Israel snubs the US again: New settlements

if you were at 60% below poverty in large part because your ability to earn a living was being manipulated by some outside power, you'd fire fucking rockets too.

obama hasn't even really done anything yet with this health care shit and half of you have such a twist in your panties that surgical removal seems necessary. quadruple bloody assrockets indeed.

i wonder what you'd all do if you were actually being oppressed in a matter anywhere near that to which palestinians have been. you'd all be fucking shooting each other, yourselves, and your local aldermen.
Rock the Casbah

True dat and since we will never go that low
we will never rise to the point of civil disorder.

Honey, bring me another beer…
Re: Israel vs the Osama administration.

a death wish

Hardly... if they wanted to die, strapping on a bomb would be a good way.

Perhaps being treated like prisoners in their own lands, while having that land being taken away from them illegally? Nah..that wouldn't piss anyone off. They should be happy for it.
That would piss one off, if any of it were true.

Whose land? Israel or Jordan or Syria or Lebanon or Saudia Arabia? Never has been Palestinian land. It was taken from Jordan because Jordan attacked Israel, and lost.
Hilter made Laws
Stalin made Laws
Obammie is making laws that are crap.
Go on follow...
It funny how Gonz used Security Counclil resolutions to justify invading Iraq but thinks Isael can ignore whatever resolutions they want. That's a high level of hypocrisy right there.
Gonz has no use for the UN. Gonz used the Security Council resolutions as an example of your side agreeing that war was a necessity.
Gonz has no use for the UN. Gonz used the Security Council resolutions as an example of your side agreeing that war was a necessity.

No, Gonz clearly used resolutions as justification for invasion. Which means we would be justified in invading Israel to make them comply.