It's Palin ...

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Boy, am I ever glad to know what Heart thinks of the Republicans. Now I'll be able to sleep at night because I won't be in suspense.
Boy, am I ever glad to know what Heart thinks of the Republicans. Now I'll be able to sleep at night because I won't be in suspense.

I found it pretty funny. It's kind of weird that you made so much more out of it.
Not a penalty for not understanding morals and values. You kind of just made that up.

No. I just have a firm grasp on the meaning of words and I don't need to deny their plain and unambiguous meaning to cling to my beliefs. Words mean things and you want to change that meaning to suit your agenda.
No. I just have a firm grasp on the meaning of words and I don't need to deny their plain and unambiguous meaning to cling to my beliefs. Words mean things and you want to change that meaning to suit your agenda.

Yet I didn't vhange the meaning of any words. You just made up somthing else to suit your agenda.
What you found, all over Goog, were sites that LIED about the statement being a scam. Did it ever occur to you that the mainstream media (MSM) is so deep in Obama's pocket that they are not about to print anything negative about him?
Including Fox? Wow! Fox is in Obama's pocket? Guess that he wins then?

Babys are not a punishment whether they come from a wanted or unwanted pregnancy. You ever think about that term "unwanted". That is exactly what an abortion is an unwanted child flushed from life usually for convenience after all of those wonderful sex education and safe sex teachings failed. Its not the child's fault that the rubber, in which so much faith had been placed, broke.

Rubbers, used correctly, work 98-99% of the time. Rubbers, ignored in "Abstinence only education" fails 100% of the time..because they aren't on hand, nor used. :shrug: Don't knock the love-glove.

I love my kids...we wanted to start a family, made an effort and got a family. We'd planned for it financially, and physically. Our family before the kids was stable, we had a home, wheels, jobs etc... and despite all that are a chore and a financial, physical, and emotional strain. They also happen to be a joy. They were wanted kids.

Now...without the financial, physical, and emotional support of a healthy relationship, family, friends etc... and a fair measure of preparedness, having and caring for children is more than just a can be a hellova challenge...especially if you are not ready mentally for parenthood, nor emotionally stable enough to bear the brunt of a quickly overturned life. A 14-16 year old girl, lving at home..still in High-School, no job, no savings, no home, no wheels and no solid relationship...I wish her the best of luck!

Is it possible to muddle through with a kid? Maybe... Easy? Never. Punitive...certainly. How punitive it is will depend on how much support this 14-16 year old kid has from her family. How resentful she'll be of the kid depends on her mental/emotional preparedness. How effective a parent she'll be depends on the same.
Including Fox? Wow! Fox is in Obama's pocket? Guess that he wins then?

Hmmmm. That is in direct contradiction with what you wrote when you posted:

What I found, sunshine..all over Goog, was examples of sites that said that that quote was a scam, and not one example of a news organization (not even Fox), quoting it as real.
You figured that a statement that weighty would've been far easier to find on BBC, NBC, CBS, FOX etc least ONE of them!

I posted a discussion on Fox HERE that directed anyone who was interested in actually following the posted link to THIS VIDEO SEGMENT.

I guess you missed that.
Rubbers, used correctly, work 98-99% of the time. Rubbers, ignored in "Abstinence only education" fails 100% of the time..because they aren't on hand, nor used. :shrug: Don't knock the love-glove.

I love my kids...we wanted to start a family, made an effort and got a family. We'd planned for it financially, and physically. Our family before the kids was stable, we had a home, wheels, jobs etc... and despite all that are a chore and a financial, physical, and emotional strain. They also happen to be a joy. They were wanted kids.

Now...without the financial, physical, and emotional support of a healthy relationship, family, friends etc... and a fair measure of preparedness, having and caring for children is more than just a can be a hellova challenge...especially if you are not ready mentally for parenthood, nor emotionally stable enough to bear the brunt of a quickly overturned life. A 14-16 year old girl, lving at home..still in High-School, no job, no savings, no home, no wheels and no solid relationship...I wish her the best of luck!

Is it possible to muddle through with a kid? Maybe... Easy? Never. Punitive...certainly. How punitive it is will depend on how much support this 14-16 year old kid has from her family. How resentful she'll be of the kid depends on her mental/emotional preparedness. How effective a parent she'll be depends on the same.

His full quote was "I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at age sixteen."

So are babies equal to an STD when it comes to punishment for bad behavior?
What I found, sunshine..all over Goog, was examples of sites that said that that quote was a scam, and not one example of a news organization (not even Fox), quoting it as real.
You figured that a statement that weighty would've been far easier to find on BBC, NBC, CBS, FOX etc least ONE of them!


What you found, all over Goog, were sites that LIED about the statement being a scam. Did it ever occur to you that the mainstream media (MSM) is so deep in Obama's pocket that they are not about to print anything negative about him?

me said:
Including Fox? Wow! Fox is in Obama's pocket? Guess that he wins then?

What I said, what you said..what I rebutted.
His full quote was "I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at age sixteen."

So are babies equal to an STD when it comes to punishment for bad behavior?
Both things that can happen to a person if they don't practice safe sex. Equal...perhaps not, but both potential outcomes of unprotected sex.
holy shit peel's whipped out his internet dictionary again.

everybody look out. the fountain of wisdom is spewing. get your unbrellas up early so you won't be pickin' chunks of corn out of your hair later.
I wonder what kind of point there is behind all your bitching.

Obama is pro-choice. Was there something else you were trying to say?
He's also least to some degree.

Nope, just pro-choice.

No ... he's pro-abortion. Why are you afraid to say that?

Not afraid, it would just be an idiotic inaccurate thing to say. That would imply that he encouraged abortion for every pregnancy or somthing.

He's for the mother having a choice...hence pro-choice.
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