It's illegal alien

a good article on Wikipedia and its trustworthiness (might require registration; it asked me to log in or register when I tried to get page 4 of 6)

The problem with that article is that there's no byline. Anyone could have written it. Wikipedia has no editorial board so if something's inaccurate there's no one accountable. Maybe the facts were checked before being posted and maybe they weren't.
Gonz said:
Wow. *smacks forehead* I never thought of that.

It's hard to get a Stanford stamped PhD so I think we should all just go steal one.

So, what did you have to do to become a US citizen?
PHOENIX - At least 100,000 people -- and maybe as many as 200,000 -- marched through the streets of Phoenix Monday to demand federal immigration legislation to create a path to citizenship for the estimated 500,000 people not legally in Arizona.
AZ Starnet

ARIZONA Population, 2004 estimate 5,743,834

1 in 10 people in AZ are illegal & we're not using nets to round them up? Why the hell not?
Oh, and for the record


Immigrants are not a problem.
yes a massive anti-American rally right cheer two miles from my house

all is lost, has been for many years

we no longer have a right to any borders

tell ya this

half a million illegals in this place ain't made it better

I'm tellin' ya true
Winky said:
Somos America, We Are America:

Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote

Which is exactly why this is a problem...somebody wants the Hispanic vote more than secure borders...;)
A start of that list
Ted Kennedy
John McCain
Nancy Pelosi
John Kerry
Barbara Boxer
Lamar Alexander
Joe Biden
Lincoln Chafee
Mary Bono
Tom DeLay...oh sorry, not him
He sures does seem to get a lot of criticism from the hispanic community despite the pandering you speak of.