It's Palin ...

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Yet another opinion piece. Awesome.

I knew you would be pleased. It must really twist your shorts that a left wing publication like the Washington post is lauding the praises of a conservative woman.

You might want to look again. The article is listed under "Articles" not "Opinion".

Opinions are located here:
I knew you would be pleased. It must really twist your shorts that a left wing publication like the Washingtoin post is lauding the praises of a conservative woman.

The Washington Post is just a news outlet. They let people write opinion pieces sometimes. Doesn't twist my shorts in the least. Just your wishful thinking.

You might want to look again. The article is listed under "Articles" not "Opinion".

You might want to read the article. It's an opinion piece Jimbo.

Can you really not spot that? You don't see any opinion in it huh?

Predictions of the future and looking for "signs" didn't tip you off?
Nope, actually it confirmed that he doesn't support infanticide.

"But his stated reasons for opposing "born-alive" bills have to do with preserving abortion rights, a position he is known to support and has never hidden."

But as a secondary issue, his votes against preserving the life of a living child comes down to allowing that child to die. If the infant is allowed to die when its life could be preserved the proper term is "infanticide".
The Washington Post is just a news outlet. They let people write opinion pieces sometimes. Doesn't twist my shorts in the least. Just your wishful thinking.

You might want to read the article. It's an opinion piece Jimbo.

Can you really not spot that? You don't see any opinion in it huh?

Predictions of the future and looking for "signs" didn't tip you off?

I see. So if the piece, which contains the word "if" one time, contains even one hint at what the future could bring to the state of Alaska then anything else in the piece -- factually accurate and true and supported by documented evidence -- is completely untrue.

Got it.

In your world there are no facts, no truths, and no reality.

Supporters of US Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and Republican vice presidential candidate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, listen to McCain speak on stage during an outdoor rally in Fairfax, Virginia, September 10, 2008.
I see. So if the piece, which contains the word "if" one time, contains even one hint at what the future could bring to the state of Alaska then anything else in the piece -- factually accurate and true and supported by documented evidence -- is completely untrue.

No, you just made that up. You seem expecialy prone to that lately, even more than usual.

However, you can't prove much of anything with a biased opinion piece.
But as a secondary issue, his votes against preserving the life of a living child comes down to allowing that child to die. If the infant is allowed to die when its life could be preserved the proper term is "infanticide".

This is getting pretty desperate for you. Obama is clearly pro-choice, not pro-infanticide. He's made that clear.
Here comes more.

This is very wrong on a couple levels. Not only is she hiding things but she's using Yahoo email to conduct state business. Corruption and incompetence rolled into one.

[email protected] :rolleyes:

Governor Is Asked To Release E-Mails

WASILLA, Alaska, Sept. 9 -- Gov. Sarah Palin is being asked by a local Republican activist to release more than 1,100 e-mails she withheld from a public records request, including 40 that were copied to her husband, Todd.

Palin had claimed executive privilege for documents copied to her husband, who is not a state employee, in responding to an open records request in June made by Andrée McLeod, an activist in Anchorage. The administrative appeal filed yesterday by McLeod's attorney, Donald C. Mitchell, argued that by copying Todd Palin on sensitive state correspondence, the governor and her aides shattered the privilege rightly afforded elected officials.

"She has allowed Todd Palin -- who has not been elected by the people of Alaska, who is not a state employee -- to entangle himself apparently as he sees fit in the operations of the executive branch of the state government," Mitchell said.

"From the case law, if government voluntarily opens up that internal decision-making to what I would call civilians, then that is waiver of that protection of the government policy decision-making process. That is what happened here, and it happened because Sarah Palin doesn't understand it," he said.

Todd Palin was frequently copied on e-mails relating to Alaska State Troopers and the union representing public safety employees, according to McLeod, who received four boxes of redacted e-mails in response to her request. At the time, both Sarah and Todd Palin were complaining to the state public safety commissioner about a disciplinary matter involving Sarah Palin's ex-brother-in-law, a state trooper.

Palin also routinely does government business from a Yahoo address, [email protected], rather than her secure official state e-mail address, according to documents already made public.

"Whoops!" Palin aide Frank Bailey wrote, after addressing an e-mail to the governor's official state address. "Frank, This is not the Governor's personal account," a secretary reminded him.

Calls seeking response from the governor were not immediately returned by a Palin spokesperson. Palin last month described McLeod as a disgruntled former employee, though in 2004 Palin endorsed her as a state House candidate "not afraid to stand up for what's right."

Mitchell's appeal, addressed to Palin in her capacity as the decision-maker on the earlier records request, questions the wisdom of the governor and her aides shipping messages about state business between their public and private e-mail accounts "with complete and total abandon," he said.

"There's a reason the governor should be using her own official e-mail channels, because of security and encryption," the lawyer said. "She's running state business out of Yahoo?"

On March 17, minutes after peppering a state official about whether e-mails about state business contained on a personal BlackBerry could become public, senior Palin aide Ivy Frye addressed a message to both Palins and two other aides: "In sum, it's just as I thought -- questions of confidentiality are still unanswered by law."

McLeod, a former state employee who once was close to Palin, filed an ethics complaint last month against Palin and others. She cited e-mail traffic that appeared to show that the governor's office improperly helped a Palin fundraiser obtain a civil service position.

"By withholding these emails, Sarah Palin has broken on her promise of being open, honest and transparent," McLeod said in a statement. "It's old-school politics and not the kind of reform she pledged to Alaskans."
well, gotta hide the teener pregnancies somehow ha ha ha! i can be vice president but i can't keep semen out of my underage daughter weeeee!
Ode to Autumn Angst:

My falling lead sinks by the window
The winners now, are red, not blue
I see lipstick, those painted kisses
What went wrong, I have no clue

Since She went away, it went so wrong
And soon I'll hear, old Chi town's song
But I'll miss me most of all: Messiah
When autumn angst takes its' toll

Polls showing John McCain tied or even ahead of Barack Obama are stirring angst and second-guessing among some of the Democratic Party’s most experienced operatives, who worry that Obama squandered opportunities over the summer and may still be underestimating his challenges this fall.

That shift in the public’s perception of the issues, in Democratic pollster Celinda Lake’s words, “tremendously concerns me.”

Asked if partisans in his state are worried, New Jersey Democratic Chairman Joseph Cryan responded: “Absolutely, absolutely. It’s a ‘sit up straight and listen’ kind of thing.’”

“A lot of Democratic elites thought this was a slam-dunk. And I thought, no it’s not,” said Lake, the pollster. “People in this town were already measuring drapes. And I was thinking, have you been in the real world lately?

“If you have been involved in campaigns, you thought it was going to be close for a year,” she added. “And I think a lot of Democratic elites are waking up to that.”
Just out of curiosity, does the Alaska state e-mail system have a webmail client that allows users to send and receive e-mail on the road? It's possible to log onto an e-mail POP server and download e-mail from any ISP, but most ISPs will block you from sending an e-mail from that account if you're logged on a different ISP.
Just out of curiosity, does the Alaska state e-mail system have a webmail client that allows users to send and receive e-mail on the road? It's possible to log onto an e-mail POP server and download e-mail from any ISP, but most ISPs will block you from sending an e-mail from that account if you're logged on a different ISP.

Interesting question. Looks like they use Exchange with webmail.

Exactly what i use at work and on the road. Never had a problem even when I was in the UK recently. That would give her no excuse for conducting State business through a Yahoo account. Good point Inkara.
YOu're saying it's futile for me to point out when people make shit up because you won't stop doing it.

Well that's hardly a surprise as I fully expected you to keep making shit up. I'm just going to keep pointing out when you do it though anyway. So I guess the answer is "no".
This lie will appear on the pages of the Washington Post tomorrow, Friday, September 12; but what the hell. It's just an opinion piece and the opinion is wrong ... right?

Stupid or Malicious?
The Washington Post distorts Palin on page one.
by William Kristol
09/12/2008 12:00:00 AM

Here are the headline and the first two paragraphs from an article posted online that apparently will be on the front page of Friday's Washington Post:

"Palin Links Iraq to 9/11, A View Discarded by Bush"
By Anne E. Kornblut Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 12, 2008; A01

FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska, Sept. 11 -- Gov. Sarah Palin linked the war in Iraq with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, telling an Iraq-bound brigade of soldiers that included her son that they would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans."

The idea that Iraq shared responsibility with al-Qaeda for the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, once promoted by Bush administration officials, has since been rejected even by the president himself. On any other day, Palin's statement would almost certainly have drawn a sharp rebuke from Democrats, but both parties had declared a halt to partisan activities to mark Thursday's anniversary."​

Kornblut's interpretation of what Palin said is either stupid or malicious. Palin is evidently saying that American soldiers are going to Iraq to defend innocent Iraqis from al Qaeda in Iraq, a group that is related to al Qaeda, which did plan and carry out the Sept. 11 attacks. It makes no sense for Kornblut to claim that Palin is arguing here that Saddam Hussein's regime carried out 9/11--obviously Palin isn't saying that our soldiers are now going over to Iraq to fight Saddam's regime. Palin isn't linking Saddam to 9/11.

She's linking al Qaeda in Iraq to al Qaeda.

People can debate how intimate that connection is, and how much of the fight in Iraq is now against al Qaeda in Iraq--but it's simply the case that Palin is not saying what Kornblut says she is, and that the Washington Post is, right now, leading its paper with a clear distortion of what Palin said.

Update [Ed. Note by John McCormack]: It appears the Washington Post has tried to (partially) walk back Kornblut's distortion that Palin tied responsibility for 9/11 to Saddam Hussein's regime. The second paragraph of this story, as noted above, originally read:

The idea that Iraq shared responsibility with al-Qaeda for the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, once promoted by Bush administration officials, has since been rejected even by the president himself. On any other day, Palin's statement would almost certainly have drawn a sharp rebuke from Democrats, but both parties had declared a halt to partisan activities to mark Thursday's anniversary."

It now reads:

The idea that the Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein helped al-Qaeda plan the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, a view once promoted by Bush administration officials, has since been rejected even by the president himself. But it is widely agreed that militants allied with al-Qaeda have taken root in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion.

The Post still ascribes an idea to Palin that she evidently wasn't promoting. It's nice that the Post threw in the sentence: "But it is widely agreed that militants allied with al-Qaeda have taken root in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion."

The press is scared of her.

The Democrats are scared of her.

Biden is scared of her.

Obama is scared of her.

Spike is especially scared of her.

How do I know this? Because all of the above have lied about her and made up or spread false stories about her.
The press is scared of her.

The Democrats are scared of her.

Biden is scared of her.

Obama is scared of her.

Spike is especially scared of her.

How do I know this? Because all of the above have lied about her and made up or spread false stories about her.

Oh nobody, (especially you) has lied or spread false stories about Obama. You must be fucking terrified of him huh? :laugh:

Kepp making shit up and I'll keep shooting it down.

Seems we need to subpeona Yahoo for Palin's email history. People like you are going to keep ignoring the truth otherwise huh?
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