Gonz said:
These people are stronger than you could ever be. They will be sad & then they will move on with their life. People that have time to be traumatized for life over natures wrath need to find more constructive thinhgs to do that study pop psych.
Now that just makes me sick, that is really an appalling comment. You think that somehow I can't have any compassion? That I'm not able to at least attempt to comprehend a tiny glimpse into what and how the devestation is going to do to millions of people, affecting them for generations? I am the first to admit I am far from ever being able to grip the situation, but at least I am doing my absolute, passionate hardest to put my heart into thinking about the people worst affected by this, and that is, millions of people. I am the first to admit it is impossible, unless you can actually be there, to ever really know what it must be like. And look at you, making your assumptions and accusations from your high and mighty chair, you are no better than me.
There are thousands of orphans with no ability to comprehend the devestation. People who have watched their entire village swept away, mothers who've had to abandon their babies, fathers who have watched their children drown etc etc....death, shock, tragedy and trauma is the same anywhere you go in the world...it happens to everyone.
“I am a Jew/ Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs/ dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with/ the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject/ to the same diseases, heal’d by the same means/ warm’d and cool’d by the same winter and summer/ as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?/ If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you/ poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?” -Shylock, II.i.58.
take that quote, my friend: wouldn't apply to
anyone (not just, as in its original context the plight of the Jew) that you cast off as somehow
a different human, in any way from yourself?
This is a
human tragedy...this is
reality...an UNPRECEDENTED Human catastrophe.... how dare you sweep them off as somehow different to anybody and then try and justify it with a sweeping generalisation about the myth of the "adaptabe savage"....?
There are thousands of corpses everywhere, the stench ubearable, the feeling of death, the memories and gruesome images that are too horrific to show on comfortable conservative news-bulletins will haunt the people and the areas for entire lifetimes.
People have been up hills and mountains sitting around in absolute shock, vowing never to go back down again. Others just unable to speak. That is the reality. These people will most definately be, as you put it "sad" for a very, very long time.
How can you make such a racist and narrowminded assumption? we all feel and breathe and bleed just the same as the next - do you honestly believe anybody could not be traumatised after being in such a situation? now that is just an indication of how warped you really are.

last time I checked we were
all human????
Retry. The states with the lowest per capita & whole dollar donations are the blue states.
ahem, You forgot all the libbie billion-dollar movie stars