Israel snubs the US again: New settlements

It makes perfect sense since he has turned on our ally.
By betraying Israel and glorifying the Palestinian cause in Cairo, Obama encouraged unrealistic expectations among Palestinians and empowered Arab hardliners -- always willing to fight to the last Palestinian. Obama's naive demand for a total freeze on Israeli settlements created a flashpoint while undercutting Palestinian and Israeli moderates. The situation's far more explosive than it was when Obama took office

Seems like Israel has betrayed the USA, and has been doing so for decades...not to mention ignoring UN resolutions, the Geneva convention etc etc...

The last Palestinian leader has been fighting for peace, and seeing the Israeli settlements kidding he's unable to stop the rockets. Obama's request wasn't was moderate. Asking for the existing settlements to be destroyed would be naive. Asking for the walls to come down would've been naive...asking for water rations to be restored to Palestine...
Re: Israel vs the Osama administration.

I think many would rather die.
Some have for the cause.
I don't claim to know about the majority be any means though.

Seems to me like Winky wanted to nuke the Israelis. Yes, some Israelis have died (and killed) for the cause. Doesn't solve the problem either way.
Israel and Palestine... I don't think I'll see peace in my lifetime. Too much history between them.

As for the Palestinians being all martyrs for "the cause", that is not true. The majority just want peace at any cost. It is the few that strap bombs to their chests and walk into night clubs and coffee shops.

Most Israelis want peace as well. It's the few that keep pushing it and building the settlements and buying political backup that make things worse.
Re: Israel vs the Osama administration.

I think that the Palestinians would just prefer to send them back to legal lands - but if you insist.

Legal lands? So, if you're attacked you must not take spoils but you must allow your neighbor to shell your land daily?
Re: Israel vs the Osama administration.

Legal lands? So, if you're attacked you must not take spoils but you must allow your neighbor to shell your land daily?

You don't attack or shell each other and you don't take lands that aren't yours.
They've been shelled daily for several years now.

They won this land in a war (1967). That's as old as history. They've already (foolishly) given some back.
Yeah, they both attack each other sometimes.

The settlements violate international law. We should cut off funding to them.
and yes, netanyahu is very much a fascist.

Show me.

Beyond reproach? They are the only free & stable democratic government in the ME. They're also peaceful when they aren't defending themselves. Not to mention that the Palestinians refused their chance 50 years ago. They blew it again 10 years ago. They do not want peace, they want Israel gone.
Again, International Law says that Israel may not build in THEIR capital city?
Israel insists that East Jerusalem will never be surrendered to Arab rule and that the entirety of the city will remain the capital of the Jewish state. Israel captured East Jerusalem from Jordanian control in the 1967 Mideast War and annexed it

An AP story that says the conflict is within Jerusalem. It also says that Israel captured this land from Jordan, not Palestine (or Syria/Lebanon). Why would the Palestinains want Jordanian land?
I believe Gilo is outside the green line. So settlements violate UN Security Council resolutions. That meens we can invade Israel or something.