tank girl said:
Now that takes the cake....you assume that I'm just thinking about MONEY?
Congradulations, you just won
back-peddling post of the year.
Other then the single post about offering prayer, the only thing you have addressed is application of resourse ($$$) by our president.
tank girl said:
Blather ....
blather ....
and more blather......
Rather than expect to recieve some sort of global reverence or whatever you think you deserve for being an American, isn't about time to start thinking bigger and about others than worrying about protecting your own self-interests
We're not asking to recieve reverence, we are however fed up with the condemnation from little shit-hole nations that haven't managed to create their own prosperous place in the world.
Your Island envy beseiges you. Its not the size of your Island, its what you do with it.
tank girl said:
you can give your human capacity for concience and thoughts rather than dwelling on your own selfish misfortunes and insecurities
I'm quite happy that you have donated money from your meager student budget and that you have given prayer, both are needed at this time.
Maybe that's our secret of becoming the power house we are. Seems I once read that 'he who gives whilst being watched has already recieved their reward' and another thing I think I read somewhere... 'those that give in secret will recieve it in return 10-fold' ...prolly just something scribbled on a rest-stop bathroom somewhere
I think its time that you fore-go your selfish desires of a Uni-edumacation and put your efforts into humanitarain missions in the third world.
And since you're sooooo stuck in 2003, I'll let you know that we are spending billions of dollars on humanitarian missions in Iraq.
Have you seen my movie, I am quite happy how it came out.
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Dial-up ...its also in .MOV and .RM
...you may learn something if you watch it to the end.