
What're the odds of a war against Iran?

  • 100% - They're asing for it

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • 50/50 - Let's wait and see

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • 25% - are they really THAT stupid?

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • None -

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters
MrBishop said:
Consider me a realist leaning towards optimism.

Consider me a pragmatist. Hamas is filled with murderers & enemies of Israel. When they change their track record (a few months is not sufficient) this may be revisited. Hamas has a proven record of attack.

Israel has a proven record of reprisal & of winning wars.

The only way to settle this whole conflict may be war. One, definitive, shoot 'em up war witha clear & decisive victor. Until then, it's murder & retribution.
Gonz said:
The only way to settle this whole conflict may be war. One, definitive, shoot 'em up war witha clear & decisive victor. Until then, it's murder & retribution.
Considering it's geographic location...all all-out war would not go well for Israel. Water on one side, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia on the other.

It would become a religious war...and effectivly WWIII.

Not an idea that I really want to think about...even in jest.
MrBishop said:
Saudi Arabia should be interesting.
Not interesting to me.
I haven't liked them for many years. They just happen not to be as aggressive,
and do, do some things to try to co-operate.

I DO think some of the problems might be solved if since the Palestinians
"supposedly" have their own 'state', that it be recognized as it's own nation
if they will recognize Israel's right. Think that might work?
It seems like a problem that the Arabs can send out their terrorists to kill us and die for Allah, but for us to kill them, we need to bring in the US military and start a war. If I was W, I would be hiring some white anarchists to go over there and start bombing shit. Then W gets to condemn their actions and send in a fake 'anti-terrorist' force that won't actually do anything to the terrorists, but it will make us look good, defending Iran. Meanwhile, the hired anarchists get free reign to destroy whatever they damn well please, and they can have the financial backing to do it. If they're going to have government-supported fundamentalist terrorists, we should too.
catocom said:
I DO think some of the problems might be solved if since the Palestinians "supposedly" have their own 'state', that it be recognized as it's own nation if they will recognize Israel's right. Think that might work?
There would be border issues. Where does one state end and another begin. That's the crux on the problem right now...that and access to the ports, water, arable land etc.

Thing is..a lot of Palestinians work in Israel. They don't cause trouble, don't bring over bombs etc...but the hoops that they have to go through are extensive. Hell, to get from one part of Palestine to another, you have to go through Israel, through secured tunnels, under the eyes of sparp-shooters and surrounded by minefields.

There'd be a lot of work to be done...including the break-down of the settlements.
Altron said:
It seems like a problem that the Arabs can send out their terrorists to kill us and die for Allah, but for us to kill them, we need to bring in the US military and start a war. If I was W, I would be hiring some white anarchists to go over there and start bombing shit. Then W gets to condemn their actions and send in a fake 'anti-terrorist' force that won't actually do anything to the terrorists, but it will make us look good, defending Iran. Meanwhile, the hired anarchists get free reign to destroy whatever they damn well please, and they can have the financial backing to do it. If they're going to have government-supported fundamentalist terrorists, we should too.
Its called black-opps...and it's probably already under way...more pinpoint than car-bombing.
MrBishop said:
There would be border issues. Where does one state end and another begin. That's the crux on the problem right now...that and access to the ports, water, arable land etc.

Thing is..a lot of Palestinians work in Israel. They don't cause trouble, don't bring over bombs etc...but the hoops that they have to go through are extensive. Hell, to get from one part of Palestine to another, you have to go through Israel, through secured tunnels, under the eyes of sparp-shooters and surrounded by minefields.

There'd be a lot of work to be done...including the break-down of the settlements.
Like I said in the other thread there with Flav....
IMO Israel should be made to go back to the 19...67?, boards that were set,
and the Palestinians given a regular "country" for their own with all the
international laws to go with that, then if they act up, things should be more
justified, but should be dealt with according to international law.