It's Snowing


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Ok, not like Canada or anything, and no mention of Squalls, but hey, It's snowing....
Well keep it there, PT. We dont' need any in Oklahoma, got it? *lol* Course, if the weather switched route and Missouri passed the snow onto Oklahoma, I think we'd have bigger things to worry about, no?
I don't mind the snow, it's that we don't really get snow anymore, it's always this "Wintry Mix" A combination of snow, sleet, and rain. Makes for lovely traveling.
Leslie said:
*hating snow already* :grumpy:
If you move up past the arctic circle, the atmosphere is far too cold to support enough moisture to snow in the first place. Ever thought of being a serious frontier lass?
Ever though of a flip flop life of doing 6 months in Canada and then 6 months in New Zealand? That way one may stay in perpetual 16+ hour sunny warm days and yet keep that certain level of light English attachment in daily life.
Leslie said:
I'd have to live in bed with a fat guy then...I hate cold too :(

You don't need a gfat guy Les...just someone who's very warm-blooded.

MrsBish, who's not a fan of the cold either, can only get spooned by me for a few minutes before she complains that it's "Too hot".

Weird having a warmer body-temp...guess that I'm just exothermic :)
Ms Ann Thrope said:
flurries forecast for this afternoon.... *gets down on knees and prays for snow*

Right there with you m'dear. Nothing like a good 30cms of snow to really warm the cockles of my heart.
Bish...i'm so icy all year round...i use a comforter on the bed in summertime...never met a too hot man yet :D
Leslie said:
Bish...i'm so icy all year round...i use a comforter on the bed in summertime...never met a too hot man yet :D

:wave: "I'm hot blooded, check it and see. Have a fever of a hundred and three. C'mon baybe, do you do more than dance? I'm hot blooded, hot blooded!" :wave:
MrBishop said:
:wave: "I'm hot blooded, check it and see. Have a fever of a hundred and three. C'mon baybe, do you do more than dance? I'm hot blooded, hot blooded!" :wave:
well then hello, hotstuff :brow:
Yeah, you keep the snow. It rained cats and dogs here last night, and somewhat cold today, but NO SNOW, you hear me?
One thing I WILL DEFINITELY miss here in FL---S N O W at Christmas time-But - guess have to buy a bikini with a Mrs. Claus effect to it-YEAH YEAH that will work.... :lol2: