It's 8am


molṑn labé
Staff member
How much do you trust your new Government Motors?

Had GW & Obama let things play out properly, we'd have been done with this months ago. Instead, we wasted tens of billions, several months & allowed our goernment to interfere with commerce.

72% US Government
18% UAW
10% Canada Government.

How much is that Honda?
The Chrysler dealership around the corner quietly closed up shop over the last couple of weeks. One day all of the cars were just gone.
Red that ain't funny

Les it's spooky ain't it?

Gonz how do I like it?
Let me count the ways...
How much do you trust your new Government Motors?

Had GW & Obama let things play out properly, we'd have been done with this months ago. Instead, we wasted tens of billions, several months & allowed our goernment to interfere with commerce.

72% US Government
18% UAW
10% Canada Government.

How much is that Honda?
I actually think that if GM hadn't come to the GVT asking to be saved and tried it alone that it would've been one hell of a hard bankruptcy and you'd be seeing an extra 250k GM workers on the unemployment lines right around now.
It wouldn't have worked out like that but even if it had
what’s so bad about that? Care to ponder a guess just how many hundreds of millions
people ARE employed in the United States right now? No Wait if GM blew too pieces
how many Canucks would be out of job? Ain't Ford a big employer up there as well?
Chrystler and GM are in bankruptcy protection despite the HUGE influx of think it would've been easier if the money hadn't come in??
GMs due to close another 14 plants this week despite the help. It's shutting down thousands of dealerships and garages, despite the help.

What makes you think that all this would've been any better without the tax-payer stepping in?
if any of youz knew poot about GM and its internal workings, you'd understand that having the gubmint run things might actually improve efficiency and productivity.

don't ask me to explain that. i know too much. they might come for me.
Minkey ... they might ... by accident. No matter how badly GM was run before, they'll do bad better.
When it comes right down to it..the GVTs just bought job security for a whole whack of people. Those directly and indirectly affected.

Beats letting GM falter into bankruptcy and being bought up piecemeal by some billionaires in the UAE or China, eh?
Um, where did you get that from? They didn't do any such thing. Not to mention that GM has hugely more chinese investment than asians like Toyota. Indeed, US car maker GM gets the bulk of it's north american line up from overseas, unlike Toyota, who has made huge investments right here in NA. In fact, the reason that GM chose to scrap the better selling Pontiac line over the Buick nameplate is that they've worked hard setting up the Buick brand .... in CHINA!!!

As for job security, GM workers pay a union fees to ensure their job security. That's hardly the government's job.

AND!!! Who the fuck gives the gov't the right to decide that some over paid factory worker at GM is entitled to attemped job protection paid outta tax payers wallets and not Joe Six-paq at mom'n'pop's hardware over on seventh ave? You know mom'n'pop's, doncha? They're those gullible fucks who decided to support american manufacturers and sell only american made tools and stock while Walmart and Lowes and Home-depot make billions selling cheap chinko crap that barely outlasts the warranty.
Oh, and GM is selling it's divisions off as fast as it can find chumps to buy it. Saab, Opel, Vauxhall ... all up for sale. Indeed, the only thing they're not selling off is Pontiac ... despite the dealership network begging for them to put it up so they can buy it and preserve their own american jobs. The only one's not interested in buying GM ... is the fucking chinks.
Um, where did you get that from? They didn't do any such thing. Not to mention that GM has hugely more chinese investment than asians like Toyota. Indeed, US car maker GM gets the bulk of it's north american line up from overseas, unlike Toyota, who has made huge investments right here in NA. In fact, the reason that GM chose to scrap the better selling Pontiac line over the Buick nameplate is that they've worked hard setting up the Buick brand .... in CHINA!!!

As for job security, GM workers pay a union fees to ensure their job security. That's hardly the government's job.

AND!!! Who the fuck gives the gov't the right to decide that some over paid factory worker at GM is entitled to attemped job protection paid outta tax payers wallets and not Joe Six-paq at mom'n'pop's hardware over on seventh ave? You know mom'n'pop's, doncha? They're those gullible fucks who decided to support american manufacturers and sell only american made tools and stock while Walmart and Lowes and Home-depot make billions selling cheap chinko crap that barely outlasts the warranty.
All the union dues in the world ain't gonna help you if your company stops existing or changes location/owner.

If Mom'n'pop hardware employed that many thousands of employees and had thousand's more. :shrug:
There's one GM. How many mon'n'pops do you think there were before the gov't allowed Walmart to drive them outta business? I'll wager a lot more than the number of GM workers (actual workers who've done 40 billable hours this week. Not the thousands on the payroll paid to stay home) at risk.
But again, it comes down, not to job security, but whether the Gov't has the authority to tax the public to preserve a privately held corporation. It's not like GM doesn't have other avenues to solicit money. There's all those shareholders who've volunteered their cash for GM coffers. They did so, understanding the risks of the stock market roller coaster, betting that they'd win profit and dividends. Where's the dividends for the taxpayer?
Minkey ... they might ... by accident. No matter how badly GM was run before, they'll do bad better.

...and right back to my original comment, which stems from direct experience, not the ideological notion that government is always wasteful/inefficient.

there are some things that are less efficient than the typical bureaucracy