It's 8am

Advance look at the new Chevy Silverado.

I'm sure the taxpayers will get dividends once the new GM comes back.


care to name once when taxes were given back once collected?

government spending is a black hole. once dollars go in they disappear forever

consider this scenario

joe worker gets his first job at 18. he works somewhere until he is 65, then retires. he chooses to rely on social security for his upkeep. after all, he paid into it for 47 years. every month. joe lives to be 80, or close to the average life span. he pays in for 47 years and draws out for 15. do you honestly think for one second he draws three times what he paid in per month? hed have to just to break even

if you want to fall for that be my guest. we all know the vast majority of joes money went to those unwilling or unable to support themselves. so he keeps those people alive for 47 years then gets to struggle on an insulting pittance after he himself can no longer work

and you want to talk about return on investment from the GOVERNMENT?

let me know the next time you want change for a twenty. im your boy
Well as much as I'd like to agree with you on everything
Waterboy it ain't like that, the mumbahs don't lie.

Unless the average Joe will do us all a favor and die sooner he will collect all that he paid in and more with those numbers.

If the funds that were stolen from him were properly invested during those 47 years
it would make him a rich sum-bitch and if the government didn't steal his estate
his heirs would be rich sum-bitches too.

We cain't be having that in the land of the free now can we?
20, 60, 100 bucks a week vs 1100's a ponzi scheme. As long as there are more contributors than recipients, all is well.

It was designed as a widows fund. Men, in general, died before they collected a dime. The widow collected for, on average, three years. Today, with men living to 75+ & women over 80, the only viable option is to increase the retirement age or slash benfits. Since both options are political suicide, it'll go tits up...only to be revived by a "bailout". Perhaps GM dividends? :lol:

Whose idea was retirement anyway? That's a luxury that relatively new.
Dang it Gonz there you go again "setting the record straight".
What ever are we gonna do with you?
My current projected SSI 'retirement' amount is truly astounding indeed.
Not that there's a chance in Hell of ever collecting it.

care to name once when taxes were given back once collected?

government spending is a black hole. once dollars go in they disappear forever

consider this scenario

joe worker gets his first job at 18. he works somewhere until he is 65, then retires. he chooses to rely on social security for his upkeep. after all, he paid into it for 47 years. every month. joe lives to be 80, or close to the average life span. he pays in for 47 years and draws out for 15. do you honestly think for one second he draws three times what he paid in per month? hed have to just to break even

if you want to fall for that be my guest. we all know the vast majority of joes money went to those unwilling or unable to support themselves. so he keeps those people alive for 47 years then gets to struggle on an insulting pittance after he himself can no longer work

and you want to talk about return on investment from the GOVERNMENT?

let me know the next time you want change for a twenty. im your boy
The individuals? Nope...but then again, it's not the individuals being asked to send a CQ to pay for it all. Any dividend moneys taken in will go towards the budget, which includes paying off debt, building roads, going to war etc... much like everything else paid for by "The taxpayers"

As for an'd need to find a balanced budget in your country's history. Good luck.
The individuals? Nope...but then again, it's not the individuals being asked to send a CQ to pay for it all.

precisely. its taken from us before we get it. no checks required. simplified extortion at its finest. i didnt even get to vote on whether i wanted GM bailed out. i sure as hell get to pay for it though
precisely. its taken from us before we get it. no checks required. simplified extortion at its finest. i didnt even get to vote on whether i wanted GM bailed out. i sure as hell get to pay for it though
The same can be said about pretty much everything the GVT decides to spend your taxes on. The GM amount is a drop in the bucket next to the Bank bailouts, and that's small in comparison to rebuilding a foreign country (Iraq) from the ground up.
i'm certainly not happy about paying for the banks or the most retarded two of the big three. especially since there's little evidence that any of them will do anything other than continue to fuck up.
Obama now runs banks, automakers & the largest insurance company in the world. He is the primary insurer of virtually every mortgage in America.

Next, power & gas.
and just what DO you find interesting about an additional 13 trillion dollars of debt? Hmmm???