Largest earthquake in 40 years.

Thulsa Doom said:
Yet another tragic situation hijacked by the "Lets use this event to justify my political thinking" people. How pathetic. And you guys call yourselves pillars of morality.


Lemme know when you grow up enough to see whats important in life. "Ha ha they are dead because they are stupid and poor" gets us no where.

Who is the number ONE responder in this event? What nation is going to save more live post-event than any other? who is refusing to let Israel to assist in saving lives?

This is the real world, shiite happens that cannot be blamed on anyone.

Lemmie know when the world is perfect, then I will wake you from your slumber.
Damn I hate rich Americans.

A seismograph designed to detect the earthquakes that cause tsunamis was installed on the Indonesian island of Java in 1996, but the data it collects is not sent to the central government in Jakarta because the telephone line has been disconnected since an office move in 2000.

Oh, that wasn't us, sorry :finger:
ResearchMonkey said:
Who is the number ONE responder in this event? What nation is going to save more live post-event than any other?

Then I suggest you get on board with your country eh? instead of spending your time complaining about giving help to people because they are brown or poor or stupid or have "corrupt" governments. Honestly, seeking every opportunity to divide and spouting smug platitudes of non-sympathy seem to be some peoples past time here. The time has come for all humans to support the massive effort that will be needed to keep MILLIONS more people from being added to the death toll from this disaster. If someone wants to argue with you about the politics of this situation tell them to fuck themselves. I dont care what side they are coming from. Give what you can. Do what you can. And spare us the close minded Im awsome - You suck attitude prevalent here.
I donated $50 today to Doctors Without Borders. From what I've heard from a friend of a friend who works with them, that alone can purchase, at wholesale, 250 doses of penicillin or 200 doses of tetnus. I'd have given more, but I'm unemployed at the moment.
TG, Let me say this to open with; I really don’t have any idea’r what your point is from this *source. (Google = Tsunami + Indian + Ocean + Americas + Fault + Kyoto +/- “I’m feeling lucky”)

That Tsunamis “are to a certain extent far more detectable than earthquakes” … if that your mark, you missed it.

However, you did manage to show that the US shares zero responsibility in this, other then the grand mistake of sitting at the round table year after year.

tank girl said:
*now, c'mon research chimpanzee, what are you tanked on? Bullshit, obviously...

Ohhh, all nature, all the time. I see your happy and wunderful source is…. well, happy and wunderful!

Did you even read it? If it were true, it would support you, yet contridict you. If it were inaccurate political fodder, it would support you and yet again, contridiact you. …. From a liberal POV that’s a win/win. :swing:

[email protected]’ said:
A monitoring station that could have provided early warning of the devastating Indian Ocean tsunamis lacked the telephone connection needed to relay news of the impending disaster,

A seismograph designed to detect the earthquakes that cause tsunamis was installed on the Indonesian island of Java in 1996, but the data it collects is not sent to the central government in Jakarta because the telephone line has been disconnected since an office move in 2000.

’the eViL CIA fact book said:
Telephone system: general assessment: domestic service fair, international service good
domestic: interisland microwave system and HF radio police net; domestic satellite communications system
international: country code - 62; satellite earth stations - 2 Intelsat (1 Indian Ocean and 1 pacific Ocean

It was not “cut”, it was overlooked, forgotten, undervalued, left to chance.

So uh, who forgot to have the phone number tranfered to the new address? …and why didn’t they share this technology with a neighbor that would actually plug in the comm-line. Doh!

[email protected]’ said:
Officials in Jakarta were alerted to the earthquake that caused the giant waves by readings from the country's other 60 or so seismographs, but a lack of data from the specialized Java station prevented them from issuing a tsunami warning, says Nanang Puspito, head of the earthquake laboratory at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Indonesia.

… there’s a school I certainly wouldn’t send my kid too. I guess we should pay for their education too.

You know that over 75% of the Tsunami warnings that are issued by the USGS are false warnings. Maybe the Bandung Institute of Technology should’a er’d on the side of caution, like we do.

[email protected]’ said:
Better-equipped warning systems elsewhere also failed to alert the relevant authorities. A network of seabed pressure sensors and seismographs, run by the United Nations, can detect Pacific Ocean tsunamis within minutes.

Oh, now the Pacific Tsunami Wariing System is a United Nations endevor? … so it’s the UN fault?

[email protected]’ said:
The system issued a warning about the 26 December earthquake just 15 minutes after it was detected, but the network is designed to serve countries around the Pacific Ocean, such as the United States and Australia. Officials in charge were unable to reach authorities in Indian Ocean nations.

So the UN knew yet failed to make contact with a dozen nations, ….brillaint and effective those UN guys are. (prolly still in committee on who to contact and what wording to use)

[email protected]’ said:
The need for a similar system in the Indian Ocean has been discussed at regular intervals by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the UN body that runs the Pacific network, since at least 1999. The most recent meeting of the Commission to discuss the threat was in June 2004, although no direct action was decided upon.

So yet again it is confimed, the UN and Koffee Anonymous have done nothing in FIVE years. Maybe they’ve been busy overseeing the oil-for-food program.

[email protected]’ said:
Hazard-mitigation experts add that a lack of technology is only part of the problem. Bill McGuire, a hazard researcher at University College London, UK, says that Indonesian authorities could have worked out from their seismograph data that the quake would generate tsunamis.

Oops, kind what I’ve been saying, use the old fashion method. Who failed here, did they even try?

[email protected]’ said:
"But that [alone] wouldn't help," he says. "You need a set of protocols about how to warn people, such as sirens on the streets. That's more critical than the science."

…. Well how about this method.

’CIA’ said:
Radio broadcast stations India: AM 678, FM 43, shortwave 82 (1998) (6 years ago!!)

...and that is only one nation of more than a dozen

No sirens needed, try using the ancient tech of Radio…

Yup that archaic method is what we rich-folks here use, and we sit on top of the San Adreas fault with a recent history of 2-earthquakes in the 8.0 range. We also have a large earthen dam that sit on TWO separate faults just above us. We’re sitting on E-ticket ride ‘fer shur.

We’ve been using the Radio, The Emergency Broadcast System, for 60 years. (Formerly known as Civil Defense)

Your prescious UN did not “set-up” the Pacific Tsunami Warning System in 1965, as the article states. The United States invented, created, established, researched, and paid for the Pacific Tsunami Warning System under NOAA in 1949. the UN has no authority in running the operation.

Being the fun loving guy I am; Are you willing to put your body where my mouth is, lets make a wager.

Lets look at the 6 newest sensors used by the Pacific Tsunami Warning System. I’ll bet you One Tsumani-filled night in Bancock that every one of those sensor says “Property of USGS or NOAA” on them, not the UN. :la:

If I were to buy the crap spewed by, I would have to conclude several things.

  1. That the UN is the final authority on Tsunami's, thus the final responsibility for all the deaths rest upon the sacrificial alter of Koffee Anon's desk.
  2. That the infrastructure that was in place was left uncared for out of gross Ineptness and Negligence
  3. That the inability of those affected nation to get along and share resources has assisted killing 100,000 of their shared citizens.
  4. That 2-6 hours past after the first nation was hit by a tsunami's and still the neighboring nations sat there with their thumbs up their collective asses.
  5. That the United States has researched/paid for the technologies needed to create a warning system.
  6. That the US is not responsible.
Jeebus, what a huge post. I used to post like that but lost my flavor for it. Only two typos. Commendable .. and I agree .. unfortunately, I was pretty much 98% on your side as it was. ;)
Funny, I was also thinking of how much effort that post took to put together and how appreciative I am that someone else bothered to take the time to do it (since I sure as hell am not going to). :toast:
Thulsa Doom said:
Then I suggest you get on board with your country eh? instead of spending your time complaining about giving help to people because they are brown or poor or stupid or have "corrupt" governments. Honestly, seeking every opportunity to divide and spouting smug platitudes of non-sympathy seem to be some peoples past time here. The time has come for all humans to support the massive effort that will be needed to keep MILLIONS more people from being added to the death toll from this disaster. If someone wants to argue with you about the politics of this situation tell them to fuck themselves. I dont care what side they are coming from. Give what you can. Do what you can. And spare us the close minded Im awsome - You suck attitude prevalent here.

OH, TD... your reading comprehension is blurred by your own desires to place fault upon me.

I have never indicated that we shouldn't utilizes the many resources of this great nation. I only argue that its not our responsibility to fund or maintain a warning system in the Indian Ocean.

In fact it makes me proud to know that:
  1. My nation is able to effectively reverse the momentum of a collapsing situation on the other side of the world.
  2. Knowing that my tax dollars and donations will save tens-of-thousands of lives.
  3. That my nation has readied an infrastructure that can deploy specialized teams to any catostophic situation,
  4. Any where in the world, and begin to save people of every race, every religion, in less then 24-hours.

(whoaaa, please don't read my nat'l pride of our ability to serve others as a superiority complex)

I will add that it pains my heart that to so many; America is problem in every case. That there are those who feel because we are great nation, that we are proud of accomplishments, we are somehow the problem.

It also pains me TD that your personal feelings towards me interfere with your ability to understand plain engrish. That you would attempt to create false ideaology's that I've never presented and that you would try to make it seem if I have no compassion.

Your assesment is either wrong, or you have alterior motives to paint me that way.

And Krusty,

Its not imagined superiorty, as we are all humans we are equal. but as nations, we pretty much kick-ass accross the board. We have U.S. corparations that have donated more than your entire nation. :D

You know Krusty, had you been there .... you could have saved lots of people, just like you did on "Baywatch" for all those years. :lol2:


It's not really that long, most of its just Kyoto related BS. (besides, I'm just flirting, do ya think I'm doin'? ) :swing:
Confimation that Austraila tried to help to warn also, ...but again, there was no one to answer the phone.

On Sunday, Geoscience Australia issued an alert in Australia 33 minutes after the earthquake struck saying there was a risk of tsunami, McFadden said, but there was no one to receive the message in affected countries.

source, page 2

Had the the Vienna dealio been werking as it is supposed'd'd' to be, they could have warned also, but their super-computer doesn't werk on Sundays.

what-the-hey, noone would answer the phone for them either. :lloyd:
I read that Thailand knew it, but didn't put the word out because the tourism bureaus got angry when they warnings in the past were wrong.
India Issues New Tsunami Warning
Thursday, December 30, 2004

"We have issued an alert. There could be a wave attack in the next one hour," said Veera Shanmuga Mani, the top administrator in Nagappattinam, a coastal town in southern Tamil Nadu state where most of the deaths from the weekend tsunamis occurred. they can issue alerts. Lets hope their wrong.
Its getting them right thats the hardpart .Having gone through quite a few tsunami alerts myself ,only to have them be unevents ,I can see why even with a warning hteir would have been quite a few deaths. In 1964 an earthquake in Alaska caused a tsunami that arrived on Vancouver Island only hours(3-4) after the quake ,thats quite a distance to travel in such a short time. They predict "when" a quake happens with the plates just off the Island ,they'll only be 20minutes warning .It takes me 20minutes to get to work and since I drive with the radio off I'll never hear a warning,not that the east coast of the Island will see any wave damage {crosses fingers},but the westcoast will bear the brunt and unless your watching TV or have the radio on you won't know what hit you,if you'd even have time to react given the 20 minute time frame.I venture over to Tofino to camp and walk in "Pacific Rim National Park and you can walk for hours and not be bothered by others ,they're there but far enough not to be able to hear them.One of my co-workers has vacationed in Phuket and says it similar in that people are off by themselves laying on the beach and they never would have heard the warnings.The reason the Indian Warning is getting through is people are looking for info,not relaxing on the beach(tourists) or trying to eke out a living (residents).

So you see warnings mean diddly squat ,because the people who "need" to heed them aren't within earshot .

*was that the phone,ahh,its probably not important.





as they say, a picture tells a thousand words

death toll now peaking over 100,000


helping is not a responsiblity, this is a huge freak of nature, a crisis: its an obligation. That could be in prayers, that could be in a twenty dollar donation, that could be in just sitting watching and reading the coverage and being a bit aware of the world outside your own individual lives for a change

"Whoever shuts his ears at the cry of the poor, they also shall cry themselves, but not be heard."

Isn't it about time to love thy neigbour? to give rather than be concerned about what you recieve???