IPH blows goats.

Gato_Solo said:
I saw you cruise by without a 'howdy, folks', so I dragged this thing in to get you to stop and post. Worked, didn't it? :grinyes:

So, Shadow, you'll only talk to us about goats? :alienhuh:
kuulani said:
So, Shadow, you'll only talk to us about goats? :alienhuh:

please tell me, does it make you feel all fuzzy and warm inside? does it, huh huh? ;)

but yeah gato, it worked :D howdy folks! ;)
AlladinSane said:
I was wondering what happened to Moof and Scant. And Whoreable...
Moof was dragged deep into uni studies.
Scanty went off to a remote Welsh uni and her dorm had no internet.

Whorable ... grew weary.
Did you do a search for blows or goats? :eek6: Or did you do it from Scantys profile.

I wonder how they are doing and how much goat cheese IPH has in his stomach now......Wait no I dont :eek6:
Do you suppose he still blows goats? Maybe he's moved on to bulls and horsies and such. :lloyd:
chcr said:
Do you suppose he still blows goats? Maybe he's moved on to bulls and horsies and such. :lloyd:

All I know is...Shadowfax was here and, once again, blew through without so much as a howdoyoudo. Guess the goats were calling him again. ;)