Let the dealmaking begin

um, no, i'm just frustrated by the amount of uninformed dogmatic bullshit vs. real discourse.

So, when asked what is incorrect, you'll say something like smelly pits & holes.

Nice discourse. It also answers the
sidestep what question?
question. The answer is ALL OF THEM.
what a cop out. what is the proximate question?

...and king kneejerk is trying to call me out on lack of substantive response? that's a laugh. *squawk* "the constitution" *squawk* (sound of a large bird pooping). please...
Oh that dusty old document again?

do you have a Constitution fetish?

In the United States of America, the Constitution is not a beginning, it is everything. The educated masses & their uneducated offspring have forgotten that, taking the reins of our nation from the people, as individuals, and handing it, lock stock & barrel, to those who wish to run a dictatorship.

Perhaps minkey, if you understood it, as intended, you'd see more clearly. The founders intentionally left the federal government weak. The American experiment was to show that man does not need an overlord. It worked, until those with degrees in their hands & hope in their heart, decided they liked the idea of shackles on the masses. They went to work & slowly dismantled the system, simultaneously convincing the people that Uncle Sam was their friend & only had their best interests in mind.

Just a little, over a hundred years, is a lot.
I wil give you points for sidestepping the question....as you always do.

You only posed one question, Gonz "Where is our economy heading?"

Do you actually want to hear the answer or are you just blowing smoke?
Re: Paper Tiger

Dude I'd rather believe in the Islamic boogey man first!


You're looking at the wrong numbers.
Try change in GDP


Please note the Y-Axis numbers and the Mean.
Please also note that your high point in early 2006 is lower than China's lowest point of growth in early 2009.
You want to be scared? Look at your debt to GDP yearly...even scarier is overall accumulated debt vs. actual GDP.

Other countries hold your debt, as bonds mostly (TBs). They're being traded as regular bonds between countries. Right now, your country is accumulating debt so fast that the rest of the world is fighting hard to keep your bonds from collapsing. That is not going to go on forever.

If you think that the housing bubble bursting was bad, or the dot.bomb, or even the credit crisis - you ain't seen nuthin' yet if the US Treasury Bonds market collapses.
The 14 trillion pound gorilla has a socialist cold
and the little country with billions of people is growing
because they are trying to play catch up, so they are claiming
a 10% growth rate?

You lefites are silly, what does this have to do with anything as in

why America should continue down a welfare state road to ruin.

Us right wing wing nuts absolutely KNOW that if the principals
in the Constitution were followed tomorrow we'd kick so much ass
there would be an ass shortage, then you'd have that to whine about.

In the United States of America, the Constitution is not a beginning, it is everything. The educated masses & their uneducated offspring have forgotten that, taking the reins of our nation from the people, as individuals, and handing it, lock stock & barrel, to those who wish to run a dictatorship.

Perhaps minkey, if you understood it, as intended, you'd see more clearly. The founders intentionally left the federal government weak. The American experiment was to show that man does not need an overlord. It worked, until those with degrees in their hands & hope in their heart, decided they liked the idea of shackles on the masses. They went to work & slowly dismantled the system, simultaneously convincing the people that Uncle Sam was their friend & only had their best interests in mind.

Just a little, over a hundred years, is a lot.

either that or the world and society had changed vastly. you think the same social contract that worked for cave men would work for a plantation-based society? how about the latter vs. a modern industrial economy? you figure it out. but if you're still convinced you're right, maybe you should try your hand with a career in making wagon wheels.

now, in a lot of instances, i will agree with you that the government should have limited power. but to apply that idea as a wet sloppy blanket across the universe is a bit silly. it's like the urge to go marching has totally destroyed any notion of the socioeconomic context in which your judgments are situated.
The Constitution is a good place to start every time. You should read it sometime.

i have a lovely pocket constitution, courtesy of larue tactical in texas. it came as a bonus with my most recent order, which also came with dillo dust dry rub, a logo'd hat, a beverage entry tool, and a couple of bumper stickers, one of which reads "extremely rightwing." i'll send it to you if'n you want it.

and yes, supaweenie, i am more than a little familiar with the constitution. that's something they lerned me in skool. real good. i've got a few things i'd like you to read but you'd probably be skeered of 'em. mighta been written by sissiefags er sumthin.
.....lerned me in skool.
It's "lern't" or "lerned'd" for past tense. Your use of the word is more of a present tense as if you were discussing today's lesson at supper.

I don't doubt that you've been educated on the 'living document'.

You really want to see "knee jerk reactions", see how we create restrictive laws to solve "problems" these days. :erm: Oh yeah, living document!

how many of those laws do you think we would actually disagree on? do you remember my post some time ago reporting how i voted on local ballot measures (more or less "no" on everything... stupid fucking bus tax???)? gimme some examples without the lampooning, and i'll give you some opinions.

you know you can't resist my beauty.
  • Seems California voted to amend our constitution defining marriage, it passed. Denied by an activist judge.
  • Prop 187 also turned over in favor of illegal immigrants.
  • How about giving illegals in-state tuition rates here in Cali?
  • Unloaded-only open carry in Cali.
  • Open carry ban in Cali (proposed)
  • How about not being able to carry a fire arm within 1000 yds an elected official. (proposed)
  • How limiting clips (magz) to 10 rounds (proposed)
  • Take your pick in global warming laws and treaty's.

We need to get back to the basics where the citizens have the rights, abilities and opportunities afforded by the United States Constitution.
gee, i don't care who wants to get married.

i'll respond to that stuff later.

but in the meantime, got anything other than incendiary social issues?

right now you mostly got stuff about fags, mexicans, and guns. well, maybe that's the kind of stuff that you're into, but how about something else?
I think those are a good start and a big part of the problem.
  • The global warming bullshit offers you plenty to address. EPA, DOE, ETC.
  • How the pumps, them little minnows stopping the water.
  • schools....there is plenty there too. NEA
  • Unions related issues. (fuck those jokers)
Let me know when I get to the little corner you find acceptable to be concerned about.

Its really not that tuff.
I'm gonna side with Minx on this one. (just fer fun)
How 'bout only concerning yourself with something that
directly affects you 'personally'

hmm that tends to narrow the list a bit don't it?
box car?

"good grief."

- bill o'reilly's response to sheila jackson lee's recent ridiculous comments on health care.

i told you i would answer those things later. awww, baby want pacifier now!!!

come on, dude. i'd ask if you were ADD but i think ADD is nonsense.

1. i do not agree with publicly funded benefits for illegals
2. i do not agree with gun control laws in general, however i would agree that there should be a background check to purchase a firearm from a dealer, but... that any system to do so should be by law 'anonymized' and the local record at the shop should be destroyed after 30 days or so.
3. i do not agree with carbon exchanges or any of that shit, however, we cannot be without any regulation/enforcement for dumping known toxins improperly.
4. i'm not a fan of unions, however, people do have a right to talk to one another and take action they feel appropriate and to designate representatives to negotiate or act on their behalf - in matters of labor or anything else.
5. i fucking HATE minnows. especially ones that mouth off on the internet.
6. i think most public school teachers are complacent losers, but we do need high-quality public education as a strategic economic priority; without it we would slide into the kind of third-world backwardness that winky is always prophesyin' about. can you home school your kids in integral calculus? i could not. now if people came together as a real community and got bona fide experts to teach various subjects, that would be another story. i just don't see that happening. you want me to teach your kids about comparative world cultures? i thought not...

anything else?

let's see.

eminent domain is for assholes.
public transportation needs to be self-funding.
subsidies are for dicks; if it can't survive on it's own, it should die. like chrysler shoulda many years ago. UNLESS there is a near-term economic threat to others that are in no fault responsible for any crisis... in which case the government needs to be repaid in full.
social security is crap.
no to obamacare, yes to insurance across state lines.
abortions for some, little american flags for others.