It ain't Irish Spring

oh yeah boyo
Mmm Mmm Mmm just you wait an see what ol Ramjet Romney has in store for em!

no he would not have. no one knows the magical answer to what is going on over there, and anyone who says they do is an asshole.
count me and tens of millions of other Americans as assholes, with all the names you commies have for us
what's one more?
Assisting the Muslim brotherhood and al qaeda to take over these countries was stupid.
C'mon Winky, you know that stifling free speech in the US, apologizing for a video nobody saw (is youtube even piped into muslim nations?) & calling it ARAB SPRING by those with HOPE & CHANGE is the answer.

Which question is the problem.
you two just want flowers and sunshine. shit is gonna happen over there and it's gonna take a while for things to settle down. yes, the world will be perfect and nothing bad will happen once the US government stops picking on the lady trying to open a bakery, and kills all the muslims and commies.
because i had a girlie like that a couple hours ago? it's not really hard to find the funspot. well, for fat couples i imagine it is...