It's that time of year again.

ClaireBear said:
Ack... no! Rats on leads!

Afghans are sweeties... long haired greyhounds... breaths a bit rancid in old age but then their faces are that pointed its hardly surprising... Adrian's family rescues them from cruel breeders and puppie farms.

Never mind the Afghans Les... blanket or canine... just nibble on a rump steak... :p :D

I thought we were just talking 'heat source'. :confused: ;)
yeah...gnawing on rotting flesh will make a world of difference :sick:

I have a border collie...and she just had pups. There is one still here...I've almost decided he's staying. He is a sweetheart, not spun like his mom, and it's made a world of difference in her happiness. She's playing again, and got that old spark back. I think she's been depressed since Daddy moved out. :retard:
Leslie said:
yeah...gnawing on rotting flesh will make a world of difference :sick:

I have a border collie...and she just had pups. There is one still here...I've almost decided he's staying. He is a sweetheart, not spun like his mom, and it's made a world of difference in her happiness. She's playing again, and got that old spark back. I think she's been depressed since Daddy moved out. :retard:

Well...does she provide a decent heat source?

BTW...a dog is man's best friend, so why are diamonds a lady's best friend?
Leslie said:
yeah...gnawing on rotting flesh will make a world of difference :sick:

Will the repulsion not take your mind off the cold? :brush:

I have a border collie...and she just had pups. There is one still here...I've almost decided he's staying. He is a sweetheart, not spun like his mom, and it's made a world of difference in her happiness. She's playing again, and got that old spark back. I think she's been depressed since Daddy moved out. :retard:

Collie-cross... tri-colour (black/white/tan) 14 going on 4!!!! Now she's a heat source... one small problem she snores... very very loudly!

In my "opinionaton" cross breeds are best but failing that a welsh border collie like yours Les... Much more hardy and normally cheaper on the vets bills and much less "strung out"...

For some reason dogs especially bitches always make a huuuge bond with the male of the house... maybe its the natural "pack leader" thing... haven't they heard of women's lib? :D
ClaireBear said:
For some reason dogs especially bitches always make a huuuge bond with the male of the house... maybe its the natural "pack leader" thing...haven't they heard of women's lib? :D

Why do you think they get to hang around the guys? :D

Jack Russel? I hear that they are loads of fun. Bundles of BTU's as well. :D
BeardofPants said:
Yesterday, I went for a walk... the weather was soooo nice. God, I love spring. :grinyes:

I think the low temperature for tha past 3 days has been 68 F...
Supposed to be highs in the 50's, lows in the 40's this weekend. Perfect weather for deer watching, yeah, thats it. Deer watching.
Cats.... little self-cencered walking and portable heaters. :D

S'going to snow here in the next day or so... :D
MrBishop said:
Cats.... dog food on the hoof. :D

S'going to snow here in the next day or so... :D

Snow? Already? Dayum.

The banana trees in my yard are still green, and the cypress trees are just now starting to turn. It's almost fall here.
It was about 10 today. BEAUTIFUL weather for a sweater and light jacket!
The chilly winds are a-blowing here, big time. Up to 60 mph gusts knocked out our power Saturday when we were having our league at the bowling alley, turned my laptop into a big flashlight (with a battery that lasts about as long as non-alkalines last in a digital camera :eek: ) as we ended up cancelling the whole week 'cause the power company couldn't promise power for several hours. Ended up being scarier than most haunted houses, though. :D
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh says it's going to get down to 29 next week. That's like -2 for you Canuckians.
It's supposed to get up to 80F again today...but a cold-front is moving in, and tomorrow, it's only going to get to around70F...:D :lol2: