MrBishop said:Anyone think of a good reason why all of these services should be stopped for the sake of stopping one which is decidedly unpopular with the right-wing?
Starya said:Take away the abortions, invest in coat-hangers?
It's legal, should remain legal, and thus, must be available under safe conditions.
Nope, not your bad. Not all do. Many here are just that, and only that.Starya said:I was aware that these clinics also provide other services, it just slipped my mind for a moment. I guess I've been influenced by reading too many debates on the topic on rather conservative boards, where they are almost always referred to as "abortion-clinics". My bad.![]()
Gato_Solo said:Sorry. I'm not buying that. If that were the case, then one out of every 26 people would have been born out-of-wedlock. Remember...we're not talking about children from a divorced couple, here. We're talking about teen pregnancy. As for Staffrodore's case, I'd say it's rare. I'll also ask did his grandparents figure into this equation? In cases like his, the family unit also has the grandparents involved. If they weren't[/I] involved, his case is extrememly rare. long as it's paid for 100% by the woman involved, you have no issues with Abortion?Professur said:But not publicly funded.
There are those who would refuse public-funding for most of those listed above ... sex ed, STDs and AIDS testing being the most obvious. No matter what the issue is... someone's going to be against it in one shape or form.Professur said:If they'd stop the unpopular one, there'd be no resistance to public funding for the others, dipshit. Not to mention that abortion isn't family planning at all. It's insurance. Take that away, and your family planning might actually have some meaning.
MrBishop long as it's paid for 100% by the woman involved, you have no issues with Abortion?
We'll make a pro-choicer out of you yet![]()
MrBishop said:Dipshit?
c' least earn the 'report bad post' action.
Shame on you for letting yourself be distracted by something like work.Professur said:Sorry. I was gonna call you a dumbfuck, but someone walked past.
That good, eh?Professur said:Sucks the sweat off a donkey's balls.
Again... poor little monster. He HATES that liquid antibiotic and holding him down to give him a nasal saline wash is just a joy!Professur said:Again, or still?
Anyone think of a good reason why all of these services should be stopped for the sake of stopping one which is decidedly unpopular with the right-wing?
freako104 said:Chic: I disagree but not fully with you. I think Staffrodes mothers case was actually unique in a way. Not saying it is extremely rare but more that most cases the mother would be poor and trying very hard to keep ends together.
MrBishop long as it's paid for 100% by the woman involved, you have no issues with Abortion?
We'll make a pro-choicer out of you yet![]()