Israel snubs the US again: New settlements


Well-Known Member
Israel has given the go ahead for the construction of 900 housing units in occupied East Jerusalem, rebuffing a reported US request that it block construction at the Gilo settlement, officials have said.

Israeli officials had earlier on Tuesday declined to comment on a report in the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper that said George Mitchell , the US envoy to the Middle East, had asked an aide to Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, to halt the process.

Gilo sits on land captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war and annexed to its Jerusalem municipality.

Mark Regev, the Israeli government spokesman, declined comment on the report, which also said Netanyahu's negotiator had rejected Mitchell's request at a meeting in London on Monday.

Relations between the US and Israel have been soured by Washington's repeated calls for a freeze on settlement expansion, a move Israel has so far refused.

Jerusalem dispute

Regev repeated Israel's refusal to include areas it annexed to Jerusalem as part of any accommodation of calls by Barack Obama, the US president, for "restraint" in West Bank settlement growth.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu, in order to get the peace process back on track, is willing to adopt the policy of the greatest possible restraint concerning growth in the West Bank - but this applies to the West Bank," Regev said.

"Jerusalem is Israel's capital and will remain as such," he said, stating an Israeli position not recognised by world powers and contested by Palestinians who want to establish a state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Al Jazeera's Jacky Rowland in Jerusalem said: "What we are seeing is Israel's strategy of trying to differentiate between East Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied West Bank.

"We have seen the government repeatedly claim that Jesrusalem is its so-called united capital and the government said just today that whereas it planned to exercise what it called maximun restraint in the West Bank, it claimed that Jerusalem was a different case."

Tel Aviv's refusal to halt settlement construction in the Occupied Territories has stalled any hopes of resuming peace talks between the Palestinians and Israelis.

The Palestinians have set a complete freeze on settlement expansion as a precondition for resuming talks.
I guess that they don't want peace after all

..or just figure that a bigger piece is more important.
if they want to make all their own decisions perhaps they can do it without the billions we send them every year.
Re: Israel vs the Osama administration.

Kill them all.

I think that the Palestinians would just prefer to send them back to legal lands - but if you insist.

Perhaps you can forward your recommendation to Mohammed Dahlan, now that Abbas has stepped down.
Israel doesn't need obama's US:

Netanyahu Leaves White House with No Comment

( Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu left the White House after a one-hour and 40-minute meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama Monday night without speaking to reporters -- a rare occurrence.

The meeting had been grudgingly scheduled early Sunday morning by the White House just a few hours before Netanyahu was to leave for the U.S. to speak at the 2009 General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America. The ninth-hour appointment was a clear sign that relations between Washington and Jerusalem remain strained; Netanyahu had requested the meeting weeks ago.

Netanyahu had reportedly been planning to tell the president that Israel was willing to be "generous" in scaling back Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria, and "means business" about rejuvenating talks with the PA.

But the brief statement issued by the White House following the talks said simply that the two leaders discussed "how to move forward on Middle East peace."

Netanyahu declined to comment on his conversation with the president, and cancelled a briefing with the media he had scheduled for the next day. The prime minister departed for Paris on Tuesday morning without speaking to reporters.
Re: Israel vs the Osama administration.

I think that the Palestinians would just prefer to send them back to legal lands - but if you insist.

I think many would rather die.
Some have for the cause.
I don't claim to know about the majority be any means though.
Carter and Clinton shafted the Israelis
They ain't gonna get played by this playa.
"I will stand with the (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." Quote by obama: From Audacity of Hope. p 261
Carter and Clinton shafted the Israelis
They ain't gonna get played by this playa.

hmmm, maybe we shouldn't be the ones on our knees, sucking the shaft eh?

nah, just let them do whatever the want. they're beyond reproach.
"I will stand with the (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." Quote by obama: From Audacity of Hope. p 261

yeah, so if the mindless legions come out the woodwork condemning everything islamic because of the actions and words of some jihadis, that would make sense.
Israel snubs Osama's bow down attitude.

If they nuke Iran further back into the
Stone Age, I hope it happens on Hussein’s watch.
It makes perfect sense since he has turned on our ally.

Bam's Muslim-world muddle

Half a year ago in Cairo, President Obama addressed the Muslim world. Global leftists lauded the speech as heralding instant change in the Middle East.

The Obama-adoring pundits were right. Change came. But it's all bad.

Instead of listening to the extravagant claims of our leftward-plunging media about how profoundly that speech affected Muslims, let's look at what's actually happened since Obama praised Islam and trashed America:

By betraying Israel and glorifying the Palestinian cause in Cairo, Obama encouraged unrealistic expectations among Palestinians and empowered Arab hardliners -- always willing to fight to the last Palestinian. Obama's naive demand for a total freeze on Israeli settlements created a flashpoint while undercutting Palestinian and Israeli moderates. The situation's far more explosive than it was when Obama took office.
it's all about loyalty oaths isn't it?:rolleyes:

when the loyalty oath becomes its own fetish, american values are in the toilet.

putin loves loyalty.

again, tommy jefferson is vomiting in his grave.
Israel kicks ass

The Jews in this country would never let Osama
cut off the money flow to Israel, the question is
would the United States Air Force shoot down
IAF aircraft on their way to replay Operation Opera?
personally I hold many of jefferson's truths to be truth to this day.
Some I don't believe to be truth.
Though, he was not perfect, and he was not 'saved'.
Yep he's dead alright.

Forever live the King of Light, Jesus Christ.:beardbng: