Kitchen vs. Toliet

Which would you rather clean, the kitchen or the bathroom?

  • Kitchen

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • Bathroom

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Neither, I am a slob and like to live in filth

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Both, I am a neat freak cleaning machine

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
unclehobart said:
I'm with Gato. I end up having to excavate the whole magilla just to get started.
i always just turned on the water and washed whatever i grabbed as i went along.
to tell ya'll the truth i haven't done dishes at home in forever. he does them. i guess i just get so sick of doing it at work that the last thing i want to look at is dishes. thanks rob.

...isn't cleaning the kitchen, bathroom or any room for that matter, women's work.


[sub]~ducks and runs~[/sub]
tonksy said:
i can't stand dishes on the counter. they have to be in the sink. it just looks better.

Do you complain when you have to do the dishes? If you do, then it's your own fault. Your quest for a proper appearance denies your mate the opportunity to assist in the household chores. :D :p
Gato_Solo said:
Do you complain when you have to do the dishes? If you do, then it's your own fault. Your quest for a proper appearance denies your mate the opportunity to assist in the household chores. :D :p
are you crazy? i don't complain! i mean, for heavens sakes, someone else is doing the dishes!
tonksy said:
i can't stand dishes on the counter. they have to be in the sink. it just looks better.
Ah yes. I like having them on the counter. My mom wants them in the sink. When one of us visits the other, them dishes get to travel a bit before finally being cleaned.

As for kitchen and bathroom.. I clean when it's needed, and my kitchen needs it more often. Also, the kitchen is bigger than the bathroom, so if given a choice: bathroom.
Being a now reforming slob (that doesn't quite sound right...) I haven't done enough work on either to form an opinion either way, but I will soon enough. I have finished one bathroom with a lot of help and it wasn't so bad with the right materials (I'm starting to realize the power of steel wool and stuff), and the kitchen's about 4 times larger than that bathroom and the other bathroom, while bigger, was probably the cleanest room to begin with considering that the bathtub is clean and the toilet seat is just being replaced. I'll have to get back to this one in a week or so.
I picked Kitchen, mostly because I have a small work-space for my cooking and when it's filled up with dishes or other things...I can't cook. If I can't cook, I can't eat...and I love eating :D

The bathroom is easier by far though...I've got a spray, wait and wipe cleaner for the sinks, tub, tile and toilet...and its enviro-friendly :D We do the bathroom more often though... 3-4times per week. The dishes get done daily, of course, but the floors, walls, counter etc..only 1-2 times per week.
I thought of this thread today...while I was washing GRAVEL and DIRT at work!
tonksy said:
i can't stand dishes on the counter.

Me either. I hate dishes on the counter. Luckily Erik is a very clean person and we simply rinse the dish when we are done or right after dinner and put them in the dishwasher. We do the pots and pans by hand, but they only take a minute if we do them right after dinner so they won't sit in the sink/ But if there is a situation where they has to be dishes outside the diswhasher, they go in the sink.
A.B.Normal said:
Is this the new job :confused: and doesn't washing dirt just make mud?

This is part of the new job. We do grain size distributions (many sieves of different sizes stacked, pour gravel into top one (largest holes) put lid on and put in a shaker. Weigh amount of gravel/dirt/etc in each level and use those numbers to says alot about the caracteristics of the material...anywho...sometimes little particles are all clumped around like a big rock...well...we need all thos eparticles to be seperate so as not to act like a big rock when it isn't...we wash the dirt/gravel/whatever with soap in a bowl and then pour the water through the smallest sieve (cause any dirt that passes though this with the water would just be in the pan at the bottom of the stack anyway and we know the total weight before we add water so at the end the weight in the pan in whatever is actually in the pan plus whatever amount is needed to make the total weight equal to what we started with...)...this is a pain because the sieve is 75 MICROmeters so MOST particles just sludge up in the bottom...and those need to be removed and place in a pan to keep the sieve unclogged...and the gravel needs to be filled and emptied about 5 or 6 times to get it good and clean...then it's put in an oven to dry (it is all poured from the bowl into the pan with the sludgey stuff which will be very fine sand when it dries...)

So, to answer your question...yes, washing dirt is making mud :D
We do cleaning stations on ship 2 times a day. My trade cleans the main heads. I have cleaned so many that it doesn't bother me at all.
K62 said:
We do cleaning stations on ship 2 times a day. My trade cleans the main heads. I have cleaned so many that it doesn't bother me at all.
"sweepers, sweepers, man your brooms. place all trash in the proper recepticles provided for on the pier. now sweepers"

i suppose that's not so bad...i mean the word pier alone means that at least you might be going home later.
oops, misread the poll, i thought it was asking what room you'd rather be clean. I'd much rather have the kitchen be clean, but i'll clean bathrooms any day of the week. I just take the Clorox Cleanup and hose down th e place, then scrub the snot out of it, i end up reeking of bleach the rest of the day, but i'm done in 10 minutes and the bathroom sparkles.
PrincessLissa said:
I cleaned the bathroom again today. I wish that Erik's friends could aim a bit better.

Dried pee is nasty.

someone should design a man's toilet seat. Where instead of a lid, there's a giant funnel.
Professur said:
someone should design a man's toilet seat. Where instead of a lid, there's a giant funnel.

Um, isn't that a urinal?

Anyone want the job at Wrigley Field cleaning the bathrooms? In the men's room there there aren't any urinals, just a giant trough. Good thing I'm good at holding it.
Stop Laughing said:
Um, isn't that a urinal?

Anyone want the job at Wrigley Field cleaning the bathrooms? In the men's room there there aren't any urinals, just a giant trough. Good thing I'm good at holding it.

Another reason that I won't use the guys bathroom, even in an emergency.