It's Palin ...

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Once elected, Palin hired friends and lashed foes

And your point would be ... what? That Bill and Hillary did it too when they not only fired the White House Travel Staff but tried to destroy them? Or have you conveniently fogotten Travelgate?

This from PBS' Lehrer Report

Evidence has cropped up that Clinton staff members ordered the FBI to investigate the fired employees of the White House travel office. Following a backgrounder by Kwame Holman, Jim Lehrer is joined by Representatives William Clinger (R) New York, chair of the Government Reform and Oversight Committeeand James Moran (D) Virginia.

MR. HOLMAN: Yesterday Rep. William Clinger disclosed that the White House requested and got FBI background material on Billy Dale, the man ousted as head of the White House Travel Office in the early days of the Clinton administration. The disclosure was the latest in the ongoing political controversy known as Travelgate. In May of 1993, Dale and six other Travel Office staff members were fired by the White House, charged with incompetence and possible criminal activity. Office Director Dale later was tried on embezzlement charges but was found "not guilty" by a jury. The six other employees were exonerated and were offered jobs in other agencies of the government. But congressional Republicans accused the White House of pushing out those long-time staffers so that friends of the Clintons could take over the Travel Office, and they said White House officials asked the FBI to investigate criminal charges against the seven in order to justify the firings. As the ranking minority member of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, Clinger called for an investigation into the matter in 1993. It wasn't undertaken but five other investigations were conducted by government agencies, including the Justice Department and the General Accounting Office. Those inquiries did not substantiate any wrongdoing by the White House but did reveal a memorandum by former White House aide David Watkins that suggested First Lady Hillary Clinton called for the firings, a charge Mrs. Clinton has denied. Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel looking into the Whitewater matter, has said he'll also examine whether administration officials tried to block or mislead any of the Travel Office investigation. Last year, Rep. Clinger became head of the Oversight Committee and requested thousands of pages of White House documents related to the Travel Office. In May of this year, the White House Counsel's Office wrote a letter to Clinger invoking executive privilege over some of those documents, refusing to hand them over. Clinger's committee then voted to push for contempt of Congress charges against White House Counsel Jack Quinn and two former White House aides. That citation carries a $1,000 fine and up to a year in prison. But last Thursday, a few hours before the contempt charge was to be brought up on the floor of the House, the White House relented and delivered 1,000 pages of documents to Congress. But the administration did invoke executive privilege in refusing to send over other documents that had been requesting, providing only an index of that material. At his press conference yesterday, Clinger said that among the papers the White House released was a letter to the FBI sent seven months after Dale was fired. The letter had the name of former White House Counsel Bernard Nussbaum printed on it and requested background reports on Dale because it said the administration was considering whether to give Dale access to the executive mansion. Yesterday Bernard Nussbaum denied sending the letter, saying he never even knew of its existence. The White House said the request may have been made by mistake by junior officials trying to clear a backlog of security clearances.
That would be another lie. She didn't kill it and only opposed it after Congress killed it. Then she kept the money.

You are making shit up again. Th Congress never killed the bridge. They amended the appropriation to allow the state of AK to do whatever they wished with the money including building the bridge if they so wished.

The Bridge to Nowhere was first funded in August 2005 through the 2005 SAFETEA-LU Act through a $223 million earmark inserted by then-House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska). In October, 2005, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) offered an amendment to the fiscal 2006 Transportation Appropriations Act to transfer $75 million in funding for the Bridge to Nowhere, along with money for the Knik Arm Bridge in Alaska, to support the rebuilding of the Twin Spans Bridge in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. His amendment was defeated by a vote of 15-82. Senators Biden (D-Del.) and Obama (D-Ill.) voted against the amendment; Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.) was not present for the vote.

In November, 2005, Congress included language in the final version of the fiscal 2006 Transportation Appropriations Act that allowed the state of Alaska to either spend money on the two bridges or on other surface transportation projects. In October, 2006, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski included $91 million for the Gravina Island Bridge in his budget submission for fiscal year 2007. As a candidate for governor, Sarah Palin expressed a mixture of support and doubt about the bridge, particularly about how the project would be funded. As governor, she submitted her budget on January 17, 2007 without any money for the bridge. On July 17, 2007, the Associated Press reported that “The state of Alaska on Friday officially abandoned the ‘bridge to nowhere’ project that became a nationwide symbol of federal pork-barrel spending.” Governor Palin said in a statement that “Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport, but the $398 million bridge is not the answer.”

“Media reports that Congress killed the Bridge to Nowhere are not accurate,” said Schatz. “The 2006 transportation appropriations bill allowed Alaska to decide whether or not to move forward. Governor Murkowski said yes; Governor Palin said no. Any discussion about the project should begin with facts.”
(CBS) Its one of those claims that gets so much applause.

"I told Congress 'thanks but no thanks,' to that bridge to nowhere," Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has said over and over on the campaign trail, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews reports.

The record shows she wanted that bridge until the end and kept the money.

The record shows quite clearly that the appropriation was to allow the state of AK to do with the money whatever they wanted to improve their infrastructure. That included the bridge or anything else.b She said no and usee tye money for the other purposes that the appropriation allowed.

If she was supposed to send the money back to Washington, why doesn't any other state do that? Are the governors of all of the Liberal states bad people too?
Since the announcement, you've been on a tear against this woman. Did she steal your cigarettes? Turn you down for a one-nighter? Piss in your cheerios? You've been carrying the banner for the Sorros group for weeks. Why?

um, she'd be blessed to have a one-nighter with me. but, then, i'm young and fresh and she's wrecked out down there, so why would i bother?

no, she didn't steal my smokes, but, then, i don't really smoke, though i'm sure, given her self-admitted "valley trash" background, that's she's more than familiar with cigarette politics.

why am i one a tear against this woman?

easy. she's a worthless ideologue. there's nothing there. she's a fucking prop, and am embarrassment to any woman who can think for herself, such as my girlfriend, who saw through her in about 4.3 seconds, despite the fact that she's virtually apolitical.

everybody vote for caribou barbie! yay, america! yep, we're that fucking stupid! go team!

although i have to give her credit. she doesn't wear nearly as much eyeliner as cindy mccain. tammy fae is jealous. so is the local paint vendor.

"i am john mccain. i am running for president with accessory whores. please vote for me."

at least clinton's wife can think for herself, even if she is an asshole.
genius peel: the heritage foundation article was simply to show that in 2005, when palin was supporting the bridge, that the heritage foundation found it an obscene example of earmarks. your comment is irrelevant. unfortunately, your vote is not.

Fine. Then what of this?

The congress amended the appropriation so that the state could use the money for whatever infrastructure project they wished -- INCLUDING BUILDING THE BRIDGE.
The fact is that she supported the bridge until the plug was pulled by Congress. She continues to claim that she told them "thanks but no thanks. :laugh:

You just cannot keep yourself from repeating that lie can you? Congress NEVER PULLED THE PLUG. That is a lie and saying it over and over does not make it the truth.

The Bridge to Nowhere was first funded in August 2005 through the 2005 SAFETEA-LU Act through a $223 million earmark inserted by then-House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska). In October, 2005, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) offered an amendment to the fiscal 2006 Transportation Appropriations Act to transfer $75 million in funding for the Bridge to Nowhere, along with money for the Knik Arm Bridge in Alaska, to support the rebuilding of the Twin Spans Bridge in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. His amendment was defeated by a vote of 15-82. Senators Biden (D-Del.) and Obama (D-Ill.) voted against the amendment; Sen. McCain (R-Ariz.) was not present for the vote.

In November, 2005, Congress included language in the final version of the fiscal 2006 Transportation Appropriations Act that allowed the state of Alaska to either spend money on the two bridges or on other surface transportation projects. In October, 2006, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski included $91 million for the Gravina Island Bridge in his budget submission for fiscal year 2007. As a candidate for governor, Sarah Palin expressed a mixture of support and doubt about the bridge, particularly about how the project would be funded. As governor, she submitted her budget on January 17, 2007 without any money for the bridge. On July 17, 2007, the Associated Press reported that “The state of Alaska on Friday officially abandoned the ‘bridge to nowhere’ project that became a nationwide symbol of federal pork-barrel spending.” Governor Palin said in a statement that “Ketchikan desires a better way to reach the airport, but the $398 million bridge is not the answer.”

“Media reports that Congress killed the Bridge to Nowhere are not accurate,” said Schatz. “The 2006 transportation appropriations bill allowed Alaska to decide whether or not to move forward. Governor Murkowski said yes; Governor Palin said no. Any discussion about the project should begin with facts.”

Oh I am. Not only did she keep the money for a bridge that wasn't getting built but she actually got another earmark on top of that for a different link.

No, the same money was used in a different way. It's crazy how often you are factually incorrect. It's as if you don't check anything and just rely completely on wishful thinking.

Money was for a bridge. No bridge, no money. Simple huh?

The money was for anything the state wished to use it for their infrastructure. Just proving you wrong again.
She determined it wasn't a priority after Congress had already killed it.

“Media reports that Congress killed the Bridge to Nowhere are not accurate,” said Schatz. “The 2006 transportation appropriations bill allowed Alaska to decide whether or not to move forward. Governor Murkowski said yes; Governor Palin said no. Any discussion about the project should begin with facts.”
What's the difference between Palin and Muslim fundamentalists?

But the values of his handpicked running mate, Sarah Palin, more resemble those of Muslim fundamentalists than they do those of the Founding Fathers. On censorship, (a lie) the teaching of creationism in schools, (a lie) reproductive rights, (a lie) attributing government policy to God's will (a lie) and climate change, Palin agrees with Hamas and Saudi Arabia (a lie) rather than supporting tolerance and democratic precepts. What is the difference between Palin and a Muslim fundamentalist?

Were you trying to compete with Spike on how many lies will fit into a single post?
LOL no kidding .. I swear, I don't want any of those 4 in office, I'm sick of hearing about them ... almost as sick as I was hearing about Brett Favre over the summer LOL

On that subject, how do you get "Farve" out of "Favre"?
Listen real close Cerise. The issue here is that she is LYING about not supporting the bridge DAILY.

That was Frank Murkowski.

In October, 2006, Alaska Governor Frank Murkowski included $91 million for the Gravina Island Bridge in his budget submission for fiscal year 2007. As a candidate for governor, Sarah Palin expressed a mixture of support and doubt about the bridge, particularly about how the project would be funded. As governor, she submitted her budget on January 17, 2007 without any money for the bridge.
minkey said:
easy. she's a worthless ideologue. there's nothing there. she's a fucking prop, and am embarrassment to any woman who can think for herself, such as my girlfriend, who saw through her in about 4.3 seconds, despite the fact that she's virtually apolitical.

Speaking of worthless ideologue, we're still waiting for substance from your answers. Every criticism you've had seems personal, not merit based. C'mon, show us the money.
Ya know..the more I read of the "It's Palin" and "It's Biden" threads..not to mention the Anti-McCain/Anti-Obama threads...the more I'm starting to think that you American's are FUCKED no matter what happens.
And your point would be ... what? That Bill and Hillary did it too

Bush put a bunch of unqualified people in high ranking positions too. What's your point? Are you saying you approve of this practice?

Plain appointed a bunch of her high school buddies. So your defense is "hey look over there"? :laugh:
You are making shit up again. Th Congress never killed the bridge. They amended the appropriation to allow the state of AK to do whatever they wished with the money including building the bridge if they so wished.

Plain is the one making up shit.

"By the time Palin pulled the plug on the Gravina bridge project in September 2007, much of the federal funding for the bridge had already been diverted to other transportation projects. The bridge would cost $398-million, Palin said then, and Alaska was $329-million short."

She did not kill the bridge. She did not tell Congress "thanks, but no thanks". Why do you defend her repeated lies?
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