Jeslek - Banned..but who done it?

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greenfreak said:
I think all the infamous members we had are different. There are only two which I put in the category of consistently malicious and who caused problems that to me, were detrimental. Jeslek and Altron were not in that category. And those other two were allowed back in numerous times because they prompted a lot of traffic on the board. For worse or for better.

Nixy's right about LastLegionary/Jeslek, he should have been old enough to know better but very immature for his age. To me, he was more annoying than mean-spirited. Funny, I thought Altron and Jeslek were at the same maturity level but there was what, a 5-6 year difference in age?

oooohhh *wanting to start something up, feeling malicious and bored* who are those two? :D
oh man .. i so put them out of my mind and never gave them a second thought that i forgot all about them :D .... and you're right about that except i think you may have had more love for them than me LOL
Nixy said:
Altron was YOUNG, he was a child, he grew up and was allowed back. Jizlicker was 19/20 when he was here...there is no excuse for how he acted except that he's a nut job.

Not everyone matures by a certain age. Jeslek is now 23 years old.

I do not see the harm in giving him another chance. Would it be so wrong?
Gotholic said:
Not everyone matures by a certain age. Jeslek is now 23 years old.

I do not see the harm in giving him another chance. Would it be so wrong?

Yes it would.

Were you here when he was a member? No
Did you have to put up with him? No
Professur said:
Oh, C'mon. It's been years. Surely he's grown up some.

It's not like I'm suggesting bringing back Altron.

:rofl: Wow - that statement came back to bite you in the arse!!!

BTW, who is this Jeslek guy? I've seen a few of the old posts by him & they seemed no worse than some made by other members (most still here...including me :blush: )
Nixy said:
Yes it would.

Were you here when he was a member? No
Did you have to put up with him? No

You're right, but I did some back reading before I posted in this thread.

If Altron was worse than Jeslek then why can't Jeslek come back? It looks like it is because Jeslek was 19/20 when he was annoying and Altron was younger.

IMHO, that doesn't justify Altron coming back nor keeping Jeslek banned. It is always good to let posters have another chance when it is appropriate to do so. If Altron and Jeslek were annoying 100% of the time or close to it then they shouldn't be given another chance. But both of them contributed conversations and gave the board some good traffic. If Jeslek is unbanned and actually comes back then he could have like 6 months probation or something. He could always be banned again. It's not like if he is unbanned then he gets to stay here forever...
Actually, I've been trying to track Jeslek down for quite some time. Al's been fairly easy to keep tabs on. Al had changed. That was evident in his posting style. Jes I've not been able to catch up with.
So here's a question ...

How do we know he's not here right now, under another name? Hmmmmm...
nalani said:
So here's a question ...

How do we know he's not here right now, under another name? Hmmmmm...
What?? Do you really think I do such a th.. I mean, that someone would.. erm.. Look! It's Elvis

nalani said:
So here's a question ...

How do we know he's not here right now, under another name? Hmmmmm...

Trust me, we would know... assuming he were to make at least one post.
nalani said:
So here's a question ...

How do we know he's not here right now, under another name? Hmmmmm...
Ah shit. Don't get that going again. Q had me all paranoid about alts way back. Don't you start! :grinno:
Gotholic said:
You're right, but I did some back reading before I posted in this thread.

If Altron was worse than Jeslek then why can't Jeslek come back? It looks like it is because Jeslek was 19/20 when he was annoying and Altron was younger.

IMHO, that doesn't justify Altron coming back nor keeping Jeslek banned. It is always good to let posters have another chance when it is appropriate to do so. If Altron and Jeslek were annoying 100% of the time or close to it then they shouldn't be given another chance. But both of them contributed conversations and gave the board some good traffic. If Jeslek is unbanned and actually comes back then he could have like 6 months probation or something. He could always be banned again. It's not like if he is unbanned then he gets to stay here forever...

You could say that, but he used to stir so much shit. He was the typical guy that would flame other members and then hide behind the AUP saying he didn't break a rule because it wasn't specifically written :rolleyes:
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