It's illegal alien

*evil plan is working...justa little more & it'll be ALL MINE...ALL MINE...MINE...MINE, I TELL YA MINE*
flavio said:
I wouldn't think so.

After all your complaining in the other thread it sure didn't take long for you to make a spelling mistake.

Fixed... but you DO know the difference between a typo and a spelling mistake, right?
Inkara1 said:
So this guy is an Indian... er, Native American? He must be if he claims this is his homeland.

Looks like he's got his obligatory "I broke into this country and all I got was this lousy Bush bashing shirt" on...
From todays local rag, reporting on Sundays march (which we didn't make)

Jose Carillo, 39, has been in Fort Wayne working for six years. He doesn’t want to lose his job or leave, he said. He came to the United States to have a better life – there are more and better jobs here, he said in Spanish.

Carillo also worries about the children born here by immigrant parents. Those children have rights to go to school and to receive help paying for health care because they are American, too, he said.

Maybe Jose should learn English AND the Constitution.

"Si, se puede!"

Bend over & smile when you take it

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate leaders on Thursday announced a bipartisan compromise on an overhaul of U.S. immigration laws, giving some illegal immigrants a path to citizenship and creating a temporary worker program.

"I think we're looking like we may be able to dance this afternoon," Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada told reporters.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican, appeared with Reid and said "We have a great opportunity to deliver to the American people what they expect, what they deserve," a comprehensive border security and immigration reform bill.

What we deserve is to have all the illegals sent packing with no ability to re-enter our country since they have already proven their willingness to break our laws.
What we deserve is a Congress willing to work for the people..instead of working the people over.
What we deserve is lower taxes, fewer laws, less interference from government & the abiltiy to follow our unalienable Rights.

What we deserve is freedom.

Too bad the people have given it away & ask their members of Congress "Please sir, may I have another".

Illegal aliens are criminals & deserve to be treated as such.

Let's's 2006. We'll be doing this again in, approximately, 2014, when there are 40 million illegal aliens.

Gonz said:
We'll be doing this again in, approximately, 2014, when there are 40 million illegal aliens.

No, my friend of hispanic descent we will not.

Long before that them folks will have so much political
clout we will be instituting another round of
affirmative action programs and 'civil rights' laws this time
for the Americans of illegal Hispanic descent!

All ya gotta do is prove your parents were illegal
and blam you've got special rights!

Wait till the reparations tax kicks in!
flavio said:
What exactly does it take for them to immigrate legally? Why wouldn't they all go that route?

For the quick reply...

Apply for a green card at the US consulate, and wait for approval. If approval is given, move to the US, remain in the country for 5 years...with a clean record, and a good grasp of the English language, and take a 'citizenship' test. Pass the test, go on to a ceremony, presided over by a federal judge, and recite an oath. Fail the test, and you have to wait at least 6 months, but no more than one year, to take it again. I don't know what will happen if you fail twice...
flavio said:
What exactly does it take for them to immigrate legally? Why wouldn't they all go that route?

anothe quick reply, but diffrent info.

You have to be a citizen of good standing ei no criminal record (refugee status is something else) you have to either have a certain skill set that the country needs (ei nurse) or a be sponsered by a company that is hiring you, and the company has to prove you are needed, that no american can do your job. Or you are married to an american, or engaged (not sure about the engaged) and that is just to get the green card, you can then have landed immigrant status, or go for citizenship.

In Canada there is a Lottery to be allowed to move into the states, or you must have the above-mentioned.

OR you are rich. and it sounds bad, but it makes sense, they want people who will add to the economy, without taking jobs from people who live there already, if you are rich you don't need to work (yes THAT rich) and you will be spending hence adding to the economy.

Another way is open a business with a branch in the US then you are hiring yourself, if you can prove that yo will be hiring others, hence creating jobs, you are a shoe in.

What they don't want are criminals, or people likely to take advantage of the already overstressed welfare/gov't aide systems.
paul_valaru said:
anothe quick reply, but diffrent info.

You have to be a citizen of good standing ei no criminal record (refugee status is something else)

That's the 5 year part...once you are cleared by the Consulate...

paul_valary said:
you have to either have a certain skill set that the country needs (ei nurse) or a be sponsered by a company that is hiring you, and the company has to prove you are needed, that no american can do your job.

That's not always true, but it is a plus...

paul_valaru said:
Or you are married to an american, or engaged (not sure about the engaged) and that is just to get the green card, you can then have landed immigrant status, or go for citizenship.

Married, not engaged. That also falls under the 5 year rule, due to 'quickie' marriages in the past with big pay-offs to the citizen.

paul_valaru said:
OR you are rich. and it sounds bad, but it makes sense, they want people who will add to the economy, without taking jobs from people who live there already, if you are rich you don't need to work (yes THAT rich) and you will be spending hence adding to the economy.

I figured he'd already know that one, so I never mentioned it. It's also that way with every other country I know of...

paul_valaru said:
What they don't want are criminals, or people likely to take advantage of the already overstressed welfare/gov't aide systems.

In other words, those that actually go through the process legally aren't the problem. The folks that sneak across have already proven that our laws don't mean much. Most are not going to do anything else illegal, but the ones that do are the ones that make it hard on everybody else. The criminal element is forcing a stronger stance. Drugs and crime are the driving force behind this new, although tepid, push...which is why we, as a country, want to choose who we let in our home. Now, which would you prefer...the person who knocks, or the person who breaks in?
paul_valaru said:
You have to be a citizen of good standing ei no criminal record.

I meant in your home country.

I know for a canadian to get a green card you NEED an employer, money, or spouse.

I know to get into Canada it is the same, except for the refugee status.
Sounds like getting a green card can be difficult.

Americans move to Canada all the time. Do they all have to prove their worth to get a green card first?

I think to address the problem it's important to understand the different reasons why they come to America and what the problem is with lefal immigration that would make them want to go through the danger of border hopping and the subsequent fear that goes along with the illegal status.
flavio said:
Sounds like getting a green card can be dificult.

Americans move to Canada all the time. Do they all have to prove their worth to get a green card first?

I think to address the problem it's important to understand the different reasons why they come to America and what the problem is with lefal immigration that would make them want to go through the danger of border hopping and the subsequent fear that goes along with the illegal status.

For Americans to come to Canada it is just as hard as for Canadians to go to the US.

and usually the illegal immigrants go to the states for the jobs and a chance at the american dream, BUT I beleive that they should follow the law, and when found, should be deported, I think the same in this country if and illegal alien is caught, they have a chance at getting refugee status, if there is a danger to their life if they return to their home country, I am ok with that, they have a right to live, but to try to stay cause they met a, back you go, do it legally.
flavio said:
Sounds like getting a green card can be dificult.

And it is supposed to be hard, or the country would be overpopulated real fast. And possibly filled with people who have nothing to contibute.
Well ya see Vally alls ya gots to do iffin' yer a mess-kin

is walk (or otherwise) across the open border

and line up for:

Food stamps
Free Medical
Free dental
Free schoolin' fer yer niños
Tax free employment
Drive without insurance, registration or license

and be sure to take part in the protest march here
Friday to complain about the evil la Migras

Amerika whatta country!