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i have a tmobile sidekick, it's really useful. i use it less for a phone -- when i do it's cos i'm getting in my car and calling a friend to tell them i'm on my way or something similar, or to make sure someone gets ahold of me if they want to because if they call the housephone who knows what'll happen as far as messages etc -- and more for the other features. it has aim, and a web browser. i can't tell you how many times the web browser has come in handy, when i'm lost or someone needs an address or phone number for a store or something. cos i just go to google, type it in, and voila, phone number, address. a lot better than 411... i dont use 411 anymore because they have never connected me with what i was trying to reach, lol.
aim is useful too. especially when my regular internet is on the fritz.
the sidekick also has an address book, (not just a phonebook), a calendar, notepad, lotsa cool stuff.

i could probably get along without it but it would be a lot harder. like, i'd probably forget everything and not do anything.

and people who tell me my life is meaningless because i use a cellphone can go cry.
:dizzy: the cell phones are getign why to fance, what in the point of fucking liveing at home, people stack up for drive thru, peopel can watch and surf the web from the PSP's or celly, this world is decoming a lazy place :evilgrin:
Have 1 and use it all the time. Guess I am one of those cell-addicts. Heck, how else would my friends be able to get hold of me at 3 in the morning to tell my they are a) drunk b) horny and c) trying to remember where I live? :rolleyes:

Use mine mostly for calls & texting, but also to send & receive e-mails, take pics (who carries a camera around with them all the time right?), browse the net, download ringtones etc.

And I have to admit if I have to lose the damned thing I'd be pretty much lost - just about everyone in the world that's important to me's numbers are on it.

And yes, I have *blush* used the texting to break up with someone and I don't answer calls from private numbers - if I can't see who is calling me I have no interest in speaking to them.
AlphaTroll said:
Have 1 and use it all the time. Guess I am one of those cell-addicts. Heck, how else would my friends be able to get hold of me at 3 in the morning to tell my they are a) drunk b) horny and c) trying to remember where I live? :rolleyes:

Now that's romantic!!!
I have one, but it is never turned on unless I need to use it --- which is very rare.
The only time it is on more than 2 or 3 minutes is if I'm traveling alone long distances from home.
ash r said:
i could probably get along without it but it would be a lot harder. like, i'd probably forget everything and not do anything.

and people who tell me my life is meaningless because i use a cellphone can go cry.

What she said :D

I find it essential. Day to day life would be a bitch without one. Text messaging, calling home when I forgot something, emergency calls to the locksmith when I locked my keys in the car (ok so maybe that has happened more than once ;)) telling people where to meet me when I'm out, being able to leave the house when you are waiting for the "important" call, remaining accessible in case the school or daycare calls, which has happened more than once...I can think of a million more. I wouldn't be without one.
Last night is of course a shining example of the screwed up things I do with my phone as well - for some reason there a numerous pics of my tits...and my friend's tits on my phone this morning. Don't ask, it's all a bit of a blur.
Last night's a bit of a blur or the pics are a bit of a blur? If it's the latter, that's a damn shame.

Methinks you should PM them to me... you know, for safekeeping.
The evening is a bit of a blur, the pics came out surprisingly clear.

(I should PM my bobies to you? Not sure they'd fit in yer box hun ;))
I do not have, nor have i ever owned, one of them there thingies. :swing:
Enjoy my tech but that's the one item i really don't need.
Speaking of cells... ain't nothin' like letting your boss use your phone, only to remember afterwards, all the er... compromising pictures stored on there. :tardbang:
AlphaTroll said:
The evening is a bit of a blur, the pics came out surprisingly clear.

(I should PM my bobies to you? Not sure they'd fit in yer box hun ;))
I've got gmail...and photobucket. I'm sure that I can squeeze (pictures of) your ;)
MrBishop said:
I've got gmail...and photobucket. I'm sure that I can squeeze (pictures of) your ;)

you can update photobucket from email now! did you know that? i'm not sure if that's just for paid accounts or not, but it's an awesome feature. i can take pics from my cameraphone and just email them to my photobucket, and then i can go to my photobucket with my webbrowser, put the pictures in the appropriate folders, get the code, and do livejournaly things!