It's that time

The leaves are changing down here in Texas -- but only because of the ongoing drought. The trees are just giving up the ghost.

The last 2 weeks have been pure dee back door of Hell hot.
Yeah, my bro-in-law in Dallas put in a pool a few weeks ago. I thought to myself, "Gee, it'll be done just in time to close 'er up for the winter" but this heat wave y'all have had has kept it open. His water temp hasn't even dipped below 80 yet.
Not here. There's also the matter of keeping the crap outta your pool. We closed it up this past weekend.
another week or two and it will be perfect fall climbing weather. hopefully(?) by then i'll have a job so i won't be able to enjoy it anyway. :shrug:
tommyj27 said:
another week or two and it will be perfect fall climbing weather. hopefully(?) by then i'll have a job so i won't be able to enjoy it anyway. :shrug:

Fall climbing??? now there's an oxymoron for ya. :lol2:
TexasRaceLady said:
The leaves are changing down here in Texas -- but only because of the ongoing drought. The trees are just giving up the ghost.

The last 2 weeks have been pure dee back door of Hell hot.

Same here, we haven't had any rain since August, until yesterday, and the temps have been in the mid 90s with lows in the 80s.

The leaves don't usually start to turn until November.
Sharky said:
Same here, we haven't had any rain since August, until yesterday, and the temps have been in the mid 90s with lows in the 80s.

The leaves don't usually start to turn until November.
I didn't know the leaves ever turned in FL.
Hot damn, Fall blew in last night ! !

Wanted some rain --- got none. A little thunder, loads of beautiful lightning, some gusty winds.

Oh, the cool --- it's 69 on my front porch right now.

*running around opening windows*
Highs this weekend are now expected to be 80, not low 70's. That's OK, I just don't want it any higher.

Today's supposed to top at 76.
We are getting a decent little shower now. It's been since mid-July since we had any rain to speak of. It's cooling a little too. We had the AC off for a couple weeks, then had to turn it back on. Now I get chilly at night with the window fan blowing, but when you first lie down it's still muggy.

I look forward to some cooler temps, but not to the refiring of the woodstove.
Low last night here was 46 and I guess I can say that is good sleeping weather at least. I'm looking forward to turning the air off but awaiting the heating bills now.

"I look forward to some cooler temps, but not to the refiring of the woodstove."

Guess there is one heck of a rush on these up here as sales are booming from what the news reports!
tommyj27 said:
I didn't know the leaves ever turned in FL.

Down here on the beach they don't - much - but up where I live (40 miles north) it's more like south Alabama. Hills and farms and some deciduous trees amongst the live oaks and pines. My property has quite a few sweet gum trees and a couple of poplars and sycamores.
Leslie said:
The geese are leaving here in droves.

Ahhh, c'mon, keep 'em. Jusy this once. Maybe they'll like skiing ;)

why are these fucking shitting machines protected????
Gonz said:
Ahhh, c'mon, keep 'em. Jusy this once. Maybe they'll like skiing ;)

why are these fucking shitting machines protected????

Feel-good legislation when they were endangered, and the loss of wetlands.
There are about one hundred gajillionzillion of these nuisances today. I want to shoot 30-40 for a pillow.