Jon Stewart's 'Rally to Restore Sanity' already outpacing Glenn Beck's rally

So can we start calling them socialist yet?

Sing with me.
Arise, you prisoners of starvation!
Arise, you wretched of the earth!
For justice thunders condemnation:
A better world's in birth!

No more tradition's chains shall bind us,
Arise you slaves, no more in thrall!
The earth shall rise on new foundations:
We have been nought, we shall be all!

'Tis the final conflict,
Let each stand in his place.
The international soviet
Shall be the human race

'Tis the final conflict,
Let each stand in his place.
The international working class
Shall be the human race

No more deluded by reaction,
On tyrants only we'll make war!
The soldiers too will take strike action,
They'll break ranks and fight no more!

And if those cannibals keep trying,
To sacrifice us to their pride,
They soon shall hear the bullets flying,
We'll shoot the generals on our own side.

So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

Let no one build walls to divide us,
Walls of hatred nor walls of stone.
Come greet the dawn and stand beside us,
We'll live together or we'll die alone.

In our world poisoned by exploitation,
Those who have taken, now they must give!
And end the vanity of nations,
We've but one Earth on which to live.

So come brothers and sisters,
For the struggle carries on.
The Internationale,
Unites the world in song.

So comrades, come rally,
For this is the time and place!
The international ideal,
Unites the human race.

We want no condescending saviors
To rule us from their judgment hall,
We workers ask not for their favors
Let us consult for all:

To make the thief disgorge his booty
To free the spirit from its cell,
We must ourselves decide our duty,
We must decide, and do it well.

'Tis the final conflict,
Let each stand in his place.
The international soviet
Shall be the human race

'Tis the final conflict,
Let each stand in his place.
The international working class
Shall be the human race

Third stanza No saviour from on high delivers,
No faith have we in prince or peer.
Our own right hand the chains must shiver,
Chains of hatred, greed and fear.

E'er the thieves will out with their booty,
And to all give a happier lot.
Each at his forge must do their duty,
And we'll strike the iron while it's hot.

So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

So comrades, come rally,
And the last fight let us face.
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

And so begins the final drama,
In the streets and in the fields.
We stand unbowed before their armour,
We defy their guns and shields!

When we fight, provoked by their aggression,
Let us be inspired by life and love.
For though they offer us concessions,
Change will not come from above!

So come brothers and sisters,
For the struggle carries on.
The Internationale,
Unites the world in song.

So comrades, come rally,
For this is the time and place!
The Internationale,
Unites the human race.

2nd only to the Muslim call to prayer, this is the sweetest sound on earth.
Michelle Malkin on Colbert's follies.


Malkin: The Shoes Liberal Celebrities Won't Wear
By Michelle Malkin October 1, 2010 7:17 AM

Primetime liberal comedians have it made. All they need to do is spend a few hours with a politically correct minority and -- voila! -- they're transformed into instant congressional experts. Democrats invited Stephen Colbert to drape himself in the more-compassionate-than-thou mantle last week on behalf of illegal alien migrant workers. But not all "people of color" are equal.

Minority Americans who have suffered the bloody consequences of open borders are out of luck. No Hollywood celeb wants to walk in their shoes.

After picking veggies for a day at an upstate New York farm, Colbert descended on Washington to lament the suffering of illegal agricultural workers. While "in character" as a conservative talk show host, he backhandedly mocked those who oppose a blanket AgJobs amnesty program by sneering, "U.S.A. Number One!" Many law-abiding citizens took offense -- and not just those who fit the entertainment world's stereotype of white, right-wing tea partiers.

Althea Rae Shaw of Los Angeles wrote an outraged open letter to Colbert after last week's Capitol Hill circus. She is the aunt of 17-year-old Jamiel Andre' Shaw II, a young black high-school student who was gunned down by an illegal alien gang member in 2008 amid brown-on-black violence in southern California. The Shaw family has spearheaded efforts to repeal dangerous sanctuary policies in Los Angeles that protect criminal illegal aliens and handcuff local law enforcement. "It truly breaks my heart that so many people in positions of power and authority continue to make light of illegal immigration," Shaw wrote to Colbert.

"Are you aware of, and/or concerned with, the fact that American citizens and legal immigrants are murdered every day by illegal aliens? Have you ever spent one second thinking about that?" the grieving aunt asked the smirky comic. "What if your mother was shot in the head by an illegal alien? Do you think you could make that funny? What about your children? Would it be comical if your daughter or your son or your niece or nephew was lying in the street dead, shot in the head by someone living in this country illegally?"

In her letter, Shaw recounted the horrific case of Cheryl Green for Colbert. She was a 14-year-old Los Angeles girl murdered by illegal alien gang members in 2006, along with another young resident who had witnessed the gang's violence. Cheryl's crime? Being black. Her killers were Latino gangbangers Jonathan Fajardo and Daniel Aguilar. Earlier this month, they were convicted of first-degree murder in a hate-crime trial where one of the Hispanic gang members testified bluntly: "Basically, we're against all black people."

No, not all illegal aliens are murderers. But neither are all illegal alien migrants harmless workers. And as too many families who will never get Colbert's attention or sympathy have come to understand, lax immigration enforcement might mean cheaper arugula in Manhattan -- but it also can cost untold lives across the heartland.

In Houston, Texas, 14-year-old Shatavia Anderson was gunned down last month by a twice-deported illegal alien from El Salvador who simply waltzed back into the country. Shatavia's grieving uncle, Joe Lambert, lambasted open-borders policies that send a signal that illegal aliens "can do whatever they want. What you're doing is giving them a green light telling them, 'Hey, you can do whatever you want.'" Lambert is lobbying for tougher immigration enforcement. "I would like to see what they're doing in Arizona done here."

I'd like to see the likes of Stephen Colbert (or the Obama administration) suggest that Lambert is an ignorant racist.

Putting American sovereignty and security first may invite scorn from elite character actors and their snickering Democratic enablers. But outside D.C.'s Open Borders Theater, there are no laugh tracks. Just tears. Shaw issued Colbert a challenge: "Why not invite about 40 families who lost loved ones due to illegal immigration to come to your studio? Then you can tell us all about your experience working on this farm. You can even tell us how bad your back was hurting when you were working with illegal aliens. I wonder how many families would laugh and think that's funny."

The Colbert Congress served one useful purpose: It showed America that Tinseltown's heart only bleeds out of its left chambers.


Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies" (Regnery 2010).


"CBS News paid an independent firm to estimate Beck's crowd size. The firm, which specializes in making crowd size estimates for many organizations, including the Department of Homeland Security, used multiple aerial photos and independent experts to make their estimate. Their analysis revealed that approximately 87,000 people attended Beck's rally."

Now, you have a liberal station funding an "independent" firm to estimate a conservative rally?
Alright, let's assume that is correct.

Yesterdays rally, by that estiamte, had about 27,000 people.
Beck's crowd came of their own free will.


Exclusive: Internal Email Reveals MTV Pressuring Employees to Attend Jon Stewart’s Political Rally
by John Nolte

Now that the establishment’s favorite comedian, Jon Stewart, has the state-sanctioned approval of no less than the President of the United States for his upcoming “Mock-The-People” rally on October 30th, it only makes sense that Comedy Central’s state-enamored sister company, Barack-The-Vote MTV (both MTV and Comedy Central are owned by Sumner Redstone’s Viacom) would team up to do everything possible to help President Obama’s party in these dire final campaign days when the only question about the coming Republican wave is just how large it will be.

An internal email reveals that MTV is investing heavily in making a success of Jon Stewart’s counter-rally to Glenn Beck’s incredibly successful August event. But the music network’s tactics give the whole affair a taint similar to October 2nd’s “One Nation” rally, where all that Big Labor-SEIU astro-turfing still wasn’t able to reproduce Beck’s grassroots success. Below is a portion of an email that I’m told just went out to some, and maybe all, MTV employees. The wording is chipper and upbeat enough, but the subtext is worthy of an SEIU thug: [emphasis mine -- and I've removed any links for fear they go to private internal servers]:

Whether you lean left or right, hail from a blue state or red, prefer keeping sanity, fear, or a healthy dose of both alive and well, the one thing we all have in common is that we’ve pledged allegiance to the MTV Networks flag. And when an opportunity arises to support one (or two) of our own. we’ll take it pretty much every time.

You may have heard that Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are hosting a little get together on the National Mall in Washington, DC on Saturday, October 30th. … This will be a day when — no matter what transpires from Jon, Stephen, and their special guests — our brothers and sisters at Comedy Central will own the cultural conversation, without question. Who would want to miss that one?

On the morning of October 30th, we’re loading up a fleet of buses here at 1515 Broadway and sending as many of you as we can down to DC for a free one-day, round-trip journey to join in the Rally to Restore Sanity and March to Keep Fear Alive. It’s about a 5 ½ hour trip down 95 to our nation’s capital[.]​

In an economy plagued with chronically high unemployment, how would you react to a memo like that? The opening paragraph makes clear that MTV expects you to put your political beliefs aside and take one for the team – in the form of a grueling 11 hour bus ride. The line MTV draws is also clear. Those who choose to attend Stewart’s left-wing event are loyal to the company, and those who choose not to attend … are not. After all, you did pledge allegiance to the “MTV Networks flag,” right?

What’s a conservative to do in a situation like this? You either conform or…

We’ve all worked for companies where a little above and beyond was expected from time to time. But this is something else. No matter how Jon Stewart tries to spin it, his October 30th “Restore Sanity” rally is not only a political event, it’s a political event meant to help the party currently holding power. And we know this because the leader of that party told us so. To pressure an employee to take part in a political rally anathema to his or her personal beliefs crosses a line.

This should come as no surprise, however. MTV is, after all, the same network that just held a “casting call” for the 250 young people needed for a townhall meeting the network was kind enough to arrange for the President just a few weeks before the midterm elections.

Also adding to the whole Stewart astro-turf vibe is Arianna Huffington, who just announced that she’s donating a cool $250k to bus in those who apparently wouldn’t go otherwise:

Arianna Huffington’s surprise gift to Jon Stewart — a convoy of shuttle buses to his “Rally to Restore Sanity” in Washington — was an even bigger surprise to the folks at the Huffington Post.

And the cost of the grand gesture — an estimated $250,000 for 100 buses for thousands of New Yorkers — is making some of Huffington Post’s finance executives wince, according to insiders.​

The stink of desperation is pretty overwhelming. Why do these people care so much? Could it be that they’re all suffering from a little Beck-Envy?

Regardless, what we have here is a big, powerful corporation muscling its employees to attend a left-wing political event and yet another example of how difficult it is for right-of-center types to navigate the highly partisan waters of the entertainment business.
Note the "65,000" figure in the story. How does that outpace Beck's rally?


D.C. toilet shortage is Keeping Fear Alive
October 20, 2010 - 7:44am

WASHINGTON -- The calls of nature may be particularly loud at an upcoming D.C. event if attendees don't have a place to "go."

Comedy Central organizers are having a hard time finding port-o-potties for their rallies to take place in a week and a half, after the Marine Corps Marathon planners snatched up about 800 of them for the same weekend.

The organizers of Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity and Stephen Colbert's March to Keep Fear Alive, both to take place Saturday, Oct. 30, have asked the marathon staff to share the portable toilets with their 65,000 expected to attendees.

But the Marines aren't budging -- they plan to lock the toilets until the morning of their race the day after, they tell the New York Times.

The National Park Service requires portable toilets for events expected to exceed capacity of "comfort facilities" on NPS property, according to a department document. They recommend one toilet for every 300 people.

An NPS spokesperson tells WTOP that comedy Central should be able to get more port-o-potties in the greater D.C. area.

WTOP's Adam Tuss contributed to this story. Follow Adam on Twitter

(Copyright 2010 by WTOP. All Rights Reserved.)
I love what Rush Limbaugh said of the porta-potty shortage. "Let the Stewart and Colbert crowd crap in their pants as practice for what is going to happen on November 2nd."
They were on the Capital end of the Mall. Trying to avoid A/B comparison shots? It looked reasonably well attended. I watche d few minutes on Comedy Central. I couldn't stand the hateful bigots so I jacked off instead.
looks like the standard rock concert crowd to me.

I think slightly more than 10-2, or about the same.
A lot more entertaining though I think.