It will never get better...

OK, here we go

The school superintendent held a door shut as Weise fired shots through it while pupils cowered inside. Students said Weise was fascinated with Goth culture, wore a black trenchcoat and drew pictures of skeletons. He had made threats about "shooting the school up".

bad parenting looks involved
Relatives described Weise as a tall, withdrawn loner who was frequently teased at school. They said his father committed suicide four years ago, while his mother is confined to a nursing home after suffering brain damage in a car accident.

Oh hell, what will we do now
He then blasted his way though the metal detector at the entrance, killing the security guard.


Just another wacko needing killing.
Oh christ gonz what are you doing reading the evening standard. The only pre requisite for writing for that paper is a working knowledge of mein kampf.

Sounds like social services should have been looking out for that kid.
Oh Gee I WAS right if the Security guard had been armed
the body count might have been zero.

Yeah that sounds like the lobby scene int he matrix don't it?
Social services...the schools....everyone is to blame except the kid who pulled the trigger. Why? Because he was bullied?

C'mon. Give it a rest.

It is a sad fact that we live in a world where things happen. Recently divorced men kidnap their children, kill the mother, and traumatize the kids. It is not the judge's fault. It is the perpetrator's fault. Hundreds of other people go through the same stressor without resorting to these means.

Thousand of other kids get bullied. They don't go on shooting sprees.

Blame the kid who pulled the trigger. It is his fault these people are dead. Not mine. Not the school. His and his alone.
He was a crazy person and he snapped. How in the world do you prevent that from happening. It's nobodies fault, as SnP says, bad things happen every day. People always wants someone to blame, sometimes there isn't anyone. :shrug:
SouthernN'Proud said:
And I am convinced that all is rosy in all of the motherland's learning academies at all times.

I seem to recall a period of time when school kids ran wild in London, brandishing bats and other weapons and randomly bashing cars and stuff with them. Late 70s or so. In fact, I think it earned the nickname "punks". Maybe if there had been guns, private citizens could have...well, you know.

Kids with guns in schools is a terrifying thought. However, it is not reason enough to ban guns.

Kids with sharpened ink pens and scissors in schools can kill a lot of people. Should we ban pens and scissors from society just so nobody's kid takes one to school?

I'm really getting tired of repeating myself here. A firearm is nothing more than a tool. An implement. It can take your life; it can save your life. It will do nothing until a thinking human being performs the required motor skills necessary to make it go boom. Just as a butcher knife in a drawer won't cut your wrists unless you pick it up, turn it the proper direction, place the blade on your wrist, and exert sufficient pressure to penetrate. Until then, the knife is not hurting anyone.

I weep for the kids killed in this horific tragedy. I weep for the young man who perpetrated it. But we as a society must look elsewhere for a convenient scapegoat.

I fired my first gun at age 11. I owned my first firearm by age 14. It never one time crossed my mind to ever take that gun to school. Something within my self kept me from having thoughts like that. Obviously, this young man had no such preventative thought pattern. That still does not make it the gun's fault.

I fully expect all the anti-gun nuts to come scrambling out of their holes and start wailing and moaning. More of the "I don't therefore I'll make it so you can't" ideaology that everyone seems so enamored with. Wail and moan away. I got me a constitutional amendment that says you can't have my gun. It says you can't make me get rid of it. And to get it away from me, somebody has to come out and get it, right? Any volunteers?

I didn't think so.

Cry for the victims. Cry for the families. Pray for change. And stop placing blame where it doesn't belong.

I would agree to blame the kid, but would you oppose maybe finding a reason? I am not saying blame just one thing, but I have found that there are various things that mixed together makes the school shooting happen. I have honestly found bullying was A cause(not THE cause per se. Just that it had a hand in it)
Winky said:
MORE guns in schools!
If the quote unquote "security guard"
had been armed perhaps the body count would have been Much lower (zero perhaps?) Yep here in the wild wild west
nearly every school campi has a real life policeman complete with sidearm.
"Hey you stop shooting your fellow students."
"Hey no way man this is way fun"
BLAM nuff said Fred.

{sarcasm}Your gonna need big male security guards then,because if its a women the kids gonna wrestle the gun away and go on a worse shooting spree.{/sarcasm}
{non-sarcasm}Yeah a 5' 2" 51 year old grandmother isn't a match for a teenager.

Remember even the grandmother wasn't armed in the courthouse shooting her gun was locked in a locker.

Shoot if she coulda blasted that guy things mighta turned out differently? {/non-sarcasm}
What is really bothering me about this shooting is that they are saying that the kid was a loner, goth type kid. If he was goth, that doesn't mean he was a loner and if he was loner, that doesn't mean he was goth. Ever since Columbine they have tried to pin off all social outcasts as being goth as if that were just the way things were. Most people that are "goth" are not outcasts because the jocks said so. They are outcasted from the main stream kids because they don't want to be a main stream kid and don't feel like hanging out with people that are fake and only believe someone is a true friend if they have the same name brand bagpack. I know that Eric and Dylan were outcasts. Granted, Eric did his fair share of pissing of the letterjackets, but it was his choice not to be like them and because of this, the jocks didn't like him. Dylan was outcasted because he was very shy and quiet when he was younger and even into the high school years. He also didn't want to be a loud mouth jock that likes to spit milk and chewing gum at people. Granted, these two played Magic and listened to German stompy music, but that does not mean that they are goth nor does it mean that the high school drove them to do what they did.

Most kids in the gothic scene are not outwardly violent yet they are accused of being so simply because of their choice of clothing and makeup. Most jocks aren't outwardly violent, (cruel maybe, but not violent) yet they don't receive any media coverage when they beat tehy crap out of their girlfriend in a private christian school bathroom in the suburbs and then rob 5 houses in a row and drive their own hummer into the lake. True story. The only media coverage this jerk received was for his heavyweight wrestling championship his senior year. But, you get a goth kid that threatens a jock in defense and all the sudden he wants to blow up a school.

I am so sick of this. Who knows what made that kid go off? Parents, society, chemical imbalance, his peers, a combonation of it all perhaps? The thing is that we will never know so why do we keep grasping at straws and labels? Why do we keep accusing different people or things that may or may not be a contibuting factor? I believe the answer is to keep the blame off ourselves. Gov. Bill Owens wanted to keep the blame off the schools and blamed the parents. The parents wanted to avoid blame and blamed the principal and Marlyn Manson. Marlyn Manson was the only person in this circle that didn't let it continue. He simply said we should have listened to the kids before this happened.

I simply ask that when searching for an answer, don't jump to conclusions and start labeling people and warning society that kids that wear trenchcoats want to harm your children while they sit in school learning.

</end rant>
In my high school days I was the outcast one socially. I was the only long haired guy in a class of 235 and a school of almost 1100. The only one. I did it by choice. My entire wardrobe consisted of Levi's and tour shirts. I had a different tour shirt for every day of the week, almost one for every day of the month. I wanted nothing to do with the snotty-ass snobs. I decided to become myself, and amazingly I got popular to some degree. Go figure.

Being a social outcast does not automatically make you dangerous. Neither does it give you license to maim and kill. Kids look like they do by choice. They dress as they please, listen to whatever tunes make them happy, and do other things by choice. If these choices make them unpopular, or if they start out unpopular and then gravitate to things that reinforce that, it comes with the territory. If you're man enough to "go goth", then be man enough to live with the consequences of that decision, be it stares or sneers or whatever. You can't tell me you didn't expect it.

The kid killed his classmates. Period. He should be treated thusly. Since he took the coward's way out, then his memory is forever tarnished by his final deeds. Tough shit; it's the way of the world.
Gonz said:
DOnm't worry, he wsa on prozac
Nice to see it was working so well. Probably wouldn't have smiled and waved at people before he killed 'em otherwise.
SouthernN'Proud said:
In my high school days I was the outcast one socially. I was the only long haired guy in a class of 235 and a school of almost 1100. The only one. I did it by choice. My entire wardrobe consisted of Levi's and tour shirts. I had a different tour shirt for every day of the week, almost one for every day of the month. I wanted nothing to do with the snotty-ass snobs. I decided to become myself, and amazingly I got popular to some degree. Go figure.

Being a social outcast does not automatically make you dangerous. Neither does it give you license to maim and kill. Kids look like they do by choice. They dress as they please, listen to whatever tunes make them happy, and do other things by choice. If these choices make them unpopular, or if they start out unpopular and then gravitate to things that reinforce that, it comes with the territory. If you're man enough to "go goth", then be man enough to live with the consequences of that decision, be it stares or sneers or whatever. You can't tell me you didn't expect it.

The kid killed his classmates. Period. He should be treated thusly. Since he took the coward's way out, then his memory is forever tarnished by his final deeds. Tough shit; it's the way of the world.

I didnt say all outcasts were. Just that the majority of the shooters were. read more carefully. Not all outcasts turn to violence. not even most. But the shooters chose to. My HS was accepting of all people. So there werent many outcasts if any. So everyone to some level was liked.
Lissa that was typed like a former Goth lol

Anyone who thinks Goths are not outcasts
must be Hmmm a Goth?

C'Mon really, goth kids aren't cool even Goths know that, heh.

When the straight laced straight A prep school kids start
doin' mass murders then you got something to worry about.
Winky said:
Lissa that was typed like a former Goth lol

Anyone who thinks Goths are not outcasts
must be Hmmm a Goth?

C'Mon really, goth kids aren't cool even Goths know that, heh.

When the straight laced straight A prep school kids start
doin' mass murders then you got something to worry about.

I wasn't goth in high school. My post states that goths ARE outcasts, but they are outcasts by choice. They choose not to wear the trendy clothes and choose not to act like a sheep. We have something to worry about when ANYONE starts mass killing. In my post I posted a story about a very violent "straight laced" jock that got no recognition for what he did in the community, but everytime someone tries to wear a trench coat to school, it is on the front page of both of our major city newspapers.
PrincessLissa said:
I wasn't goth in high school.

So am I to subsume that you waited until you left HS to go Goth
or you never were a Goth? lol

jus messin' with ya

Yep it's always them well-adjusted successful sports types that waste their fellow classmates en masse.

What are you getting at there Lissa?
I’m just not getting yer vibe in this one.

Is there any credence to this blurb that all these wackjob kids were on
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drugs?
Cause for a chuckle:

At the Kid's Jesuit Catholic college Prep school

The dean of students (the resident discipline enforcement Nazi)
told one of my Kids best buddies,
your shirt isn't tucked in, tuck it in and give me two dollars.
(untucked shirts are a crime ya know)
The kid (son of a multimillionaire) sez all I got is a $20.
So my smart alec son pipes up with "I got two bucks",
the Dean sez "you gimme the two bucks and you need a shave"
So my Kid has to take a disposable razor,
(a supply is kept on hand for just this type of infraction)
go in the restroom and shave.

My boy sez normally it is supposed to be a dry shave but he lucked out and got too soap up.

This is the same kid that cuts his own hair into a military reg cut without any prodding from me.

The only deaths at this school I've heard of was the freshman that upon finding that he was getting a B on his first semester report card committed suicide.

Yep may all of your chillen's have only the normal issues to deal with in school.
Kevlar is hot in the summer.
Is it written in the paperwork you had to sign to get him in the school that infractions such as an untucked shirt can be punishable by a $2 fine?