring"
-- a sleepy-looking dieter... who actually seems to do kung fu

"it's Stein Frauway!"
--kirk. (aparantly, frau answered the phone with that one day, but i didnt hear it the)

"germans are not cool, because they have one word to mean seven thousand things, but a separate one for watching tv!"
-- jess. she's speaking of the words "sie" and "fernsehen" ^_^

--kirk :-D
and scene! das ist all.
"if a german came to america and saw his bank account, he'd say...(puts face in hands in shock)... 'MEIN GOTT!!'"
ryan w, after learning that in germany their use of commas and decimals in numbers is opposite ours.

there are a lot of quotes from german class because the coolest, funniest people are in there :) and, frau is funny, too! and german is so.... comment-able!
oh, i have more quotes, i just realised! i havent updated that page of my site in forever, but i have many more to add:

"thank you for calling mr webster's room, mr webster speaking, how may i help you??"
-- umm.... mr webster.

dieter: you could use that as a hat
gretel: it IS a hat!!!

"when in doubt, eat some crackers."

"yo, where's my yo-yo, yo?"

"write yourself a pass! you've got plenty of blood to write it in!!"
--mr webster, when a girl wanted to go get a bandaid after cutting her hand

"yeah, they dont know how to cook, frau, and personally, i'd just make them read the book!"
--jess. our german class is right next to home ec., and the home ec kids have a habit of burning food.

"SVEN!! thank you for FALLING ASLEEP!!"
--jess, after seing sven's reaction to a presentation she gave our class.

"i know the lighting-the-candles song, but it's not in polish"
--kai, who famously sang 'silent night' in polish

"the dark shadows were long and dark"
--frau, on winter

"nikolaus is coming, ja!"
--kirk. the nikolaus of which he speaks is santa claus

"wo ist mein SQUARE!"
--kirk. (the picture in the textbook, of a notebook, looked like a square)

umm.... will write more later, my mom needs the comp now ^_^
These two seniors were bugging our drafting teacher, Mr. Shrum, to give them a pass so they could skip. He finally got tired of hearing them bitch and moan, so he wrote them out a pass that said: Pass to skip. He signed it R. V. Axelrod. They didn't even look at it. When they got stopped in the parking lot they very proudly showed their bogus pass to the assistant principal. They got paddled for skipping. :lol: