
What're the odds of a war against Iran?

  • 100% - They're asing for it

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • 50/50 - Let's wait and see

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • 25% - are they really THAT stupid?

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • None -

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
yep, they want to keep trying to play the same-stall-game, but the buzzer has sounded.

Last week, Iran offered to suspend large-scale enrichment temporarily in return for recognition from the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency of its right to continue research-scale enrichment.

The U.S. and its European allies ignored the Iranian offer, insisting that the time had come for the Security Council to handle Iran's nuclear dossier.
I just hear the UN is giving Iran 4 weeks to 'respond' to negotiations. :rolleyes:
Why in the world would they 'need' 4 weeks.

Looks like more of the SOS from the UN. :alienhuh:

I'd give um a week tops.
The UN is going to pussy-foot around, until they have to be gone around again.
It might be Israel this time, but I don't think it's gonna be good if they bomb them.

I don't know maybe it's do somebody can get troops co-ordinated or something.
I just positive the shit's gonna hit the fan on this one. I don't see any avoiding it.
catocom said:
The UN is going to pussy-foot around, until they have to be gone around again.

Deja Vu all over again.

Let's make life easier, up front. Who thinmks that GW is lying about nukes in Iran? Raise your hands & be counted.

Who thinks GW is forcing the American public into thinking Iran is invoved with 9/11 instead of the broader general terrorism?

Who thinks that GW is forcing Democrats to tow the line & will use unspeakable tactics to get them to vote for an authorization for use of force bill?

Who thinks, up front, that Iran should be allowed to join the nuclear wepaons club & that the Ayattolah is an okay guy, given a chance?

C'mon, lets hear it now so you have a case later.
Gonz said:
Deja Vu all over again.

Let's make life easier, up front. Who thinmks that GW is lying about nukes in Iran? Raise your hands & be counted.

Who thinks GW is forcing the American public into thinking Iran is invoved with 9/11 instead of the broader general terrorism?

Who thinks that GW is forcing Democrats to tow the line & will use unspeakable tactics to get them to vote for an authorization for use of force bill?

Who thinks, up front, that Iran should be allowed to join the nuclear wepaons club & that the Ayattolah is an okay guy, given a chance?

C'mon, lets hear it now so you have a case later.
1) Does he have proof of nuclear weapons? The odds are pretty good that Iran may have nuclear capabilities considering their trades with Russia, China and Pakistan. Provide proof and you get a multinational effort. With Iraq... the proof was short on convincing.
1a) If he has got proof...and Iran does in fact have nukes...what are their intentions. Is it like most countries...another sabre to rattle? We've had no issues with Iran for a while and they're not declaring war on anyone. :shrug: The 'harm and pain' quote...
"The United States has the power to cause harm and pain," Ali Asghar Soltanieh, the chief Iranian delegate to the IAEA, said, reading from a statement. "But the United States is also susceptible to harm and pain. So if that is the path that the U.S. wishes to choose, let the ball roll."

Pundits read this as a reaction to potential economic sanctions...especially in reference to oil reserves...very few think that it has anything to do with acts of war...but that's how its being played out in the media.

"Harm and pain" + nuclear capabilities = OMG they're going to nuke us!!!

2) Why not..worked for Iraq didn't it? Still plenty of people who tie in 911 with Iraq. It plays well in the media and gets votes.

3) He doesn't need to force Democrats to toe the line. He's got enough Reps in office that he can go on his own. He also doesn't need the house to nuke some country. He's already shown the UN and the rest of the world that it doesn't matter what they think...he'll go in alone if necessary...and when he thinks it is necessary.

4) The ayatolah, an OK guy? I don't think that you'll get a lot of people voting for that, Gonz. Allowed to join the nuclear family? Short of war...there's really no way of stopping it...the question is "Is it enough to warrant a war..including the use of nukes against Iran?"

That's the 40megaton question right there.
Winky said:
Let me see if I got this straight. This guy that they were after was in a prison. They invaded Palestine and destroyed the prison in order ot take him out and put him in another prison??!? Oh...and they freed another 300 prisoners, not related to their mission back onto the streets.

Have they never heard of extradition and due process?
Yup...the same people who had the guy in jail.

It's amazing how much you can accomplish when you're willing to actually talk with the other side, eh.

Ignoring the diplomatic paths is the surest way to start a war. Me thinks that this is exactly what Israel had in mind.

It's becomming blatantly obvious that Israel has no intention of working towards peace in any way, shape or form.
I can believe you typed that Bish

I can see yer naiveté from down here in the desert.

I can hear the wishful thinking of Gato over there in another desert…

Israel can do no wrong?
Who's being naive now?

Do you seriously believe that Israel had every right to destroy a prison in a neighbouring country...not in reprisal of some attack, but just to take some guy out of one jail and into another?

Would it have really hurt Israel to open up a diplomatic dialogue, wishful thinking as it may be, BEFORE going to military action?

If Hamas is given a chance to govern without interference, it will have to provide Palestinians with the clean, efficient government they thought they were voting for.

IIf Israel or other countries act hostile towards them or bring sanctions into play, Hamas can blame them when things go badly.

Hamas has every reason to avoid attacks on Israel, which would only provoke swift and unrestrained retaliation. This would destroy Hamas' chances to consolidate its popularity and establish a domestic policy.

Israel, on the other hand would profit from Hamas losing faith and for Palestine to sink into civil war or for Hamas to take a misstep.
MrBishop said:
Let me see if I got this straight. This guy that they were after was in a prison. They invaded Palestine and destroyed the prison in order ot take him out and put him in another prison??!? Oh...and they freed another 300 prisoners, not related to their mission back onto the streets.

Have they never heard of extradition and due process?
Yeah, I don't know about this myself.
On one hand it looks bad on the surface to me, buuut
on the other hand, it is Hamas, and I don't really know what all
communications took place before they went in.

I'd have to know the WHOLE story before making a judgment.
I lean toward give Israel the benefit of the doubt until then.
MrBishop said:
Israel can do no wrong?
Who's being naive now?

Do you seriously believe that Israel had every right to destroy a prison in a neighbouring country...not in reprisal of some attack, but just to take some guy out of one jail and into another?

Would it have really hurt Israel to open up a diplomatic dialogue, wishful thinking as it may be, BEFORE going to military action?

With a group that has, as a core value, the complete destruction of Israel? Who's naive, again?

If Hamas is given a chance to govern without interference, it will have to provide Palestinians with the clean, efficient government they thought they were voting for.

If they can spare the time from training homicide bombers.

IIf Israel or other countries act hostile towards them or bring sanctions into play, Hamas can blame them when things go badly.

Given the hsitory of finger-pointing, that's guaranteed, even if Israel doesn't initiate the festivities.

Hamas has every reason to avoid attacks on Israel, which would only provoke swift and unrestrained retaliation. This would destroy Hamas' chances to consolidate its popularity and establish a domestic policy.

Yeah, 'cause that's sure as hell stopped 'em in the past.

Israel, on the other hand would profit from Hamas losing faith and for Palestine to sink into civil war or for Hamas to take a misstep.

Absolutely. Might be a damned good thing in the long run, too.

These are terrorists. No negotiations.
catocom said:
I'd have to know the WHOLE story before making a judgment.I lean toward give Israel the benefit of the doubt until then.
Well, Israel isn't releasing any information about justification, which they usually do in such cases.

ie. Terrorist X fired an RPG into an Israeli building, therefore we went in and mowed down his family's house to the ground.
HomeLAN said:
Yeah, 'cause that's sure as hell stopped 'em in the past.

These are terrorists. No negotiations.
They were democratically elected...they have new responsabilities such as schools, economy, taxes etc.etc.. and they did renew the peace pact. At least they're trying. How about some of that 'benefit of the doubt' that Cat so nobley stated? Works both ways....

EDIT: If you prefer. Give them enough rope and see if they hang themselves, but in the meanwhile...stop poking at them with a sharp stick, eh.