Israel admits phosphorus bombing


New Member
Israel has for the first time admitted it used controversial phosphorus shells during fighting against Hezbollah in Lebanon in July and August.
Cabinet minister Jacob Edery confirmed the bombs were dropped "against military targets in open ground".

Israel had previously said the weapons were used only to mark targets.

Phosphorus weapons cause chemical burns and the Red Cross and human rights groups say they should be treated as chemical weapons.

The Geneva Conventions ban the use of white phosphorus as an incendiary weapon against civilian populations and in air attacks against military forces in civilian areas.


Mr Edery says he confirmed during a parliamentary session last week on behalf of Defence Minister Amir Peretz that the weapons were used in fighting.

"The Israeli army made use of phosphorus shells during the war against Hezbollah in attacks against military targets in open ground," he said.

No information was given on when, where or how the shells were used.

Lebanon had accused Israel of using the weapons but at the time Israeli officials said they were only for marking.

Lebanese President Emile Lahoud said in late July: "According to the Geneva Convention, when they use phosphorus bombs and laser bombs, is that allowed against civilians and children?"

Doctors in hospitals in southern Lebanon had said they suspected some of the burns they were seeing were being caused by phosphorus bombs.

Israeli forces said the arms used in Lebanon did not contravene international norms.
Lebanese President Emile Lahoud said in late July: "According to the Geneva Convention, when they use phosphorus bombs and laser bombs, is that allowed against civilians and children?"

Yeah! Unfair! You should do it in the dead of night with sticks and sacks like we do! How dare you target civillians and children. That's our gig.

I have no issue with phosphrous bombs. They are a conventional incindeary arm... not chemical.
Might want to go back and look up the definition of war again .... in an actual dictionary this time.

War isn't a handfull of jerks with weapons. Wars require nations and gov'ts. Not to many of them using bomb-jacketed suiciders.
Might want to go back and look up the definition of war again .... in an actual dictionary this time.

War isn't a handfull of jerks with weapons. Wars require nations and gov'ts. Not to many of them using bomb-jacketed suiciders.
I'd like to refer you back to the Kamikaze Pilots of WWII.

If you're talking about 'war' in your dictionary terms...then the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon doesn't count, because both GVTs weren't involved in any declaration of was one GVT (Israel) vs a terrorist group operating in another country. Hell, most of the recent conflicts don't count (including Iraq and Afghanistan) because there was no formal declaration. Doesn't stop people from dying though...dictionaries don't make for great bullet-proof vests.

Everything is a 'police action' then?
The kamikazes were soldiers first. Kudos to them, and hell yeah ... they were the first, best, guided weapons.

I definitely recall the US congress passing a declaration of some sort about iraq and 'stan. But then, the US hasn't used WP as an antipersonnel weapon in those conflicts to the best of my knowledge.

But I wonder why you'd even bring them up in the first place. I don't recall Isreal sending troops to either place.

The Palestinians, being a low tech operation that they are, has to hide in the public sector as camo. Therefore, when they launch rockets out... its no big deal... but when planes zip in to rocket the offending building, the media is there to cry foul.
The kamikazes were soldiers first. Kudos to them, and hell yeah ... they were the first, best, guided weapons.

I definitely recall the US congress passing a declaration of some sort about iraq and 'stan. But then, the US hasn't used WP as an antipersonnel weapon in those conflicts to the best of my knowledge.

But I wonder why you'd even bring them up in the first place. I don't recall Isreal sending troops to either place.

If this isn't a war, then your 9 words don't make sense in context at all.

In other words. Try and stick to the topic at hand. The use of phosphorus against people instead of as an incindiary device.
I'd like to refer you back to the Kamikaze Pilots of WWII.

Who attacked military targets...

MrBish said:
If you're talking about 'war' in your dictionary terms...then the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon doesn't count, because both GVTs weren't involved in any declaration of was one GVT (Israel) vs a terrorist group operating in another country. Hell, most of the recent conflicts don't count (including Iraq and Afghanistan) because there was no formal declaration. Doesn't stop people from dying though...dictionaries don't make for great bullet-proof vests.

It does now, since the main group causing the problems (Hamas) is now in charge of "Palestine". Since Hamas and Hezbollah are also being supported by Iran, doesn't that give Israel the right to declare war on Iran? Makes for an interesting change, dunnit?

MrBish said:
Everything is a 'police action' then?

Only if one side is using regular troops and the other side is using illegal combatants.
In the same post as the one commenting about my Kamikaze pilots?

Sorry if I misunderstood... but it was an honest mistake.

Ok, now you've completely lost me.

Unc said

I have no issue with phosphrous bombs.

To which I replied

I have no problem killing during a war ... period.

to which you replied

Then you have no issues with suicide bombers?

Which doesn't seem to be continuing the WP conversation, so i reply

During a war? Do try to pay attention to the subject at hand, will you?

Because I've never heard of a bombing run with a 100% survival rate during a war in the first place

Where upon you wandered off into something about Iraq and 'stan ...

And you suggest I stay on topic?
YOu have no problems with killing during a war, based on a statement by Unc that he had no issues with using WP. All this in a thread about the morals of using WP on troops.

So... you have no issues with any type of killing during a war. I used suicide bombers as an example of weapons that are frowned upon during a 'war'. Trying to see where you were going with that statement. Do you mean anything goes?

You rebutted that this wasn't a war. So the question is... if this isn't a war why bring up what you find acceptable in a war at all? <---going off topic
Only if one side is using regular troops and the other side is using illegal combatants.

That'd make WWI and WWII both police actions, since civilians took up arms against the invaders. (including the famous Résistance in France)

If anyone tried to invade the USA, I'd bet that the general populace would take up arms against the invaders. They'd all be illegal combatants, right?
It does now, since the main group causing the problems (Hamas) is now in charge of "Palestine". Since Hamas and Hezbollah are also being supported by Iran, doesn't that give Israel the right to declare war on Iran? Makes for an interesting change, dunnit?
Pretty much the same kinda thing can happen in reverse. Israel is financially supported by the USA, so Palestine can declare war on the USA. It gets really convoluted after a while.