It's Palin ...

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Didn't you just read what he said? Why do you feel the need to make up shit about it?

I read it and I watched it

(the fish comment is in such poor taste that it hasn't been included yet)

Only a total idiot would be outraged considering the words are right there to read and he didn't call anyone anything.

You can tell from that video he thought twice about saying it. He hesitated, stammered, and rubbed his forehead, then said:

"You know, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,' but it's still gonna stink after eight years."

You wish, no self destruction. Just fauz outrage from the desperate.

What he said should be at least a 10 point bump for McCain-Palin.

OMGFG!! One forum poster had something to say! Holy shit.

Is that you going incognito on the hillary forums? :laugh:

Hate to break it to you, but there is five pages worth of posters saying something. :rolleyes:
"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,' but it's still gonna stink after eight years."

Sounds more like he's talking about Bush - ya know. Eight Years in office. :shrug:

McCain said:
McCain criticized Democratic contenders for offering what he called costly universal health-care proposals that require too much government regulation. While he said he had not studied Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton's plan, he said it was "eerily reminiscent" of the failed plan she offered as first lady in the 1990s.

"I think they put some lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig," he said of her proposal.

McCain thinks that Palin's a pig too :rofl:
"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,' but it's still gonna stink after eight years."

Sounds more like he's talking about Bush - ya know. Eight Years in office. :shrug:

McCain thinks that Palin's a pig too :rofl:

Oh no! More double standards from the right. Go figure..

From the same story:

Ms. Comella said that Ms. Palin’s travel expenses were “80 percent below” those of her predecessor, Frank H. Murkowski, and that she had achieved this savings by selling the state’s plane, flying coach when traveling on the state’s business and driving herself to work.


Ms. Leighow, in the governor’s office, said Ms. Palin had not received a per diem since being selected by Mr. McCain as his running mate.

So she gets $.20 on the dollar compared to her predecesor and somehow this is a bad thing?

Gotta admit that that button is funny. Irrelevant, but damned funny.

I think Palin's getting out the timbers, hammer, and nails as we speak.

Obama is toast and he is doing it to himself. He is his own worst enemy. He is so used to getting a pass based on his color that he thinks he is immune. He has been surrounded by Illinois "Yes" men for so long, who don't want to offend the Black guy, that he thinks it translates to national immunity as well.

He is now finding out that the rest of us won't accept his idiocy.
I think Palin's getting out the timbers, hammer, and nails as we speak.

Obama is toast and he is doing it to himself. He is his own worst enemy. He is so used to getting a pass based on his color that he thinks he is immune. He has been surrounded by Illinois "Yes" men for so long, who don't want to offend the Black guy, that he thinks it translates to national immunity as well.

He is now finding out that the rest of us won't accept his idiocy.

No you'll just spew entirely made up idiocy like the above. Palin's 3 scandals a day means that she is toast. American's aren't going to accept a couple morons like McCain-Palin.
The Sarah Palin action figure has hit the street.

The Joe Biden action figure has yet to hit the drawing board.


Holy shit! If that image doesn't mean "next VP" I don't know what other indicators you could be looking for. :rofl3:

Good to see you stay focused on the important stuff.
Plain continues to lie about stopping the bridge to nowhere in speeches even though she's been outed as supporting it until congress pulled the plug....and then never giving back the money.

Watching yet another report on this right now. :D
American's aren't going to accept a couple morons like McCain-Palin.

well that's where you're wrong.

precedent? dubya got elected (as least by technicality) TWICE.

apparently america loves a parroting moron. and they will have that in spades with palin, who will serve brilliantly as vice president vagina/birth canal, which is what her hordes of male followers really like about her (as evidenced by all the "and she's hot" comments here and elsewhere). yes, she does look fertile, doesn't she?

well, at least mccain won't be taking the rapture into serious consideration when planning foreign policy. that's one notch up from bush.
Screw that, what does she look like in a black leather corset with her hands cuffed?

it's just that she gives off the breeding vessel/trailer trash (or as she says, "valley trash") vibe. i can't imagine her in any kind of S&M situation - why fool around with that kinda stuff, when it's just about getting fucked/knocked up? though if she did indulge, i'll bet the safe word (or phrase) would be "you damned dirty apes!" or other suitable hestonism.
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