It's Palin ...

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That wasn't the point. See if you can figure it out.

And where did Obama say he considers it a penalty for not understanding values and morals?

Yeah, where? Oh, here:

He said, and I quote:

"Look, I've got two daughters, 9 years old and 6 years old. ... I'm going to teach them, first of all, about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

Why does he always raise his voice at the end of each pause---like he's asking a question?
That's not exactly "a penalty for not understanding values and morals" now is it?

If you're asking for my opinion, no, I don't consider a baby a "punishment".

I understand you don't want to believe what you heard, but he did say "punished with a baby." And immediately before that he was referring to "morals and values". Then, he said the word "mistake".

How would you interpret it?

Maybe he should quit being so selfish and think of his daughters for a change and stay home to raise them before they make a mistake.

If those are indeed "his" daughters.

That's not exactly "a penalty for not understanding values and morals" now is it?

No, its just punishment, that's all.

You need to get a synonym dictionary and actually read it.

thesaurus results for: penalty
Synonym Collection v1.1
Main Entry: penalty
Part of Speech: noun
Synonyms: amercement, damages, disadvantage, fine, forfeit, forfeiture, hardship, loss, mulct, penance, punishment, retribution, suffering

Synonym Collection v1.1
Copyright © 2008 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC.
What I found, sunshine..all over Goog, was examples of sites that said that that quote was a scam, and not one example of a news organization (not even Fox), quoting it as real.
You figured that a statement that weighty would've been far easier to find on BBC, NBC, CBS, FOX etc least ONE of them!

What you found, all over Goog, were sites that LIED about the statement being a scam. Did it ever occur to you that the mainstream media (MSM) is so deep in Obama's pocket that they are not about to print anything negative about him?

An assumption...based on research made on the spot. The conclusion should've been that "It wasn't important enough of a statement to make the news"

See above.

Which basically, it wasn't.

Then they all agreed that a baby is punishment?

And yeah. Punished with an unwanted pregnancy. Punished with having to make the decision at 14-16 years old as to whether to keep the baby, give it up for adoption, or abort. None of which are pleasant decisions for the pregnant girl or the one who got her that way.

Babys are not a punishment whether they come from a wanted or unwanted pregnancy. You ever think about that term "unwanted". That is exactly what an abortion is an unwanted child flushed from life usually for convenience after all of those wonderful sex education and safe sex teachings failed. Its not the child's fault that the rubber, in which so much faith had been placed, broke.
after all of those wonderful sex education and safe sex teachings failed.

Nope, statistics show that it's abstinence only education that fails more often.

Did it ever occur to you that the mainstream media (MSM) is so deep in Obama's pocket that they are not about to print anything negative about him?

Oh no, we've never seen anything negative reported in the news about Obama. :rofl3: :laugh:

You haven't actually been watching the news then huh?
Heart condemns McCain-Palin use of 'Barracuda'
Posted: 08:41 AM ET

Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart.
ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — Blasting through the Republican convention hall is the 1977 hit "Barracuda" by rock band Heart.

It's a shout-out to Sarah Palin. When she played basketball in high school, the soon-to-be Republican vice presidential nominee earned the nickname "Sarah barracuda" for her fierce competitiveness.

Some of her opponents revived the "Sarah barracuda" nickname after she became mayor of her hometown, Wasilla, in 1996, defeating a three-term incumbent.

UPDATE: Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart said Thursday night that Universal Music Publishing and Sony BMG have sent a cease and desist notice to the McCain-Palin campaign over their use of 'Barracuda.'

"We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We
hope our wishes will be honored," the group said in a statement that said they "condemn" the use of the song at the Republican convention.
“What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Barack Obama?”

“One is a well turned-out, good-looking, and let's be honest, pretty sexy piece of eye-candy.

“The other kills her own food.”
Yes, McCain stares at all the candidates asses all the time.

You're just miffed that he doesn't look at yours.

He wasn't looking at her ass, he was looking at her speech notes.

But what if he WAS looking at her ass? Shows that he is still a sexually active guy at 72, unlike "I'm Bob Dole and I've got E.D."
I should think announcing that you have ED and doing something about it it's pretty much stating that you do still have the desire to be sexually active.
Hey, you need to quit misreadin shit.

It's not "a penalty for not understanding values and morals" now is it?

nObama said:

"I'm going to teach them, first of all, about values and morals. But, if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

The word "punish" has already been defined.

What do you think he meant by mistake?

1. An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness.
2. A misconception or misunderstanding.

If B.H.O. teaches his kids values and morals and they wind up pregnant in spite of his best intentions, he would consider the resulting baby a "punishment" for their "mistake" of not paying attention to him when he sat them down and was trying to impart "values and morals" on them. :shrug:

He would say: "You should've listen to me when we had that talk. Now look at you! Michelle??!! Get in here and look at your daughter. She's pregnant! How? What do you mean, how?! You know how. She didn't listen to me---as usual! Everyone get in the car! Right Now!"

Obama's error is that he is not advising his kids that "actions have consequences."

A "mistake" is not something that "just happens", as in "Oh, dear, I made a mistake. But I didn't mean to do it. It just happened. I don't know how it happened, but it's not my fault."

Heart should be so lucky to have new life breathed into their 31 year old tune.

It's currently their second most downloaded song on Whiners.

Perhaps their political views and morals are more important to them than their pocketbooks?

Not that I agree with their views but I do respect their decision.
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