Largest earthquake in 40 years.

tank girl said:
ahem, You forgot all the libbie billion-dollar movie stars :swing:

Yuppers, empty Idols the lot of them.

them thar greedy eVil 'Mericans that created the tsunami said:

The tightwads just out did the Kiwis per capita. I'll be sure to let you know when we hit the first billion mark.

Of course this was done soley for appearence due to protest from the pastey white guy at the UN.
It is all a government plot to insinuate American armed forces
onto the land masses of some of the largest (in terms of population) Muslim nations.
Its an American plot to flood the third world with 'merican blue-jeans and Joan Baez 8 tracks.

insidious to the last.

Surrender now and your death will be close to quick.
350 mil, and promises of more physical help. we are such a bad bad nation.
course they'll complain that now its too much and we're making the other countries look bad.
tank grrl said:
I am doing my absolute, passionate hardest to put my heart into thinking

See now, we're getting closer. First you don't care about facts & now you show you lack of coherent thought. No wonder it's so much fun to disassemble your posts.
tank girl said:
Now that just makes me sick, that is really an appalling comment. You think that somehow I can't have any compassion? That I'm not able to at least attempt to comprehend a tiny glimpse into what and how the devestation is going to do to millions of people, affecting them for generations? I am the first to admit I am far from ever being able to grip the situation, but at least I am doing my absolute, passionate hardest to put my heart into thinking about the people worst affected by this, and that is, millions of people. I am the first to admit it is impossible, unless you can actually be there, to ever really know what it must be like. And look at you, making your assumptions and accusations from your high and mighty chair, you are no better than me.

Can't handle compassion? Re-read what I wrote.

tank grrl said:
There are thousands of orphans with no ability to comprehend the devestation.
This is where you fall off track. They are living it. Nobody comprehends more than they.

tank grrl said:
take that quote, my friend: wouldn't apply to anyone (not just, as in its original context the plight of the Jew) that you cast off as somehow a different human, in any way from yourself?
What in the Sam Hell are you talking about?

tank grrl said:
This is a human tragedy...this is UNPRECEDENTED Human catastrophe.... how dare you sweep them off as somehow different to anybody and then try and justify it with a sweeping generalisation about the myth of the "adaptabe savage"....?
Unprecedented? Mt Vesuvius wiped out two complete cities. I am not downplaying this catastrophe. However, I put things in their proper perspective. As far as the "myth of the adaptable savage"...WTF?

tank grrl said:
How can you make such a racist and narrowminded assumption?
Are you stoned?

tank grrl said:
we all feel and breathe and bleed just the same as the next - do you honestly believe anybody could not be traumatised after being in such a situation? now that is just an indication of how warped you really are.
It's a better indication of weak you are. Humans, like all critters, have been thru worse & survived. Traumatised, perhaps temporarily. Unlike you (and too many in the magic kingdom of psyche) seem to think, they will get over it. Living in the lap of luxury makes some soft. The entire world hasn't shown it's soft underside however.

tank grrl said:
ahem, You forgot all the libbie billion-dollar movie stars :swing:
No ma'am, I most certainly did not.
For all our faults, we are a nation capable of coming together.


More help is on the way...
It's been 10 days. You figure there would be batallions of volunteers and international aid workers streaming through every nook and cranny there is.
They are. There's no way to get a proper slice of the multi-billion dollar pie when you're sitting on your hands at home. There are now too many cooks & troo much cash. Hell, they're selling Thai orphans to pedophiles for $50. Supply & demand.
Damage Looks Worse Than War, Powell Says

By Dean Yates

BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (Reuters) - Secretary of State Colin Powell voiced shock at the devastation of tsunami-hit Asia Wednesday, saying it was more horrible than the war he had witnessed in his decades as a soldier.

"I have been in war and I have been through a number of hurricanes, tornadoes and other relief operations, but I have never seen anything like this," America's former top soldier said after flying down the ravaged northwest coast of Sumatra.

Powell served two combat tours in Vietnam, where he was decorated for pulling troops to safety after his helicopter crashed and burned during a 35-year military career that ended with his service as the country's military chief.

"I cannot begin to imagine the horror that went through families and all of the people who heard this noise coming and then had their lives snuffed out by this wave," he said.

After his helicopter tour Powell, 67, left for Indonesia's capital Jakarta where U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan and other world leaders were arriving for a global relief summit on Thursday.
Thank god Powell was still around to go do this. He is so in his element in this kind of mission. I dont think Rice would have been into this at all.