Is it art or is it marketing?

Mirlyn said:
I think thats the first time I've ever seen that smilie used. Ever.

well how often do you get a chance to make an inuendo while talking about multi colored people. i figured thats what it was designed for. ;) *phanwink* ;)
Thulsa Doom said:
well how often do you get a chance to make an inuendo while talking about multi colored people. i figured thats what it was designed for. ;) *phanwink* ;) butt's not multi-colored.....i guess that's why they got paint, huh? really think they'll sell?
tonks said: butt's not multi-colored.....i guess that's why they got paint, huh? really think they'll sell?

Maybe not, but I'd beat that the production video would sell like hot-cakes and the linup of available men looking for the painting job would be most impressive.
MrBishop said:
Maybe not, but I'd beat that the production video would sell like hot-cakes and the linup of available men looking for the painting job would be most impressive.

hmmm...*ponders the overhead of such an endeavor*
tonks said:
hmmm...*ponders the overhead of such an endeavor*

One digital video camera - $1200.00
One guy who'll pay you to film it - <$400.00>
Four companies to place banner ads on your site - $<400.00>
Moneys made from joining "" - $67,000.00

Net profit : $67,400.00
Gross profit after paying off MrBishop for his brilliant idea $6.95 /

that's enough for a coffee and some paint thinner to get the chartreuse off your thong. :)
MrBishop said:
One digital video camera - $1200.00
One guy who'll pay you to film it - <$400.00>
Four companies to place banner ads on your site - $<400.00>
Moneys made from joining "" - $67,000.00

Net profit : $67,400.00
Gross profit after paying off MrBishop for his brilliant idea $6.95 /

that's enough for a coffee and some paint thinner to get the chartreuse off your thong. :)
thong?.......the idea bears further contemplation...
tonks said: butt's not multi-colored.....i guess that's why they got paint, huh? really think they'll sell?

there is body paint to change that. and yes. its art its art and people would buy art.
MrBishop said:
One digital video camera - $1200.00
One guy who'll pay you to film it - <$400.00>
Four companies to place banner ads on your site - $<400.00>
Moneys made from joining "" - $67,000.00

The look on Tonk's face when she first sits her naked ass down in a can of azure blue: priceless
MrBishop said:
That is based upon your own perspective...what challenges you personally. If you find a piece that challenges you and forces you to look at the piece in a different way, but for's old hat; is it any less artful? If a piece challenges 30% of the population enough for them to revisit their opinions on art but for's same-ol-same-ol, is THAT any less artful?
No, it is then a matter of opinion. However, this is assuming the two viewers are on a level playing field. The opinion of a twelve year old that grew up on the streets and can't read or write won't carry the same weight for me as that of a fifty year old professor with a PhD in art history. This is an extreme example, but I hope you see my point.

Why should I have to get a degree in art history before I can appreciate this 'real art'? Why do I have to have exposure to a great range of art in order to appreciate one pice or another.
But you don't need a degree, Bish. Next time you go to a museum look you think ALL those people studied studio art or art history? Many of them have simply pursued an interest the way others might grow orchids, or study music, the Civil War in the US, automobiles, sports, etc. They go to exhibits, read books and magazines on the subject and have become educated laymen. There is a plethora of information out there for anyone that's interested. At one point in this world's history, in order to be considered an educated and civilized adult, you had to have an understanding of the arts as well as the sciences. You played a musical instrument or sang, were able to write a poem, produce a sketch. Lacking ability in all these things at the very least you could hold a conversation about them. Those days are gone for good I'm afraid. :crying3:

Seems to me like you are more impressed with the artists' ability to break the mold rather than his/her ability to touch the soul. Why can't s/he do both?
But THAT'S what makes some art great. Shock value on its own is just as worthless as some masturbatory exercise in technical ability. It is the ability to emotionally and/or intellectually resonate with an audience while developing a new visual language that makes an artist great. This is what happened in the Renaissance with their use of perspective, what the Mannerists did with their use of lighting and drama, what the Impressionists did with their study of the properties of light, the Cubists when they quoted the aesthetic forms of non-European cultures, the Pop artists when they showed us the beauty present in the mundane. Whether or not you like any or all of these styles is unimportant (personally, looking at Impressionist paintings sends me into sugar shock...ugh), there is a pattern here. The undeniable fact is that with great art a new visual language is developed. Great artists succesfully use this language so that the audience is able to see something they had never seen before.

Thinking about my the interim, enjoy this piece called "Glasses, Newspaper and a Bottle of Wine", by Gris