Joker Poster: The Only Thing Missing is the Noose??

Now that I am out of the closet!


I've personally been the victim of a lot of "reverse racism" and I have seen a lot of other folks be victims of both that and the generic kind, and even not just on TV wally!
i don't agree. i think jim had a unique way about him whereby he managed to be condescending in many different forms, some of them not so overt.

in a gross sense, though, yeah, plenty of others have used the "you just don't get it" with at least the same frequency/volume.

marRkJs - deal with it. use the ignore function. if you "need reciprocation" buy a suzie wong doll.

Granted - but he was more civil in that he didn't directly attack the poster, tho'
Granted - but he was more civil in that he didn't directly attack the poster, tho'

well, that depends on how you see "attack." if you mean childish name-calling, specifically, then in that specific sense jim was far from the worst.
Basically, yeah. There are those that attack the person, those that attack the argument and those that attack the logic or mindset behind the argument. The latter can come uncomfortably close to a personal attack, especially if the mindset is used stereotypically.

ie: Typical Liberal attitude, typical neo-con attitiude et al.
ie: Typical Liberal attitude, typical neo-con attitiude et al.

I've never seen that as an attack. I don't see why it's considered such. If you attacked me for my liberalism, that might be an attack ;)
Pigeon-holing might be the brain's natural way or dealing with the unknown, but it's still stereotyping.

Some call me liberal but I don't fit a lot of the stereotypical ways of thinking. I'm pro death-penalty, both pro-choice and anti-abortion, pro-hard jail time, I couldn't care less for saving the spotted horny-toad's natural habitat :shrug:
Specifics are what seperate individuals. However, a majority of beliefs will land you in one or the other (assuming you're actually willing to take a stand before the wind blows)
I often do make a stand before the wind does anything and regardless of it's whims.

I don't believe in the black and white (one or the other) way of viewing political and social ideologies that is bandied abouts here.

Political standing is a huge grey scale going from one extreme to the other and the only time that you can say that it's one or the other is on voting day, where you can't vote per issue but have to pick ONE party.

Had I been American 100+ days ago, I couldn't have voted 60% Obama and 40% McCain, or voted for McCain's trade policies with Obama's Healthcare initiative, or ..

well, you get the idea.
Jim wasn't the biggest sender or receiver of such comments.... though I'd rather see an end to 'personal attacks', regardless of who leaves and who stays.
The way to stop the trolls from getting what they want (attention) is to just ignore them when they troll. Don't respond to their posts, let it sink to the bottom of the list and viola! you will find their behavior will change or you will find they will leave the board.

As for this thread... BORING! No one cares if someone put up posters creating a political caricature of the president. This isn't the first time it's been done and it won't be the last. Political cartoons have been a part of political commentary for ages. Big woopity-do! :rolleyes:
I often do make a stand before the wind does anything and regardless of it's whims.

I don't believe in the black and white (one or the other) way of viewing political and social ideologies that is bandied abouts here.

Political standing is a huge grey scale going from one extreme to the other and the only time that you can say that it's one or the other is on voting day, where you can't vote per issue but have to pick ONE party.

Had I been American 100+ days ago, I couldn't have voted 60% Obama and 40% McCain, or voted for McCain's trade policies with Obama's Healthcare initiative, or ..

well, you get the idea.
McCain came with an political anchor: Palin. Sure Biden is an embarrassment sometimes but he's not an outright kook. Jeezus... just thinking about how close that nut came to being "a heartbeat away from the Presidency"... makes me shudder.
Nah...I disagree. If McCain had picked someone else as VP, he would've given Obama/Biden a serious run for their money.
Nah...I disagree. If McCain had picked someone else as VP, he would've given Obama/Biden a serious run for their money.

absolutely. palin appealed to a certain segment of voters but outside of that segment, she scared the shit out of people.
absolutely. palin appealed to a certain segment of voters but outside of that segment, she scared the shit out of people.
This is absolutely true. I know many Republicans and a few Democrats that were poised to vote for McCain until Palin was named VP running mate. A few didn't vote at all (these were all Republicans) and the rest voted Democrat in the election (unless they all lied to me). Most of the Republicans I know, who didn't care about McCain's running mate, either voted McCain/Palin anyway and a few just gave up and didn't show up at the polls. However, I did know a few Republicans who were gung-ho over Palin... all of them are Right-Wing Christian Conservatives. THAT is the segment she appealed to.

I wonder if there was a poll taken about this subject.
I did know a few Republicans who were gung-ho over Palin... all of them are Right-Wing Christian Conservatives.

and at that point it is all about being on the right team and repeating the approved slogans.

fuck, here comes the rapture, better get right sister!