It ain't Irish Spring

dumbed down so even the average GOP Republican tea buggerin' toothless inbred racist homphobic trailer trash meth snortin' hilly mother (and cousin) fuckin' idiot can understand them.
Now if the Harvard Educated (transcripts sealed) Mulatto in the White House could just comprendo
Oh never mind...
comprendo is first person singular. sorry if it's inconvenient for you to learn a little basic spanish.

but don't worry, your convenience is what that video is all about. you got yer fully self-contained pabulum squirt that talks like common sense, all inside the safety of yer little bubble. it's nice that you have your little devotionals.

but seriously dude, not flattering.
more leaders of al quada have been 'removed' in the past 3.5 years than in any comparable period since 9/11.
oh noe's you mean we will be imperiled with the ouster of the usurper?

holy shit Minks he's not even elected and you've re-started the rant that was chanted against Boosh
for all those years, you know it's crap, Hussein is THE cause of the uprising in the middle east
and once Romney gets in there he's going to be the bad guy for having to put it down.

Still sticks in your craw that Boosh lookked the Hero after 9-11 and anyone with half a brain
knows full well it was the sole failure of Slick Willie's foreign policy that handed Boosh the chance
to secure his place in history.

hah If I could talk to the Mormon today I'd tell him that he'd damn well better
get a plan to raise hell beginning January 21st
The rape, torture and murder of the Ambassador to Libya
and Barry's subsequent INACTION and APOLOGIES is just what Billy did after the U.S.S. Cole bombing.
Unless our Muslim Brotherhoods can muster an attack on US soil of the magnitude of 9-11 before the election?
