Joker Poster: The Only Thing Missing is the Noose??


Well-Known Member
New Anti-Obama 'Joker' Poster

A new poster depicting President Obama as a version of Heath Ledger's Joker character in The Dark Knight has appeared in Los Angeles, according to rightwing sources. Blog posters to such online sites as American Thinker and Tammy Bruce are predictably in the throes of political orgasm.

The poster, which bears a very superficial resemblance to Shepard Fairey's famous Obama Hope illustration, has been pasted on freeway supports and other public surfaces. It has a bit of everything to appeal to the drunk tank of California conservatism: Obama is in white face, his mouth (like Ledger's Joker's) has been grotesquely slit wide open and the word "Socialism" appears below his face. The only thing missing is a noose.

The safe money says the first thing out of the mouths of Fox News bobble-heads is, "Can't liberals take a joke?"

The second should be: "Why does the left insist that any criticism of The One is racist?"


Obama 'Joker' Poster Causing a Stir in L.A.

Hutchinson is challenging the group or individual that put up the poster to have the courage and decency to publicly identify themselves.

"Depicting the president as demonic and a socialist goes beyond political spoofery," says Hutchinson, "it is mean-spirited and dangerous."

"We have issued a public challenge to the person or group that put up the poster to come forth and publicly tell why they have used this offensive depiction to ridicule President Obama."

The poster has also gone viral online, crashing the website that first posted images of it and rising to the top of Google's "Today's Hot Trends" list.

Wow, for the amount of flak this poster is getting I would have to say it’s dead on target. :thumbup:

"Depicting the president as demonic....." Hmmmm. That hasn't been done before, has it? :rolleyes:
Not much different than the GWB bumper stickers, with the exception of I have yet to hear of anyone being actually harassed by the man for this.

Oh and Cerise, since I know you are kind of slow in this way....

A white man in in black face would make people think racism, and while it's a stretch I think even you might be able to figure out where I am going with this....
Oh and Cerise, since I know you are kind of slow in this way....

point out where she's wrong or point out her contradictions, but you don't need to phrase it like that.

in fact, now that peel's gone, why don't we all just chill out with the "you just don't understand (because you're an idiot)" type phrasings, eh?
point out where she's wrong or point out her contradictions, but you don't need to phrase it like that.

in fact, now that peel's gone, why don't we all just chill out with the "you just don't understand (because you're an idiot)" type phrasings, eh?

Are we all of a sudden going civilized? Never have I seen her do so. I am just getting tired of the right trying to say the left is screaming racism nonsense. I know she is not an idiot, far from it in fact, but she is slow to ever admit anything involving the left is anything less than sinister and evil.

I will try to mellow out a bit if it pleases your sensibilities, but it won't last long at all if there is no reciprocal behavior.
point out where she's wrong or point out her contradictions, but you don't need to phrase it like that.

in fact, now that peel's gone, why don't we all just chill out with the "you just don't understand (because you're an idiot)" type phrasings, eh?

Jim wasn't the biggest sender or receiver of such comments.... though I'd rather see an end to 'personal attacks', regardless of who leaves and who stays.
Jim wasn't the biggest sender or receiver of such comments....

i don't agree. i think jim had a unique way about him whereby he managed to be condescending in many different forms, some of them not so overt.

in a gross sense, though, yeah, plenty of others have used the "you just don't get it" with at least the same frequency/volume.

marRkJs - deal with it. use the ignore function. if you "need reciprocation" buy a suzie wong doll.
Oh and Cerise, since I know you are kind of slow in this way....



The poster borrows from a contemporary pop-culture icon, and intermingles it with 0bama's own piece of self-worshiping graphic art, to make a significant and biting piece of satire. It's brilliant.

I thought the left loved The Joker when Heath Ledger did him.

I kinda liked the Larry Storch version myself.

Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... do things. The mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon's got plans. You know, they're schemers.

Schemers trying to control their little worlds. I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. It's the schemers that put you where you are. You were a schemer, you had plans, and look where that got you.

I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm? You know... You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!
OK Cerise, lets try again. I've used bold and pretty colors for emphasis!

Not much different than the GWB bumper stickers, with the exception of I have yet to hear of anyone being actually harassed by the man for this.

Oh and Cerise, since I know you are kind of slow in this way....

A white man in in black face would make people think racism, and while it's a stretch I think even you might be able to figure out where I am going with this....

The figure of speech "it's a stretch" means that I think it is a very far fetched conclusion.

Racism is when people think you are different and treat you different in a negative way, based on your ethnic heritage, and it's a part of just about every black person's daily life who has not become a hermit in the hills. It's not commonplace or an every day occurrence that overt acts of racism are seen publicly, but it does happen often enough that anyone non white has to always keep the possibility in mind. In fact it's been so prevalent throughout this nation's history that white people should always be aware of the possibility of reverse racism.

If I can edumacate you any further, just let me know, mkay?
Apparently, his skin was bleached white. It's not a racist intention.

The Joker

..... However, when he returned home, he found the chemicals had turned his skin white, his hair green, and his lips red. He then realized this new face could be more terrifying. Because the playing card company gave him his new face, he adopted the name of the one card portraying a clown on its face: the Joker.

So....why so serious?

i fail to see anything notably racist in this particular instance.

although me being white and all i don't understand racism as well as someone who is pretending to be black LMMFAO.
Who brought race into the discussion? Being much more centrist than anyone will admit it wasn't me and even if it was I am not representative of "the left" in any case. I was just the idiot who fed the troll!
BTW, since when does race have anything to do with understanding racism? I know I have witnessed way more than my share of it, committed by every "race" against every other race. There is one race, the human race, just different colors and geographical origins, nothing more. It's tangible visible evidence that evolution is not merely a theory.

BTW, it is humanly impossible not to be prejudiced in some way based on race unless one is blind or has never met the person they are communicating with or thinking about. I get sick to death just as bad by folk's denial of reality as I do of the "race card".

Racism on the other hand is tangible evidence that evil is still alive and well.